
Chapter 49: S-stop doing that!

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I merely shrugged my shoulders. "Ddraig is responsible for teaching me how to use Boosted Gear, and one of the powers he taught me is how to create a parallel dimension that is full of monsters. In order to minimise the amount of collateral damage, I brought in Fallen Angel Dohnaseek of the Grigori Organization. We engaged in combat, and he proved to be an unimpressive opponent. I killed him after absorbing some of his power into myself to make it my own and learning everything he knew about his organisation, which I'm going to share with you tomorrow because a squad of Fallen Angels is planning to use Kuoh for something... unpleasant." Of course, I was referring to the current predicament in Asia.

This provided me with an alibi to tell them what I know, and they did not query how I had obtained such knowledge.

They stood there silently staring at me for a few seconds before Rias laughed and shook her head in a heartfelt expression of irritation. "Ise, you alone. In any event, you have demonstrated that you are more than capable of looking after yourself if you were able to deal with a Fallen Angel in such an effective manner, even if he was not as powerful as you claimed." She approached me sensually as her smile turned seductive.

She encircled me with her arms and gave me a slow kiss on the cheek before whispering something into my ear. She said to me in a seductive tone, "I will do everything in my ability to convince you of joining my peerage," before pulling back and winking at me.

She gave a wave, and a magical teleportation circle materialised underneath her, after which she vanished in a flash of red light.

After shaking her head and giving me an appraising glance that did not quite conceal her own passionate intentions, Sona followed suit, taking Tsubasa with her. They vanished in a bluish light.

I shook my head and glanced at the time displayed on my head-up display (HUD). "I hope mom made that pizza she promised this morning," I said.


"HA!" After finishing my Hand-to-Hand Combat kata with a powerful round house reverse kick, I gasped for air for a few seconds as Gamer's Body did its job, mending my aching muscles and restoring my full vigour.

After that, I let the stone forearm bracers, vest, and boots crumble into dust particles, which I then reintroduced into the dirt in my backyard.

After that was finished, a number of notification windows emerged, letting me know the outcome of my eight-hour-long non-stop training session.

[Achieving level 50 on STR has earned you the skill 'Heroic Strength'!

By reaching level 50 in VIT, you now have access to the skill 'Iron Body'!

Upon earning level 50 on DEX, you now have access to the Amazing Grace talent!

Heroic Strength Passive. Lvl MAX A talent bestowed upon those who have been blessed with a great deal of power.

The user enjoys tremendous physical power and can carelessly push themselves beyond the boundaries that are often imposed on men.

Damage from physical attacks has been increased by 50%. 50% more STR-related skill effects.

Iron Body Passive. Lvl MAX A talent bestowed onto the extremely select group of individuals who are born with unmatched energy.

The user possesses a body that has a high resilience to damage and an endless capacity for endurance. Stamina Recovery Rate Increased by 50%.

Damage from physical assaults is reduced by 20%. 10% more HP was added to the total. The overall amount of stamina has been increased by 10%. Increase of 30% in the impact of skills connected to VIT.

Amazing Grace Lvl MAX a talent bestowed upon individuals who have achieved a high level of physical mastery. The user exhibits elegance in whatever they do and has sophisticated control and coordination.

Speed of Movement Has Increased by 50%. Attack Speed Has Increased By 30%. Evasion Increased by 10%. DEX-related skill effects have increased by 30%.]

~At least this time, after obtaining a power up, you did not experience a difficult situation.~

I paid little attention to Ddraig's observation as I luxuriated in the sensation of becoming acutely aware of my body and the qualities it possessed.

When I looked in the mirror, I noticed that the size and definition of my muscles had significantly increased.

Thankfully, however, I still had that streamlined build that was the ideal combination of speed and power.

I didn't want to all of a sudden start looking like a body builder. I couldn't even begin to fathom what ladies felt about that if it made me feel that way.

I turned off the notifications while my mind wandered to the question of why I had received just one skill upon hitting the milestone of 50 on STR, DEX, and VIT but had received three at reaching the same milestone on INT and WIS.

After thinking about it for a short while, I eventually shrugged and came to the conclusion that it was because those were physical stats, and the game mechanisms were built to work in that way.

Laziness is another possibility. It doesn't really matter to me because the talents in question were passive and provided me with a significant number of benefits.

I was aware that it was time for breakfast, so I quietly made my way into the house and into the kitchen, where I was met with a scene that made me lose all patience with Hana.

~Now THAT is a justification for getting a hard on. Good luck, partner.~

Once more, I paid no attention to Ddraig in favour of concentrating on Ise's mother. She was only wearing her pyjamas; she had nothing else on.

It consisted of a pair of cotton shorts that did absolutely nothing to cover her ass, its shape, or the shape of her pussy lips, and to cover her upper body, she opted for a tight sleeveless shirt that displayed her fit figure and the fact that she was not wearing any bra, as her nipple were clearly straining against the fabric.

That's all. I'm going to have some fun with her. NOW.

I crept up on her stealthily and became little confused as she moved her hips to what appeared to be music in her head while she washed some dishes.

I chuckled when I saw that there was nothing to eat on the table. I have a plan for how I am going to approach this situation.

As soon as I was directly behind her, I took another step forward and purposefully pressed my crotch, which was accompanied by my stiff cock straining against my shorts, into her ass. I did this until I was completely behind her.

She became rigid and turned her lovely and mature face towards me with a reddened, shocked expression. "Sochi!"

When I reached up towards the cupboards above, I chuckled at her and pressed my dick further into her enormous and plump arse. "What's up, Mom? Do you know which of these contains the cereal?" I inquired, acting as though I had no idea what I was doing.

She became visibly conflicted as forbidden lust began to light in her eyes and her face became redder as she became aware of my muscles. When she opted to fight a losing battle, I found it amusing. "S-stop doing that," she practically whined as she tried to scowl, but the effect was spoiled by her voice and the way she bit her lower lip.


Next 3 Chapters will be:

Chapter 50: Naughty Mom!

Chapter 51: mommy: Issei same!

Chapter 52: Yuuma!

As always if you Want to read ahead visit my part(e)on.


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