
Dragon Ball a cold existence

What if Frieza had a younger brother that was just as cruel and talented as himself how will that change the story

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: powerful and the pathetic part 1

POV cold soldier Pine

Why me? why me? why why dose it have to be me?

The soldier named Pine continued to ask himself why his luck was so rotten as he had been sent by King Cold himself to fetch his youngest son Arctic For his training,

usually going to fetch someone for the king wasn't strange or stressful but even tho Arctic was born only a week ago he's already been recognized as cruel and cold blooded he killed his last four maids and butlers just because they woke him up or didn't prepare his food the way he wanted it

And he was of course scared for his life the reason he signed up to work in the Kings palace was because the pay was good and he wouldn't have to see the battle field which was his biggest fear especially with his low power level everything was going well until today.

Pine continued to shiver as he noticed that he now stood in front of Arctics door.The fear rushed through his whole body as he knocked on the massive white marble doors.

He began to shiver even more as he hears a voice tell him "come on in" and he dares not keep him waiting so he enters carefully.as he looks in side he quickly bows then salutes completely forgetting which one to do but he quickly glances at the amused expression on the young tyrants face he looks just like his brother Lord Frieza at fist he couldn't tell if they were male or female but it didn't matter since they would kill him for asking

"Well soldier what is it?


"huh do you wish to die soldier if so that can be arranged ?

"No no no no my Lord it's just that I was entranced by how spectacular you are!!

Hmmm "elaborate"

"Uhm well you see I've heard of how magnificent you are and I was just stunned by how true the stories are"

Arctic looked at pine at first unamused until he began to chuckle

Ohhohoh the strange thing is I know you're lying but I'll accept it,now tell me why you are here soldier"

pine sighed in relief and stood up straight with a salute

" My Lord King cold is requesting your presence in the underground hall Lord!

Arctic sighed "Argh again today I thought it was clear I didn't need any training but it's ok I'll just go but it's the last time I'm doing this"

Arctic then was about to walk past Pine until he stopped "oh I almost forgot what's your name Soldier?

"I it's pine Lord!

"Well then a pine be a dear and fetch my pod over there"

Pine then looked around the large room and looked from the massive strange looking bed to many items until noticing a large seat like item that he has seen Lord Frieza in on many occasions

He walked over to it and heard Arctic "there should be a button on the inside so just press it and it will Float " and so Pine followed the instructions and pressed the button making it float over to Arctic who then hopped inside

"Come along the Pine let's not keep Daddy dearest waiting"

"Of course Lord" Pine was about to start walking when he felt something wrap around him and pick him up onto the hoverpod

"Lord Arctic please forgive meeee Pine began to shiver again until realizing he was still alive but was inside Arctics Pod

"Well Pine behold you are about to experience the power of the XXLtransfer hoverpod 9000 the newest Model,I managed to get this delivered before Frieza's could arrive and he has been waiting for some time now and I just feel like rubbing it in his face OHhohoho

Oh my lord it's all so fascinating but we gotta goooooo!!!

Now full speed Ahead

Then the pod began to move at full speed passing by countless staff rushing out of the way as Arctic laughed and Pine screamed wait wait waiiit!!!

It was only half a minute but Pine saw his whole life flash before his eyes

Arctic laughed ohhoho wasn't that spectacular Pine ohohoho Pine then collapsed onto the ground eyes white but he quickly noticed who he collapsed in front of he was at the feet of King Cold himself

So Pine rushed to his feet Lord I have arrived with Lord Arctic"

Arctic the hoped Out of his Pod "morning Daddy I'm here in record time ohhoho"

King cold looked at Arctic then at Pine then he smiled "wonderful your still alive brilliant now Arctic dear let's get started on your training shall we"

But daddy why do I have to train it's not like there's any need "

Hmmm maybe not but you just need to learn how to control your body and power ,after all life would be so much easier if you know how to transform into all your forms ,you have the 2nd and third masted in record time we can move onto the fourth and final.

Arctic face lit up he hasn't been allowed to transform into his fourth and true form without his father's permission but now he could do it

So king Cold noticed his sons joy and smiled now shall we begin

Pine was about to excuse himself but King cold put his hand on his shoulder which was very uncomfortable since their size difference was great

"Why the hurry Soldier might as well stay to see the show

To anyone else Pine would have insisted on leaving but this was King Cold no one said no to him so he could only watch his shock was great upon what he saw next

Arctic who was usually a small and unassuming figure was now glowing and growing larger and larger until his firm changed completely till he looked just like his father the King

Out of curiosity Pine turned on his scouter to read Arctic's power level since his was advanced he was confident it would be able to

Beep beep beep beep

"What 1.5million that's way to big!!

"Ok now Arctic go to your third"

"What another?

Arctic's body began to chang again but this time his head shape changed and his bone structure began to get rearranged and twisted until revealing a frighteningly gruesome sight

His skull was longer with all sorts of horns on the side he had a hunch but was still massive he pointed a finger to a rock structure and shot out a red beam that detonated it Pine was blown back by the power but managed to get a reading of his power level which was now 4Million on the dot

W-What is going on here?

Arctic is just getting warmed up replies King cold with a grin"

Arctic turned to Pine "

hey Pine wanna see something cool"

Pine hesitantly agreed "y-yes sir"

Arctic got closer and opened his mouth showing his beast shaped tongue

Which caused Pine to almost faint

"Ohhohoho he's quite fun"

"Very funny Arctic but let's get on with it get into your final form,but try not to overdo it"

"I'll try"

Arctic then began to charge up and his body began to twist and reform he seemed to become less deformed and more humanoid but maintaining reptilian features like the tail and three toes he also became shorter but still significantly taller than his first form

His skin was white with purple crystal like features on his body below his chest on his head and on guatlent like armor on his body

As Arctic powered up Pine was blown back but grabbed onto King Colds cape just in time for the wind to die down and to reveal Arctic in his Fourth Form