
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · Tranh châm biếm
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99 Chs

Chapter 48: Head!

Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon. On 20 patron I will mass realise of 10 chapters here and on patr-eon.




"I Am God."

His pupils dilated, but I prevented him from responding by grabbing his head firmly with both hands and shaking it. Having made up my mind to carry out something I've been mulling over recently, I started using Knowledge Absorption on one hand while simultaneously draining life force with the other. What are the results?

[A unique action has resulted in the development of a new ability.] You have invented an entirely new skill by combining two others that you already possessed. What do you think would be a good name for it?]

I was thinking of a great moniker for the ability.

[Human Path, currently Active, Level 1 [0%] The Game was able to create a skill that allows him to extract information directly from the mind of his victim by employing a combination of two skills: Life Drain and Knowledge Absorption. This was accomplished through an ingenious use of both skills simultaneously.

The user of the skill has the ability to sift through the thoughts of another entity and pull out the specific information that is desired.

When the user is finished, they have the option of either absorbing the soul of another person, removing it from their body, and allowing it to take part in the Cycle of Reincarnation, or keeping the soul within their own body.

At a cost of 500 MP.]

Once I entered Dohnaseek's head, he immediately started to scream. Because of my excellent mental stats, I was able to scan through hundreds of years' worth of material in less than a minute, collecting only the information that related to how to utilise Light Magic and everything he knew about the Grigori and their ongoing and upcoming operations.

It wasn't a much, especially considering that Dohnaseek wasn't a very high-ranking member, but it was sufficient to be of great assistance.

In addition to this, I gained an attraction for light as well as the ability to manipulate it. Which were going to be of great assistance the instant I started fighting against devils and other monsters of the dark.

[Manipulation of Light, Passive and Active, Level 1 [0%] In the same way that there cannot be light without darkness, there also cannot be darkness without light. Despite this, you are able to flourish in light because it dispels shadows and banishes darkness.

You have the ability to take control of and make use of the light that is present everywhere. Through the use of this ability, you will be able to materialise and manipulate light energy as if it were a tangible construct of the world.

The cost of the set is 125 MP. A greater amount of MP can be put towards making a technique more powerful. Light has the ability to combine with other elemental skills to make them stronger.

Enhances your Light Affinity by 15 points.

Improves the effectiveness of Light Techniques in both dealing damage and defending against it by 100%.

Reduces the cost of Light Techniques by fifty percent.

Known Techniques:

Luminous Spear

Light Sword

a shield of light

A Barrier to Light

Lightweight Pellet

A Little Firefight

Bomb of Light]

As I had successfully accomplished everything that I had set out to do, I removed my hands from Dohnaseek's head.

He had a vacant look on his face and was staring blankly up at the ceiling, but he was still alive because he had ten percent of his original health points left.

I made the decision not to make his suffering any longer than it already was, and I pressed my fingers into his forehead. Dohnaseek's head was struck by a lightning beam that was at most as thick as my wrist.

The beam was preceded by a crackling of lightning that emanated from my fingertips, and the air was filled with the aroma of burnt ozone. During this time, a bird chirped.

I muttered "Pale Lightning" as I pulled my smoking fingers away from his brain as he was falling forward and hitting the floor with a thud. I had a sick fascination with what I could see of his brain after it had been cauterised.

His health bar immediately went down to zero after that. Dohnaseek's body and the pool of blood that had been accumulating began to glow in the same way that his light magic did before he dispersed into particles of light one second after the event took place.

[Your level has increased by one level!

Your level has increased by one level!

Your level has increased by one level!

Your level has increased by one level!

Your level has increased by one level!]

Even though I didn't yet have enough points to bring my WIS up to one hundred, the power boost, the levels I gained, the information I gained, and the skills I gained were enough to ease the annoyance I was feeling. I let out a sigh as the increase in power took effect.

I could finally relax and let go of my "Killing Machine" persona, which was going to be my go-to fighting persona from now on because it was so effective at intimidating my opponents. I grinned with glee. And it made me appear like a badass.

As the combat song drew to a finish in a drawn-out fashion, I closed all of the notification windows and removed my Cloak from my inventory. I took stock of the many benefits accruing to me as a result of my victory over Dohnaseek.

One hundred thousand dollars and a silver chain collar with a silver cross, both of which I equipped and made sure to have on under my T-shirt so that it would increase my affinity for light magic by ten before merrily proclaiming, "ID Escape."

The post-apocalyptic world of Zombie ID crumbled all around me, and the first thing I noticed was Rias and Sona standing in the middle of the street, looking worried. In between them stood a very pretty girl with blue hair and an athletic figure named Tsubasa Yura, who belonged to Sona's peerage. She had a nervous look on her face.

They were the first to notice my approach, and their eyes widened when, as far as I can tell, they realised that I had emerged from the battle unscathed and in a stronger position than before.

Unsurprisingly, I was unable to determine Rias and Sona's current level.

At level six, Tsubasa was just somewhat more powerful than Dohnaseek. In contrast to him, she had an insatiable need for me, was concerned about me, and wanted nothing more than for me to have my way with her. Dear one, please have patience; the right time will arrive for you.

They got my eyebrows raised in response. "Mm, well, I guess we can take this as conclusive evidence that you have, in fact, been keeping an eye on me. What's going on?"

They moved quickly towards me as they searched for any signs of injury, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes when they discovered that I had none. When Sona looked at me, she had a serious expression on her gorgeous face that mirrored the manner in which she was speaking to me.

"Tsubasa shared with us what transpired, or at least what she witnessed taking place. You were surprised by an attack from a fallen angel, but you were able to ward off the danger with a magical barrier. After that, she related to us that you suddenly moved at a speed that was beyond her ability to track, seized the lost Angel, and then vanished. You have now reemerged in the same location from which you vanished, but this time you are free of the fallen angel, unharmed, and marginally more powerful than you were before. What came to pass?" She maintained a pleasant demeanour while speaking in a monotone, but the request was understandable to everyone.


Next 3 Chapters will be:

Chapter 49: S-stop doing that!

Chapter 50: Naughty Mom!

Chapter 51: mommy: Issei same!

As always if you Want to read ahead visit my part(e)on.
