
Dreaming in MHA

Hi fellas !!!! Welcome to my world !!!!! This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm pretty excited !! I have a lot of ideas to make this story interesting so I hope you will like it !! Anyway, I don't like wasting a lot of time on formalities so let me present you my take on My Hero Academia in which our MC has the power to literally make dreams a reality !! Disclaimer : . There will be a lot of crossovers with other animes, games and fictions in general, but in a specific way. If you are not into it, I don't recommand you the story. . The picture isn't mine. . None of the characters in this story are mine except my own original characters.

Black_Nemesis · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Endless Dream

Today was a special day for the orphanage and it was an even more special day for one person in particular. Life in the orphanage was usually quite calm, the caregivers would tend to the kids' needs and arrange meetings with adults who wanted to adopt children, but today was a bit different, all the caregivers and kids were gathered in the backyard. Drinks and food were plenty, the kids were playing together while the adults discussed among themselves while keeping an eye on the kids to avoid any problem that might arise. What was so special about today? Well, today was Dante's fourth birthday!

'Finally!! I'm finally 4 years old!! Oh my pretty little quirk, be strong, daddy is here hehehehe!!'

No need to describe how excited the boy was, it may not be his first birthday, but it sure was the first time he anticipated it so much, past life included.

'Aaaargh I can't wait! W-Wait a minute! How is it even supposed to happen?! Will it be painful? Do I need to do something? W-What if it's not the quirk I designed?! What if the geezer pulled a fast on me?! I-I...'

It was probably the first time for Dante to be this affected by something, even his first deal with the head of a country in his past life didn't affect him that much. He was feeling a mix of anticipation, happiness, and excitement, but there sure was also a lot of fear, the fear of something going wrong, the fear of something unexpected happening. Oblivious to his dilemma, the kids around him found it quite funny that the ever so calm Dante could be this stressed since he was usually never phased by anything, they found it to be a nice change of scenery.

Fortunately for our little main character, not everybody was oblivious to his distress, help came from one of the few good friends that he had, someone he was quite surprised to see since from the moment he made her acquaintance she had always been fleeing from the sun as if staying outside for too long would melt her.

"Don't... worry... Dante... kun"

Although she wasn't that much of a talkative person and wasn't the type to show affection, Kioko was a girl that valued friendship. Since her gloomy aura always kept the other kids away, she naturally really valued the few friends she had. Contrary to what people may think, Kioko wasn't bothered by the fact that the other kids preferred to stay away from her, she found it convenient. This distance between her and the others allowed her to value the few friends she had even more because these people accepted her as she was. It may not seem like her, but Kioko was someone who would defend her friend's tooth and nails... well, actually toys and teddy bears might be more appropriate for kids this age.

"Un, I'm not worried Kioko-chan, just excited! I have been waiting for this for so long you know!"

Soon, Dante and Kioko were joined by Hayato and Ren. Now that the little gang was gathered, they sat down under the shade of a big tree and started to talk excitedly about their future quirks... Well, technically it was more like the three boys screaming like savages while the girl listened on the side half asleep.

"Ne ne, what do you want your quirk to be like?! Me, I want to be just like All Might, super strong and super fast! Like that all the villains will be scared of me and they won't do bad things anymore!"

"Oooh, that's so cool Ren! I want to be a hero too! I want my quirk to be fast and strong too! Like that, I can protect my friends and we can all be together forever hehe!"

Ren and Hayato's words managed to make Dante and even Kioko on the side, smile. Unlike them, Dante already knew what his quirk would be so there wasn't much suspense on that side for him, what excited him was the things he would be able to do with his quirk. Although he wasn't concerned by the same thing as them, Dante was nonetheless happy to see his friends like this.

'No matter the world you come from, superpowers are the romance of all men who have dreams!'

In this world, becoming a hero was the dream of the grand majority of children, while most of them would change opinions while growing up, being a hero was still one of the most sought-after professions.

'In this world, there are heroes only interested in fame, others in money, and some others truly want to save lives. Unlike them, I just want to live an epic life full of adventure, and battle powerful foes... I want to be free...'

Dante never spoke about it before, but he felt a lot of respect and admiration for heroes. Some may say that those only interested in money and fame were fakes, but to him, these people still deserved his admiration because, at the end of it all, heroes were people who chose to put themselves in danger to save those who couldn't save themselves. Maybe he thought that way because he too was trying to become a hero for his desires, but still, Dante firmly believed that at least in this case, the results were more important than the reason.

'Hehe, I don't know why but something tells me that I and Stain won't see eye to eye. Bah! Who cares! His ideals might seem grand and noble, but to me, it's complete bullshit! A hero should not expect anything in return. The others are fake? Don't make me laugh, at least these fakes are saving lives while you do nothing!'

Dante didn't feel any shame regarding his motives, he was tired of caring about the opinions of others!

Seeing the star of the day and his friends discuss their future with so much passion, a caregiver sitting not far couldn't help but find them cute.

"Hahaha, alright calm down kids, just because it's Dante's birthday doesn't mean that he will awaken his quirk today. Don't you remember what I told you?"

""Only good and obedient children will awaken their quirk!""

"That's right! So keep listening to your seniors and you all will have wonderful quirks!"


Seeing the caregiver manipulate Hayato and Ren so easily, Dante couldn't help but chuckle, attracting the attention of the adult.

"By the way Dante-kun, now that you are 4 years old, awakening your quirk is only a question of time, so tell us, what kind of hero do you want to be?"

Dante was caught by surprise.

Why did he want to become a hero? To have fun.

What kind of hero did he want to be? Mm.

The truth was he never had a noble goal like saving the weak nor did he wish to make the earth a better place. Even though he would always be happy to save lives, he had always thought that weakness was a choice, so saving the weak was something quite shallow to him. To be honest, Dante was selfish, he wanted to have fun and he would act in the way that would give him the most fun. That didn't mean that he was a heartless asshole though, not at all, he was just complex. At the end of it all, if there truly was one thing that he wanted, a reason that strongly impacted the way he designed his quirk, a kind of hero he wanted to be... then it would be the following one...

"I want to be a hero that transforms dreams into reality. A hero that makes the impossible a possibility."




Dante would forever remember these words. Why? Because they were the words that started it all.


The ground started shaking.


The earth around Dante started to crack.

"Wh-Wh-What is happening?!!"

"Waaaa!!! Sensei I'm scared!!"

"It's an earthquake! Quick, everyone gathers at the center of the garden!"

People panicked.


"Aaargh! It's too bright! Where does this light come from?!"

"It's Dante! He is shining!"



A gorgeous golden pillar of light with purple miniature stars in it erupted out with Dante as the core, it soon reached the clouds, alerting the entire Aichi prefecture.

"Wh-What the hell is happening?! Aaaargh!!"

Faced with this divine golden pillar of light, no living being was able to lift their head or even open their eyes in a range of 5 square kilometers.

No living being except the three little children that were right next to the source of this divine phenomenon.

At this very moment, Yamada Hayato, Musashi Kioko, and Tanaka Ren all had their eyes glued on the levitating figure wrapped in the majestic pillar of light. Their eyes couldn't stop looking at the individual they knew as Kuroda Dante.


After what seemed like an eternity for them but was in truth mere seconds, Dante finally opened his eyes.


They were shining with a bright golden light.

At that moment, they understood. They understood that their little friend who was always making weird faces was special. They would never forget this moment for the rest of their lives nor would they ever forget the name of the quirk that next resounded in the entire prefecture...

"There is no plan to make,

No failure to be feared.

This moment is enough,

This place is enough,

This imperfection is enough.

Welcome to the world...



That day marked the birth of the most overpowered quirk that would ever appear in the My Hero Academia world. That day marked the birth of a quirk capable of changing any dream into reality, a quirk that had no limits.

Soon, Kuroda Dante felt a burning desire within him, it was Endless Dream, it wanted to mark the world.

Kuroda Dante obliged.

Soon, the day Endless Dream came to the world also became the day it was used to perform its first miracle... It's the first DREAM.


Upon the activation of Endless Dream, Kuroda Dante started to shine brightly. The light was proportional to the feat he was trying to accomplish.

Next, the creator of the quirk that would in the future completely change the direction of the entire world, declared what would be known by only three chosen individuals as...

The First Dream.

"May this moment be erased from the memories of those I deem unworthy."


The world trembled as if it had received an order from a superior entity.


The Golden pillar of light shined even more as if it wanted to mock the sun...



But nothing happened.

Kuroda Dante knew the reason.

"Mm, not enough energy."

Realizing dreams cost energy, the energy that he didn't have.

Soon, the day of Endless Dream's birth, also the day of the First dream, would become the day of what would be known only by these four individuals as the day of the First Taboo.

A taboo, something forbidden. When Kuroda Dante created Endless Dream, he implemented in it a feature that he hoped he would never have to use. This feature, he called Forsaken Dream, was a feature that was a nightmare to every dreamer in existence, a feature that allowed him to forever destroy a person's dream in exchange for energy. Knowing the weight of his actions and what they would lead to, Kuroda Dante still encased in the golden pillar, turned his sight towards his only friends, and asked, his voice resounding for thousands of square kilometers.

"Would you sacrifice your dreams for me?"


Yamada Hayato, Musashi Kioko, Tanaka Ren. Weirdly enough, when they heard the words from their friend, they, who were the only ones able to keep their heads high and witness this moment that would mark history, instinctively understood their meaning.

Would you sacrifice your dreams for me?

Their answer came without hesitation.


That day, a bond was formed between these four individuals, a bond stronger than any other bond. That day, Kuroda Dante gained companions, not followers or servants, he gained companions, companions that would travel with him for the rest of his life.

"Thank you."

Then, Kuroda Dante activated for the first and last time in his life the Forsaken Dream.


The three children suddenly started to shine brightly, but only their friend was able to see it. Soon, they all felt something leave them... something important.

The feeling of loss was so intense that they could not stop themselves from crying...

But it was okay.

"I, Kuroda Dante, swear upon my name that I will give you three a new dream."


That day, a promise that would lead to epic adventures was made.


Now that he had energy, albeit limited, Kuroda Dante was finally able to perform his First Dream.

"I may not have enough energy to erase everybody's memories, but it should be enough to alter them."

As his words kept resounding in the entire prefecture, a bright golden orb of light gathered in his hands.


And then, it exploded, engulfing the entire prefecture in a bright golden light.


Don't know why but I'm quite proud of this chapter lol

By the way, if some of you were wondering why I was spending so much time on Dante's friends (Ren, Hayato and Kioko), I hope that now you understand why.

You see, I'm a firm believer that OPness (lol) should be shared and this three characters will be important characters for the story.

In the next chapter, the specificities of the quirk will be revealed (how it works basically), and how this quirk can also change de lives of people blablabla!

Anyway, I'm heading back to writing, take care fellas!

Black_Nemesiscreators' thoughts