a man confident in his abilities, wants to help, and dies. what can a regular man do with the Mangekyou in a world where gods run amok? guarantee his safety of course! the MC is not evil nor a hero he looks for himself this story is like my other one, I without a doubt think I will drop it, I just had this idea in my head and wanted to share it
I opened my eyes.
'what the fuck!' my brain hurts
It took me a while to get my senses from overloading
'I- I can see so clearly now, it's like everything is in slow motion but isn't at the same time! I can see reality like it's in a higher resolution!' I thought to myself
It was like seeing a game that was only at 144p now it changed to 4k
'…I need to get used to this' I thought to myself bitterly while looking around 'it seems I'm in an alley like- no don't think about it now, first I need to find a place to stay and maybe a job?'
I got out of the alleyway and found myself in a city, not really more like a really big village, there weren't a lot of people but it seems advanced, so I went up to the closest guy
he looked like a businessman, he had short black hair and a golden watch that looked real
"Hey man, you know where we are?" I started to feel dizzy is it the Sharingan?
"hm?" he looked back at me "are you for real kid?" he asked with a deadpanned face
"Nah dude, I'm serious can you help me?" shit the world is starting to spin around me, what's going on?
"kid? You seem kind of… pale, are you ok?" he asked with an increasingly worried face
"yea… yea I'm- I'm fine" I was having trouble talking and it was getting hard to stand straight
"c-" he was starting to scream something while grabbing my shoulders, I- I think I need to… close my eyes for a bit…
(time skip)
I opened my eyes again and found the white ceiling, where am I?, then I saw the world around me and found it was 16k+ and remembered
'did I lose consciousness? Why?' I started to think why, then after a couple of seconds of thinking everything started to spin again so I closed my eyes
'wait… I think my headache is less when my eyes are closed, is it because of sensory overload? No, I don't think so, I could see everything fine after a couple seconds…' I thought of all the possibilities
'WAIT, why are my eyes activated when I don't want them to?!' I think I was starting to realize
'I… I wished for eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, but I haven't wished to be Uchiha!, AH SHIT I now have Kakashis problem ' I became frustrated 'that means these eyes will suck my chakra dry!, or in this case my ki!' I started to get frustrated
'calm down Leo, this world has the balls of a dragon that can grant (almost) any wish' I thought to myself very seriously 'I need… infinite ki! And I need it fast! I can't stay blind forever!' this is the only way I can use my eyes to their fullest potential I can't even activate Kamui without probably killing myself of ki exhaustion
'ok, what can I do to replace my eyes for a while?' I thought of a solution like with every problem I ever faced, I'm not the kind of guy to give up, everything can be solved with a plan… well almost everything.
'I know, how about a ki field, it's like waving a stick to see but better!, I will spread my ki around me in a bubble and see if it hits anything!... easier said than done huh…' I grimaced
'anyway I need a blindfold, can't have my self reflexively open my eyes' I continued
"are you… are you awake?" a new voice came, a woman? Probably? "you are making expressions…"
I almost opened my eyes but kept them closed
"yeah… sorry but it seems I can't really see…" I told the nurse? Doctor?
"really?" She asked skeptically "I already checked your eyes and they were working fine, well except they looked red with black all over them, they reacted even better than most normal patients, are you sure you can't see?" she asked
"well… it's more of a I can see but… it gives me headaches" I tried to be as discreet as possible
"hmmm, well it could be because of a number of things…" she continued "but it's not really my field of expertise exactly" she explained
So she is a doctor, huh?
"thank you doc, but I lived with it for a long time, I tried the best of the best doctors and they couldn't help me" I bullshited so hard that you can probably smell it "thank you for checking me thought miss…?"
"Marley, no need to call me miss, it makes me feel old" she continued with a deadpanned voice "are you sure you don't want our experts to look at your eyes?" she continued with pity that kinda made me mad, but I ignored it
"yes I'm sure, do you have some bandage I can put on my eyes so I wouldn't end up here again?" I asked nicely
"well I can give you bandages designed for eyes… I guess?" she went somewhere else in the room and took it? I think? "now sit up so I can apply it" she told me
"wait, I don't have anything to pay for the treatment" I exclaimed while looking in her general direction
"it's fine, you are a child so you get free medical care" she said sweetly
I'm a child? Is my body different? Or maybe here 16 is a child too… doesn't matter
"I'm starting now don't move" she grabbed the top of my head and bandaged my eyes with bandages wrapped around my head and under my hair
My hair is pretty long, it goes to my neck, I never bothered to cut it, cuz I felt like it was unnecessary
"ok done" she said with a smile? "I will have you stay here for a day so that you can rest properly, your body was exhausted and not in a normal way, it's like your brain was too tired to function properly, so I need to see if it recovers, so far you seem a lot better, but you still need to be careful and not move around too much, you hear?" she scolded me
"…yes doc" I said deadpanning while laying on my bed
"I will come back here to check on you in 2 hours, if you feel dizzy or anything! You should press th- oh you can't see it, here" she grabbed my arm and put it on a device? Feels like a button with a wire at the side "press it and nurses will come to check on you, understood?" she explained
"yes doc" I let a small smile out "thank you Marley, truly" I gave her the most genuine thank you I can give
"I'm not the one who brought you here, it was my husband, and this is my job I have to do this anyway" she said softly
"Still, thank you" I widened my smile, it's not every day that doctors care, I get it, they've seen it thousands of times so they close their hearts to it, but I really appreciate that she didn't, she could have just told me to stay in bed when I woke up, cuz she already checked my body
"no problem kid, just stay in bed and recover" she walked outside which is apparently to my left
Well now that I'm alone its time to develop my bubble of ki, to walk around without a stick everywhere
1259 words
thanks for reading as always
was it good? bad? anything to improve?
you have any ideas that you would like to share?
or are you just so attracted to my masculine energy that you want to smell my sweat?
C ya later guys