
Doctor from another world

In this continent, doctors are revered, so I chose to become a doctor. I saved a beautiful girl named Long Aotian. I married her, and I became invincible. "The clinic is short on money? Use my pocket money. It's not much, just one hundred million." "Rivalry among peers? Alright, this hospital will disappear by the afternoon." "A troublemaking ancient dragon? Oh, I'll slay it." I have a stunningly beautiful, invincible, and gentle and virtuous Valkyrie wife, and an adorable and lovely nurse...

ero_01 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

chapter15 :Hmph...

Red-eyed Fruit Fly Street.

The calico cat and the mud dog lick each other's paws, the oriole and the moon season exchange morning dew, the wisteria and the green creeper rest in peace.

In the black clinic, a young lolita lies timidly on the bed.

The young lolita attends the Cold Spring Harbor Martial Arts Academy and can be considered as Li Dog's junior.

She sprained her foot during a training session, and it was a severe sprain.

Then, she developed a habitual sprain, spraining her foot daily...

As the saying goes, without Kuri's life, she got Kuri's disease.

The young lolita's family owns a seafood store. Li Dog met her when he went to buy shrimp paste and recommended Luo Xian's black clinic to her.

"Brother Luo is awesome! I bet he can definitely cure your foot!"

The young lolita recalls Li Dog's words from that day and looks at the unkempt Luo Xian with some apprehension. She asks pitifully, "Doctor, will it hurt... I'm afraid of pain... I cry when it hurts."

"It will hurt. So try not to cry later. If you cry and annoy me, I'll spank you," Luo Xian jokes while preparing the medicine.

This is true. If the anesthetic fails again, it will hurt a lot.

However, after eating Ling Fei'er's porridge... no, after receiving Ling Fei'er's sponsorship, Luo Xian has replaced all the new anesthetics with reliable genuine ones.

Poor Li Dog is probably the last victim of the low-quality anesthetics in this clinic.

Luo Xian's threat has scared the young lolita so much that her eyes are about to pop out.

In fact, she is so cute that wherever she goes for treatment, the doctors and nurses always coax her, giving her milk candy and cookies within minutes.

What kind of monster is this Doctor Luo?

However, she was recommended to come here by Brother Li Dog, and he is a genuinely good person who gives her lollipops and takes her goldfish scooping.

Brother Li Dog won't harm her, and he said that Doctor Luo is skilled in medicine but has a strange temper, and when dealing with Doctor Luo, it's best to speak as little as possible...

But she still asks nervously, "Doctor, can this really be cured? I went to the Second People's Hospital of Cold Spring Harbor, and the uncles and aunts there all said that surgery is not possible, and I can only live with it..."

At the mention of this, her eyes darken.

She can't help but clench the wooden sword in her hand. It's an ordinary practice sword for martial artists, but every time she holds it, her heart surges with excitement.

The young lolita's dream is to become a swordsman, but if what the uncles and aunts at the hospital said is true, and she is prone to spraining her foot with intense movement, then her dream is undoubtedly over.

"The Second People's Hospital of Cold Spring Harbor? The Department of Sports Medicine?" Luo Xian recalls something and snorts, "The doctors there are all trash, idiots, and fools. You might as well believe that wild boars can climb trees than believe them."

"Huh? Is that so?" The young lolita is stunned. "I've really seen wild boars climbing trees..."

Luo Xian pauses for a moment, and a salted fish stabs her in the head. She quickly hugs her head in protest, "What are you doing?"

"Young lady, you need to learn to focus on the main point when listening to others and not make irrelevant comments. You'll get beaten up when you go out into society," Luo Xian says with the air of an elder imparting life experience.

"I'm so cute! You're the only one who would hit me! Hmph!" The young lolita is angry, her cheeks puffed up. She grabs the wooden sword and stabs it at Luo Xian's armpit, "I'll stab you, I'll stab you..."

Luo Xian slaps the wooden sword with a "clap" and holds it firmly. The young lolita uses all her strength, but the wooden sword doesn't move.

She hasn't cultivated her inner energy yet, and a child's strength is naturally much weaker than a reliable adult male's, even if Luo Xian is a weak level 1 chicken.

"Ha ha ha! Come on, you're so weak!" Luo Xian laughs like a gang leader, "Young lady, if you want to defeat me, go back and practice for two more years!"

"Damn it!" The young lolita is unwilling to accept this and bares her teeth and claws at Luo Xian.

Luo Xian injects an anesthetic into the young lolita.

The young lolita rolls her eyes in anger, but her limbs have already lost sensation, and she can only protest verbally, "Doctor, you're cheating! You're bullying a child!"

"Hey~ I'm cheating, I'm bullying a child, what can you do about it?" Luo Xian has a face that deserves a good beating.

"...You shameless bastard! When I grow up and become a top-notch powerful person like Miss Ling Fei'er, I'll definitely make you kneel before me and beg for mercy!"

"Wait, who did you just mention?" Luo Xian's expression suddenly becomes interesting.

"I said, I will definitely become a powerful person like Miss Ling Fei'er in the future!"

The young lolita is full of confidence. "Miss Ling Fei'er is my idol! Do you know why I study the sword? Because Miss Ling Fei'er uses a sword, an ancient divine weapon, the rotating snow moon flower..."

Luo Xian's mouth twitches. He didn't expect that the sword Ling Fei'er usually carries has such a savage name...

Unfortunately, Ling Fei'er went out for a big shopping trip today. Otherwise, this lolita would definitely respect her brother now...

Seeing Luo Xian lost in thought, the young lolita thinks he has been intimidated by Ling Fei'er's reputation and can't help but laugh smugly.

"Oh, are you scared? Let me tell you, Miss Ling Fei'er is chivalrous and kind. If she sees someone like you who bullies children, she might just slash you with her sword..."

"I don't think she'll slash me." Luo Xian reveals a meaningful smile. "Why don't we make a bet? I can call your idol over with just one phone call. Do you believe me?"

"Pfft, nonsense!" The young lolita curls her lip. "If you really let me meet my idol, I'll send you a bucket of fish roe paste!"

"Mama mia, so your idol is worth just a bucket of fish roe paste?"

"Fish roe paste is expensive!"

The two of them argue back and forth, from fish roe paste to seafood store management strategies based on dynamic programming and near-sea fishing vessel control methods based on adaptive fuzzy control.

Suddenly, the young lolita realizes a blind spot. "Wait, you've been chatting with me. How come you haven't performed the surgery yet?"

"Who said I didn't perform the surgery?" Luo Xian smiles slightly. "It's already done. Look, the wound is sutured, and in half an hour, you'll be able to walk!"

The young lolita is shocked for a moment, but she has been informed about Luo Xian's surgical speed by Li Dog, so she can more or less accept it.

However, there is one thing she doesn't understand. "Doctor Luo, why were you chatting and performing surgery at the same time? And you, you started without telling me. You're so perverted!"

"Tsk, you're still scolding me? I did this for your own good!" Luo Xian says angrily. "Didn't you say you're afraid of pain and cry when it hurts? I was afraid you'd be nervous, so I wanted to distract you..."

As he speaks, Luo Xian pats the young lolita's head, and a hint of gentleness flashes in his eyes.

The young lolita freezes.

What's going on...

Brother Li Dog lied...

Who said Doctor Luo has a strange temper...



Just as she feels a little sour in her nose and wants to say something, "Bang," the clinic door is kicked open, and a group of burly men rush in.