a man confident in his abilities, wants to help, and dies. what can a regular man do with the Mangekyou in a world where gods run amok? guarantee his safety of course! the MC is not evil nor a hero he looks for himself this story is like my other one, I without a doubt think I will drop it, I just had this idea in my head and wanted to share it
'I– I think I got it' I thought with surprise
Getting control over my ki was one of the easiest things I've ever done, I guess it's because of the fact that there is foreign energy in my body that was never there, the ki is so obvious it's weird how most humans never noticed them.
Anyway, I found my ki and started moving it around, slowly of course, and tried controlling it outside my body after exhausting my ki once, waiting for it to recover and trying again I succeeded, although only a couple of centimeters from my body, I almost don't lose any ki from this technique, the catch is absorbing it when it starts to dissipate and bring out new ki.
'I think I will call it… 'room?' nah already copyrighted… 'zone?'… guess it's decided.
My zone is 360 degrees so I guess its good in battle… though I am able to sense people so I guess its only good for invisible people and those that can hide their ki
'zone feels like an extension of my body, I can feel the bed beyond my skin, it feels weird I cant see colors too, only the outline of things' I thought about my new technique
Anyway, Marley, the nice doctor asked me where I live and my parents phone number… I don't know about you but I ain't going to an orphanage so I told her that I don't want to talk about it, she will probably think that I ran away from home or something doesn't matter I need to expand my {zone} to about 1 meter to even think about going outside alone
I started exercising my new technique again when someone came in
"I tried searching about you in our records and it seems that you are not a citizen of the country, so I will have to ask you to leave…" Marley said with difficulty
"that's alright Marley, thanks for everything" I sat up from the bed and as I was about to stand up she continued
"but! If you want, you could… stay at my house?" she asked awkwardly
I looked with my bandaged eyes in her general direction deadpanning
"are you serious?" I asked
"yea… from what you told me and what I found I can probably guess you are an orphan right?" she asked and then continued without giving me a chance to answer "if you need housing and food, me and my husband could take care of you, I wouldn't want to throw you to the street" it felt like she tried to convince me
Should I trust her? Would she give me the freedom I want too?
"would you let me go out whenever I want if I agreed?" I asked, in this world freedom is important, I don't want to have her worry when I go out to fight galactic emperors
Ugh I can't believe I'm doing this, it's just that the other option is being homeless and blind without food
"of course, I will give you the freedom to do whatever you want, it's just that I want to help!" she became kinda desperate
"…fine" I don't think there is a better choice honestly
"Great!" she happily said "then you can stay here, I will come back when my shift ends and take you there, ok?" she asked
"Sure I guess" I answered her regularly
"I'll go now, I will end my shift in about 5 hours though so sorry about that" she apologized
More time to train I guess….
(time skip)
"and this is your room" she opened another door that I guess was the spare room "it used to be guests' room, but I will help you clean it up tomorrow after going to get your ID, for now, you can change it however you like, I will call you when dinner is ready" she went out and closed the doors
The house is quite ordinary big though, it has 4 rooms one for storage one for Marley and her husband which apparently was the one that called the ambulance when I passed out, his name is Jack business man and the one that makes most of the money in the house has a big company called Wistoff inc it is mainly selling electronics for everyday use and even does some catering for parties and events
Anyway, on another note I can now see? Feel? {zone} is about half a meter around me which is HUGE, at least for me I guess
I guess I can only wait for dinner, it never hurts to improve my only way of seeing
(time skip to dinner)
"Hey there little guy" jack said "you feelin' better?" he asked while looking at me
I remember his voice from our first talk
"uh yeah, nice to meet you my name is Leo" I greeted him
"The name is jack, no need to be formal, and don't worry about being a drag, this is the fourth time Marley brought a child from the street" he told me
"now now, let's talk over dinner I made omelettes" Marley said
I didn't think they did this kind of thing a lot
Marley took my hand gently and helped me locate the chair fork and knife while I mumbled thanks 3 times in a row
'it's kinda awkward living with complete strangers' I thought while eating
"so Leo how old are you?" Marley asked gently
"well as far as I remember I'm 16" I answered while looking in her direction
"ehhh, I thought you were like 13, 14 at most" Jack said in wonderment
"oi I'm not that small" I grumbled
"so did you go to school?" Jack started taking control of the conversation
"yeah I was in 11th grade, I skipped a grade because I wanted to" I answered while eating
'These omelettes are good' I thought while savoring their flavor
"hmmm, do you know… where your parents are?" Jack asked gently
"no, not really" I told not wanting to talk or lie to them about it
"hm I see" I think he got the memo
We continued to have small talk and eventually after Marley took the dishes I got off my chair
"do you remember how to get to your room?" Jack said on my left
"yeah thanks" I smiled at him and bowed my head "thank you for letting me live with you, I promise to return in full" I totally will, I like to repay the kindness people give me
"no need kid, we are taking you in because we want to help not because we want something in return, and it's more Marley than me" he explained awkwardly
"then, I will repay you because I want to" while flashing teeth from my smile "good night!" I exclaimed slightly loud so Marley could hear
"good night kiddo" Jack said and giving me a head pat while walking to the other side
"good night Leo!" came from the kitchen
I walked to my room with my {zone} activated, it was easy to navigate with it to my room, I closed the door and sat on the bed
'I should probably check how much time I can use the Mangekyou with my current reserves' I thought to myself
Its good to know one's limit to surpass them, also not having ki isn't a problem because I'm going to sleep anyway, tomorrow I will be as fresh as a… idk fruit?
I slowly lifted one side of the bandage and opened my right eye, it took some time to adjust to light again but that's it, I focused on my reserves and saw how they drain scarily fast
'that's just one eye…' I grimaced
I opened both my eyes to see the drain to my overall reserves, it was really fast, if I used my eyes with full ki I could use my eyes for about… 20 seconds? I put back the bandage and went to bed with a lot less ki, I guess I'll do it every night from now on, to train and grow my reserves and see the progress how much it is growing
'also it kinda helps to sleep, I feel more tired now…' I thought while getting comfortable
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand CUT
1384 words
sup guys, thanks for reading
was it good? bad? mid? mid+? mid-?
do you perhaps have any ideas you would like to share?
or did you just want to see me suffer?