
Chapter 70 Blood Frenzy


I was once again interrupted but this time not by an annoying saint but a deep, hungry, beastial growl.

'That's odd, I don't remember adopting a dog.' I thought and then turned around. On the stairs, was Alice standing in her full vampire form bearing her fangs at us with glowing red eyes and long claws.

"What the fuck?" Kirt said and I could see lightning spark in his hand. I looked at him and frowned.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"She's obviously growling at us and I'm not going to let her kill me." He said and looked at me.


Before I could reply, Alice pounced on Kirt and he fired a bolt of lightning at her but she blocked it with her wings and just as she was going to plunge her claws into him Synthia punched her in the stomach sending her clashing into the television set.

"Colin when was the last time she fed?" Synthia unexpectedly asked

"Yesterday." Even thou I was surprised, I answered quickly.

"You didn't feed her after she was injured?" She frowned

"No she was unconcious the entire time." I said and saw Alice get up back onto her feet and snarled at us.

"She's in a blood frenzy, she needs to drink blood quick or she might die." Synthia said remembered the description of the vampire race.

"She needs blood then, there are blood bags in the fridge." I said but there was a small problem. The fridge was currently behind the feral vampire staring at us hungrily. I ran at her and she hungrily pounced at me and I grabbed her by her hands and threw her to the side. Then I activated [Stealth] and slowly I dissolved into the background undetectable by anyone. When Alice got up she looked around searching for me while I had already reached the the fridge and opened it. At the sound of the fridge door opening, Alice turned her head and saw blood bags floating in the air.

I then threw one of them at her and she swung her claws and the blood splashed all over the place. Then she looked at the blood on the ground and looked back at me and snarled.

'Even when starving she's still a picky eater.' I thought as my invisible eyelids twitched. I then sighed as I deactivated [Stealth] and cut my wrist causing my blood to flow. I then held out my wrist and she pounced on me, knocking both of us to the ground, and dug her fangs into my already injured wrist. I could feel large volumes of blood leaving my body as more blood filled my body replacing the one that was lost. In other words, having your blood sucked by a blood crazed vampire was incredibly uncomfortable. After drinking for a while she started to slow down and drink my blood slower as I slowly caressed her head. She soon transformed back into her human form and lifted her head, her eyes still glowing crimson and then she leaned her head forward.....and pounced on my neck. I knew she had regained control of herself but i let the little glutton continue drinking either way while also caressing her head.

After drinking for a while, a couple minutes, she stopped, licked her lips and got up off my lap.

"You ok now?" I asked

"Yep." She said cheerfully and I sighed in relief.

"So what happened? Why are they looking at me like that? And since when can they do that?" Alice asked pointing towards the others. I could see Synthia standing and watching calmly but the other four were anything but calm. I could see Kirts hand holding sparks of lightning, Claire's sword was blazing with fire, Roxy had an ice arrow knocked in her bow and Tim was pointing his index finger at her like a gun.

"You guys can put those away now." I said but they didn't move and I frowned.

"Are you sure she's not going to try and eat us?" Kirt asked and Alice blinked her eyes. Did she seriously not remember what happened a few minutes ago?

"Yes I'm sure, now put your weapons down." I said and the other three dismissed there powers but Kirt still had lightning crackling in his hand.

"What?" I practically growled at Kirt.

"I don't tru....." Kirt said but Synthia cut him off.

"It's ok Kirt, she's all right now, the blood frenzy has passed."