
DXD: Rical Phenex ( Gamer Gacha ) SFW

Safe For Work version of my dxd SI fanfic Reborn in DxD as Rical Phenex the fourth son of Lord and Lady Phenex with a quest and gacha system. Will contain multiverse traveling and summoning of peerage members from other worlds. Patreon.com/purecrow *I DO NOT OWN HIGH SCHOOL DXD OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS WITHIN THE SERIES EXCEPT FOR MY MC AND POTENTIAL FUTURE OC'S, ALSO NONE OF THE ARTWORK SHOWN OR USED IS MINE.* *WARNING: implied sexual situations

PureCrow · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

012 Meeting new devils

012 Meeting new devils

The event we are throwing today is my introduction party; typically, this event happens as soon as a young devil reaches high-class and receives their Evil Pieces; usually around age twelve. Unfortunately, Rical never had his introduction party with the old Rical kept away from the public eye. As for Ricals Evil Pieces, he never received them due to being too weak. High-class devils wait till their children's demonic power reaches High-class to get their Evil Pieces. When reincarnating another being onto a devil, the more powerful you are, the fewer pieces you must use to reincarnate that powerful being.

I still haven't received my evil pieces, even though I have recruited a few people already and reached High-class a few months back. Because of a theory that I have. The theory is that when bonding to Evil Pieces, your strength matters a lot; during the bonding process, the stronger your demonic power, the higher your chance of mutating your Evil Pieces. Currently, I am at the very peak of High-class and have to take that final step to reach Ultimate-class.

As the doors open, the chatter of my guests reaches my ear over the soft hum of the music. In true Phenex fashion, we went overboard with this event. This was supposed to be a small intimate gathering with the young devils; instead, there is everything from a live band to ice sculptures. It is typical of the Phenex family to go overboard with any event they throw. My family is always looking to show off our wealth, To make sure that everyone in the underworld knows we are the wealthiest family in the underworld.

These parties are used for the younger devils to meet and greet other devils their age and make friends with the next generation to run the underworld. Even with the devil race being long-lived, we typically resign from the lord positions of our family once our heirs have had children, securing the future of the clan. Once a Lord of a house resigns, he will become an Elder of the house.

Upon entering the hall, Riser led me to the closest person to the door, a young blond teen that just screamed, nice guy.

"Hi, I'm Diodora from the House of Astaroth." Ahh, the nun-collecter. I am curious to know if he has joined the Khaos Brigade yet.

"Rical Phenex, fourth son of house Phenex." I introduce myself.

"You are a Phenex? I was not aware that the Phenex clan had four sons."

"Riser's younger brother Rical had a few health problems. So Rical was kept from the public eye for his safety." Riser says, not going into much detail, which is good. I do not want all my personal information out there.

"Ahh, I see. I hope that it is all clear now." Diodora asks fishing for more information.

"I'm as healthy as can be." I answer back before Riser puts his foot in his mouth.

The conversation continued like this for a few minutes, both sides giving fake smiles and pretending as though we liked each other. Then, finally, I decided I had enough of Diodora.

"It was nice to meet you, heir Astaroth, but I have a lot of people to meet tonight. If we have a chance, we can speak later in the evening."

"Riser has always been creeped out by that guy" Riser says as he leads me to the next group of people. He just said that out loud. I look back to see if Diodora heard him and what I see is with his stupid smile on his face, and judging by Diodora's twitching eye, Diodora heard Riser. Well, it doesn't matter as he will die in the Youth Devil Rating Game Tournament happening a year from now. I believe Sheelba Beelzabub kills him.

Riser leads me through the party and introduces me to different families. I also recognized a few of the Devils from the original novels, like Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas, who will fight with Seekvaira Agares after he made fun of her for being a virgin. I still laugh when I think of Sairaorg Bael punching him into a wall after he told him to stop and Zephyrdor calling him "the incompetent son of the Bael."

I noticed that only two groups of people left, Sairaorg Bael with his Queen Kuisha Abaddon, a member of the House of Abaddon, one of the families from the Extra Devils, and the group of heresies consisting of Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, and Seekvaira Agares. As we continued through the party, I saw that Riser would go past Sairaorg Bael and continue to Rias and her group.

"Why are you not introducing me to Sairaorg."

"He is just a waste. He did not inherit his family's abilities. He was even removed from the Heir position for the Bael family and replaced with his younger half-brother Magdaran Bael." I guess Sairaorg hasn't yet defeated Magdaran Bael to take back his heir position. That will most likely happen very soon as he was the heir again by the start of Canon.

This is the best opportunity to become friends with Sairaorg. With Sairoarg not being the heir, he will most likely be less on guard against people trying the get in his good graces.

"If you don't want to introduce me, then I'll go introduce myself." I say, as head in Sairaorg's direction, Riser decided to follow me to Sairaorg.

As I got near to Sairaorg, I immediately could tell that he was on the same level as me in terms of Physique, if not a little stronger. And with Touki activated, he could probably take his Physique to the mid-Ultimate-class. If I did not have my healing power, he would destroy me in a straight-up fight, and even with the healing abilities of my bloodline, I could only hope to outlast him. I must genuinely have bad luck as I haven't received any ability that would change that outcome other than Shadow Creation. The Shadow Creation ability is something I haven't shown to anyone yet, as I plan to use them to do all my dirty work.

Being weaker than Sairaorg is not that big of a problem for now, as I still have a year to surpass him. I expect to be at least at mid-ultimate class by then, if not the peak-ultimate class. I would like to have a friendly spar to see how I compare.

"Hello, I am Rical Phenex." I stick out my hand for a handshake.

-Sairaorg POV-

I did not want to come to this party; I would rather spend my time training for my up-and-coming match with my brother. But my Queen Kuisha Abaddon reminded me that if I want to become a Satan one day, I will need the support of the next generation. I still think it is a waste to come to these events without being the heir of House Bael.

Once I defeat my brother and get my heir title back, these devils will fall over themselves to get in my good graces. Fighting my brother is not only about becoming heir Bael again; no, it's about claiming the title of the strongest youth devil that my brother currently has. Devils respect strength above all else. Defeating my brother will be the start of my rise.

As I continue to think about my future goals and how I will accomplish them, I feel a strong life force nearing the room, someone at the very peak of high-class, almost at ultimate-class. Deciding to take a look, I see two people enter through the door, one of them Riser, who I met when I was still the heir; ever since I lost the heirship, he has not said a word to me. Next to Riser is the devil I felt the strong life force from, and he looks to be around my age. I continue to watch this devil as Riser introduces him to all the youth devils at the party. Then, I watch Riser attempt to lead this new devil right by us.

The new devil surprises me when he comes right up to me and introduces himself.

"Hello, I am Rical Phenex." The young man says as he puts out his hand for a shake which I reciprocate.

"I'm Sairaorg Bael. Nice to meet you."I did not know the Phenex house had another son. Is he like me? Does he not have the Phenex family trait? Did the Phenex family hide him out of shame?

"You look surprised that I came and greeted."

"Most devils pass by me. Why haven't I heard of you before."

"I'm not too bothered by your family situation, and for your question, I was very sick until recently." Rical says while Riser decides not to comment.

"As for a reason for me approaching you. Well, that's fairly simple you are much stronger than the rest of my guests".

I am surprised that he could feel how strong I am. I am using Touki to hide it. Does he also have Touki, or does he have another way of sensing my strength?

"You pretty strong yourself. Maybe we can spar sometime, see who is stronger." Not even speaking to the guy for a minute and already challenging him to a spar. I really am a battle maniac. Hopefully, he knows how to use all that power. With a spar, I'll learn every I need to know about Rical.

"Sounds like fun. I'll have someone contact you, and we can set up a time and date."

"Great, the sooner, the better."

-Rical POV-

"Great, the sooner, the better." Well, I guess I got that spar I wanted from Sairaorg. Far easier than expected. After agreeing to a spar, we continued with a bit of small talk.

"Well, Sairaorg, it was nice meeting you. But it's best if I finish greeting all my guests."

"That's alright. I understand you have your obligations."

As I walk away, I realize that Sairaorg and I completely forgot about Riser and Kuisha, who just remained quiet the whole time Sairaorg and I spoke.

"Now it's just Rias and her group." Riser says. The plan for Rias tonight is for Riser to act like himself and for me to be the good guy. Riser being Riser will paint me in a better light when we are compared.

As we walk closer to the three ladies, I decide to take a good look at them as it is the first time we will be meeting.

Rias is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body, white skin, blue eyes, and striking Crimson hair running till her thighs. Even from here, I can see the disgust well in her eyes as she sees Riser approach. I have never seen anyone hate anything like Rias hates Riser.

Sona is a glasses-wearing young woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and fantastic violet eyes. The stern expression that she currently has on her face is just adorable, and I can't wait for her to be on her knees calling me master.

And finally, we have Seekvaira. A beautiful young woman in her late teens with long, pale greenish blonde hair, pink eyes, and glasses. The cold look on her face makes her seem like an Ice Queen. I have always wanted to make an Ice Queen beg me for more.

As we get closer, I stop daydreaming and put on the friendliest smile I can and great the three of them.

"Hello Ladies, It's nice to meet you finally. I am Rical Phenex" I say as I kiss each of the hands in greeting.


This story is AU, so go with it if anything different from Canon.

The more power stones I receive, the more I'll be motivated to write.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment on it and let me know.