
Dragon Ball a cold existence

What if Frieza had a younger brother that was just as cruel and talented as himself how will that change the story

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 2:Brotherly love

Frieza POV

In a larg, finely decorated room set a small horned alien in a hover pod sampling some red wine in a spiked glass,the alien slowly turned and stirred the wine he brought it up to his lips and took a sip.

This alien was Frieza and he had a sour look on his face as he stared at the tower that had caught fire in his father's palace," most likely due to the new child's birth" is what he thought and he hated that thought ,he hated it so much that he took another sip of wine

"Wine has always been my favourite, it always has a sweet, dark flavour. Some varietals can be bitter and drier than others. daddy who is a professional wine enthusiast considers space red wine good if it has the perfect balance of sour, bitter, and sweet elements. However, some red wine varieties have spicy or salty flavours but this one, in particular, is dreadful, All I can taste is the anger from this new child's birth

"even tho daddy was supposed to be taking me to that new amusement park he postponed due to that child, how dare it ruin my fun and now I have to meet the brat, disgusting, unacceptable!!

The young Tyrant threw his half-empty glass on the wall staining it with the red juice but as he did small alien servants rushed in to clean it up, Frieza stared at them for some time and pointed his index finger at them with a sinister grin the small alien had not noticed at first but it felt a dread run down its spine as it turned to see its master aiming to kill it began to shake and cower asking for forgiveness but this only made the tyrant more excited to shoot and he would have had an elderly woman's voice intervened.

"Oh my, was the wine so awful that you have to kill the cleaners?

Freiza turned his hover pod to face the small blue alien in front of him "hello Berryblue,I thought you were welcoming the new Brat?

"Well I was just getting him ready, and I'm also here to tell you your Father has permitted you to enter and meet him now"

"Permitted Me hmmm, my what a special child we must have"

In truth, Frieza hated the new child already but the fact his father was already acting like this was not a good sign he had never had to wait for anything especially not to meet someone,he felt as if he was reduced to a peasant with the way his father was treating him .

"Yes very special,maybe even more so than you"

"Oh how lovely"

This only sparked friezes haterade even more but he hid it for nowas he moved his hover pod to the great hall where he would meet his new brother but on the way there he ran into his older brother Cooler on the way, strangely enough, Cooler was in his first form for once,wich was strange since he liked to prance about in his fourth form even if he could not control it ,well neither could Frieza but he didn't care much since there was bearly anyone who could challenge him.

"Greetings Cooler here to meet the new Brat aswell"

Cooler turned his head to see his younger brother he didn't smile or nod "Well I thought it would be best to see what would be irritating me from now on"

"Hmm its already Irritating me father has been spending far to much time with it and has been completely neglecting me, do you know what it feels like to be left all alone in this luxurious palace all alone with servants to weigh on you hand and foot?"

Cooler rolled his eyes"What a shame you poor lonely child"

"The audacity, just you watch i will kill that brat the first moment I can"

cooler rolled his eyes "sure thing bud"

Berryblue chuckled as she hovered in front of the two Brothers "Oh boys do try to be nice to each other you might set a bad example to the new child, now get ready we have arrived"

The three stood before a massive golden door that swung open to reveal their father King Cold standing at the end of the hall with a much smaller creature beside him he looked just like they accept his skin was a light blue but everything else was a dead ringer from his first forms appearance to the red eyes of their race

They stared at each other than at their father then the new child who had an evil look on his face,King cold well good everyone's here spectacular Cooler, Frieza this is your new brother Arctic

Arctic decided to be the first to great his brothers "oh ho ho Greetings brothers as you have been told I am Arctic and its quite a pleasure to meet you Cooler and you as well Frieza ohhoho father tells me much about you two"

Frieza grinned"funny he has told us basically next to nothing about you tho"

well I was just born and with a spectacular power level to boot, father says im a natural prodigy

cooler sighed" oh great another one, I'll be taking my leave then,I have much work to do"

Arctic noticed a Cooler turn around but stopped him before he could walk any further "I see your just as much of solemn as father described you to be Cooler"

This caused him to turn 'what was that boy"

"Oh nothing just that the party has only started and your already leaving"

Frieza joined in "He's right cooler why don't you party with us your always so serious about everything

"well unlike the two of you I actually working to expand the PTO while you just laze around the palace"

Arctic intervened "Well I was just born so I don't see how Im lazing around,I think your just jealous Ive had more fun in my hour of life than in all your years "

This caused Cooler to clench his teeth "how dare you brat

'OHOHOHO your much more fun than I thought you would be Arctic ohhohohoh I cant even remember why I can even remember why I was angry

the three began to argue as king Cold and berry blue watched from a distance "well that was a success my lord"

"Yes indeed much more fun than I expected,at least they are not killing each other

"Well not yet atleast"

"hmmm ok so Ill leave it to you to get Arctic settled in Berryblue then Ill teach him the basics tomorrow

"Understood my lord I will do my best as I always have"

"Very good"