
Dragonball: Odd Existence

What will a morally questionable individual do when faced with adversities? And what if those adversities include being transmigrated into the body of Monkey D. Luffy in the world of Dragonball? Enter the life of a criminal by the name of Carver, doing his best to adjust to his circumstances. Will he improve as a human being or succumb to his flaws? Good question. (A/N: I initially published this story but was unhappy with everything about it, my writing skills have barely improved because I do not practice. Worry not though I aim to make this story better than last time. This will be an AU; Alternate Universe. Cover art made by: emogummiee Find them on instagram! Disclaimer: I don't own dbz or one piece. Obviously, just fan work.

RadicalHuman02 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Change

The ground trembled as a beautiful landscape was turned into rubble. Mountains erased out of existence, a scream of pain and anger mixed into a wonderful melody of destruction.

"You do know that blasting mountains isn't going to fix what you've already lost, right?" There in the barren wasteland stood a namekian. Accompanying him was a bulky saiyan. If one looked closer they could see a long and thin line in the form of a scar over his eyes.

"The only damn reason I haven't killed you is because you captured Vegeta! Mark my words namekian, as soon as he is out of danger I will make you all pay." Nappa, the older saiyan huffed in anger. Clearly fuming but not able to properly direct his anger towards those who wronged him.

Piccolo simply sat there, in a meditating position. Not like he could focus when he has a saiyan throwing a tantrum over losing his eyesight. He can't really blame him though, if he too lost his eyesight to an enemy and then captured right after he would not be too pleased.

"You keep calling me that, what exactly is a namekian?" He was rather curious about the name, ever since he first heard it he felt a sense of familiarity with it. All his life he considered himself a demon, could he perhaps be more? His thoughts momentarily went to Gohan and he immediately shrugged it off.

Nappa groaned as he sat down, a bit out of breath after his display of power. He was still adjusting to the dark that seemed to follow him everywhere. It hurts his pride as a saiyan warrior to admit that.. he was slightly scared of going the rest of his life this way.

"It's what you are, a race of weak peaceful nobodies. But I'll admit that's as far as my knowledge goes" He traced the scar with his thumb as he spoke, brows furrowing towards the end. If he could somehow get in contact with lord Frieza then maybe they can be rescued.

The thought of the dragonballs had him quickly dismiss the notion. He originally wanted to wish back Raditz. Vegeta wants immortality, he wondered if he could convince him to wish back his sight.

"..Hm" Piccolo didn't really take much offense, not when he was just told there is a whole race of him. He couldn't quite grasp what he was feeling, hope? Maybe anxiety? Or was it anger? Of being alone, suffering all this time with the misconception he was a demon.

'..The short guy, what was his name?" The question surprised him slightly, but I mean who wouldn't want to know the name of the person who blinded them. He mentally shrugged as he recalled the name.

"Krillin, I think was his name"

"I'll..I'll remember that" Nappa clearly hated that guy, but he also held some respect for him as a warrior. That technique he used, it might have even worked on Vegeta. Now that he really thought about it, it was the sharpness of the move that did him in.

A move such as that could by no means destroy a large amount of ground but it had been sharpened so much that it could cut through virtually anything.

Could he do that? The answer was clear, at the moment he could not. He did not have such fine control over his ki as these earthlings did. He started to question whether they really were trash. If so, what did that make him?

"If you're done sulking, there's a way for you to at least not look in the wrong direction when talking to me." The saiyan perked up as Piccolo got up, dusting himself off.

"How much do you know about sensing ki?"

The namekian showed a hint of sympathy, perhaps out of gratitude for learning that he wasn't the only one of his kind out there. Regardless, Carver and Vegeta weren't standing around doing nothing.

"You.. Didn't.. Have.. To.. Do.. That…" I was currently on my stomach doing the worlds most painful push up. After Bulma told us how to turn on the machine Vegeta had taken it in stride.

Which is why I was currently fighting for my life in 10x gravity. I had crumbled like a piece of paper when it hit me, I was too distracted by how different the gravity room looked compared to the anime.

"Hmph, this is simply the gravity planet vegeta was at before its destruction" I barely managed to get myself in a plank position before Vegeta pressed his foot down on my back.

I nearly crumbled again, but pushed back against the increased pressure. I could feel the sweat pouring out of my body at concerning rates.

"What.. the fuck is your problem!" That was a desperate yell, I could tell I was reaching a limit at a fast pace. Vegeta simply glared at me with his arms crossed almost like he was trying to solve a puzzle.

"How much did Raditz tell you morons about planet vegeta?" He seemed completely serious, I was trying to figure out what his game here was before I felt the pressure increasing nearly pushing me back onto the ground.

"I wasn't around when that happened! I am from a different universe altogether man!"

"You.. you mean to tell me that when I saw you, that was your first day here?" He almost couldn't believe me but I nodded away like my life depended on it. Because it definitely seemed to.

He merely scoffed as the pressure lessened slightly but I could tell I wasn't out of the hot water yet.

"That would explain your strange constitution, must be a different kind of earthling. Well then, guess I'll make it simple for you." The pressure that threatened to break me went away, even the weight of the gravity was slowly becoming slightly less horrible.

"Planet vegeta was destroyed by a galactic tyrant named Frieza, despite the lie going around that it was an asteroid. My plan was originally to gain immortality with the help of the dragonballs, it grans you any wish. Which is how Kakarot is alive." He nearly lost his cool at the mention of Goku but continued with his arms still crossed.

"Unfortunately that's out of the damn picture. But.. if you pledge yourself to me and help me reach planet namek I will grant you immortality as well. Then we could both take out Frieza without dying!" He smirked at me seemingly believing I'd agree without a thought. I was more shocked than anything, this was Vegeta? He.. was different. A piece of shit clearly, murderous in fact. But his pride was nowhere near as overblown as it was in the anime.

"What about your pride? Wouldn't that stop you from seeking assistance from an earthling?" I finally managed to stand up although with difficulty. My knees were still slightly bent but for some reason I'd almost adapted to the gravity, I'll have to learn why after this.

He laughed at me, shaking his head. "What good does pride do me against Frieza?" Red flag, absolutely a red flag. I mentally grasped at my haki. Summoning up observation haki, I could sense everything around me. If pushed further I could even look into the future which is something I vividly remembered Luffy coud do.

There was nothing really wrong with Vegeta, he wasn't some impostor I could at least tell that much. So why the change?

He took my silence as apprehension. "I will only ask once, make your choice now." The tension in the air was enough to throw me off a little. The coward in me nearly buckled. Thankfully that side of me hasn't controlled my actions in years. Maybe if it had, I wouldn't have died in the first place.

I don't understand what the deal with Vegeta is this time around, he's clearly still a piece of shit though.

"Can you destroy a universe?" Confusion, clear as day written all over his stupid face.

"I just told you I am from a different universe, what do you think happened to it? Think I hit the old galactic trail for a nice vacation?" His fists were now clenched, arms by his sides.

"You don't scare me." Half true, he doesn't need to know that though.

"But I wouldn't be opposed to working alongside you to defeat your adversary, from the sound of it he might be this entire planets problem someday" His fists unclenched, a surprise look on his face. I just told him I wasn't scared of him but was still willing to help him. He is definitely sketched out by me.

"I will however not pledge myself to you, let's call it a truce and see where it goes from there" I weakly offered my hand to him intending to shake on it like a real man would.

"What's your name?"

Caught me a little off guard, I wasn't sure if he knew my name or not. I always assumed he did.


His response? A smug little smirk, and the gravity went up to 20x in that moment.

While the devil fruit wielding human regretted his actions, there was a bit of a turmoil going on farther away.

"Goku I told you for the last time you need a damn job!!" Chichi has had enough of her husband. She loves him for sure. But he died, which absolutely broke her. Comes back to life, focuses on a fight. Drags their son into it! Then won't come back for another 3 days!

"Chichi.. I told you that I need to go train. You don't understand-"

"Oh I understand that you are a battle junkie! When was the last time we went on a date for the love of Kami?!" Goku winced at that, it had been some time since the last time he took her on a date. He will admit he hadn't been treating her as good as she deserved but he had a reason this time.

"Alright, I get it. But look right now? Vegeta is way stronger than me. Bulma scanned his power level and told me in secret. He had reached 23,000! I have Carver keeping an eye on him but even if we worked together I am not sure I could keep you all safe.."

"Ah of course, the two maniacs you left alive! Do you know what the big bald one did to Tien? And on top of that you're trusting a total stranger with keeping a damn eye on them? What if he decides to simply take their side?!"

Goku scratched the back of his head sheepishly. She was kind of right. While he didn't enjoy killing, he could push himself to do it if absolutely necessary. He mainly spared the two saiyans because they would make absolutely amazing training partners. He could push himself harder with their help!

And Carver. It wasn't hard to trust a man who put it all on the line to help his friends. Even if he didn't know all the details, one doesn't just choose to fight a losing battle unless they're him.

Of course, he wasn't going to tell his clearly upset wife about his thoughts on the saiyans.

"With the dragonballs Tien will be as good as new! And in my opinion everyone deserves second chances. Heck look at Tien himself, and even Piccolo!"

"Don't you even get me started on how that demon kidnapped our poor boy!" Goku sighed. He loved Chichi, but sometimes he felt like she only listened to what she wanted to hear.. wait. Perfect.

"How about this then, I will take Gohan for a little tour at Bulma's place. A place full of that thing called science will surely help him a lot in his studies! Meanwhile I will train to become as strong as Vegeta and afterwards I'll take you out on that date." Chichi almost said no until she heard him out fully. She rubbed her forehead in frustration, she really wanted her little Gohan to be a great scholar.

She didn't want him to turn out like Goku or.. herself as much as she hates to admit it.

"I don't know honey.. It seems detrimental for Gohan to hang around the capsule corp. Besides! You said that Vegeta fella is-" Goku knew he was losing ground as soon as she used a word he didn't fully understand. So when Vegeta was name dropped he kissed her. He held her closely to his chest, fully intent on expressing how serious he is via actions.

"I will protect him. I will protect you, I promise." He looked into her eyes as her face became a red mess, pushing him away shyly. She wanted to say no, with Vegeta being there it was too dangerous.

But its Goku. She was reminded of when she first met him, such a fearless hero. She truly did feel safe with him, its why she stopped practicing martial arts altogether. So would it really hurt to trust the man she professed her love to for once?

"..Fine, but you better keep him away from fighting. And you better get a job when this is all done." He hugged her gently, expressing his understanding over her comfort zone. She was really shy now, so he will treat her as needed. A small chuckle escaped his lips, for all the good in him. He didn't think he would find himself lying right to her face with what he was about to say.

"Yeah don't worry. I will make sure Gohan is far away from any fighting, and I'll look into getting a job with Bulmas help." Which thing did he lie about just now? He hadn't a clue. All he knew was that he didn't feel confident in his own words at all.

"Good, go tell Gohan to get ready for dinner. Let him know you're taking him to Bulmas tomorrow." She walked away to finish cooking and left Goku standing there with his thoughts.

If his universe was in danger like Carvers. Would he even be able to do anything? He felt his hands forming into fists.

He was far too weak, he planned on changing that starting tomorrow. So in the meantime he went to call his son for dinner, a growing boy needs as many calories as he can get. Or at least that's what Chichi says.

Son Goku wasn't the only one worrying about his own weakness though.

The sound of fighting could be heard at a small island.

"Yamcha buddy, you really need to perfect that style. Isn't it incomplete you said?" Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, and Chiaotzu were gathered at Roshi's island. Tien was off to the side practicing kicks at the guidance of Roshi. Chiaotzu was basically a glorified cheerleader.

"I'm trying man!" He went for a thrust of his palm which Krillin easily sidestepped. The shorter combatant responded with a punch aimed at his solar plexus. Yamcha just barely blocked it and in the next few moments they were trading blows.

Small waves formed as they took the spar over the ocean rather than on the island. Yamcha was surprised to find out that Krillin surpassed him in strength, speed, and skill. It wasn't by a large amount at all, barely slim. But it was obvious that such a gap can only widen unless he trained harder.

He quickly attacked with a right jab as a distraction but felt it connect with Krillins knee. Pain shot throughout his arm. He barely managed to evade a kick Krillin did with his other leg.

A jab, thinking about that pissed him off. A dude with a tremendous amount of power shows up out of nowhere and turns out to be an amateur boxer! Boxing, the most useless fighting style to use in aerial combat which had suddenly turned into a common thing.

An amateur fully surpassed him in raw power, the only thing that was impressive besides that was how he fought dirty. But that was more negative than positive, it's dishonorable!

It didn't help that things didn't work out with Bulma, sure he had flirted with plenty of girls but he wouldn't cheat on her! Like come on!

A blow knocked the wind out of him, it was his stomach. He tried to regain momentum and respond with his wolf fang fist but Krillin flew back suddenly. He weakened my defense and is studying me for more weaknesses to exploit! Damn it!

He closed his guard, adopting a stance more akin to the kame school. They had agreed on not using any ki based techniques which was a boon to him since Krillin could have followed backing up with a simple blast.

"Jealous of the new guy huh?"

How did he know?!

"How do I know? Because you're sloppy, and because I get it. It sucks but at this point I am used to it" Of course Krillin read him like an open book, he was a relatable down to earth dude.

"Well, I for one don't plan on getting used to it"

"Guess you better get started then"

Yamcha pushed himself to the limit, he refused to heed Krillin's warning. He won't lose again! He brought out wolf fang fist which his opponent had no choice but to block, he wasn't gonna stop there though.

A twist of his body and a nice downward kick hit Krillin sending him flying away. Not yet! Not enough!

He flew in intending on proving himself, a knee met Krillin's face. Pain was written on it as Yamcha barraged him with punches which he dodged and blocked.

He could faintly hear Puar cheering him on which brought a smirk out of him.

"Time to finish this!"

He rushed in, sending a messy mixture of the kame house style and wolf fang fist. A few hits land but Krillin retaliates in earnest. Both of them have something to prove.

Part of the ocean make way for their fight, almost as if not wanting to intrude on such powerful fighters.

Blow met blow, until eventually a decisive blow met its mark.

The arrogant wolf falls from the sky.

Honestly, I am quite dissatisfied with the chapter but it's mostly because I feel like I can do better. I'm about to start the next arc either next chapter or after it. Let me know what you think, leave suggestions if you want. I am trying to improve more, toss some power stones my way if you like! Also do not worry I plan on explaining some changes like Vegeta's personality being a bit different, well his thought process at least. AU after all. Stay safe readers!

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