
Doctor from another world

In this continent, doctors are revered, so I chose to become a doctor. I saved a beautiful girl named Long Aotian. I married her, and I became invincible. "The clinic is short on money? Use my pocket money. It's not much, just one hundred million." "Rivalry among peers? Alright, this hospital will disappear by the afternoon." "A troublemaking ancient dragon? Oh, I'll slay it." I have a stunningly beautiful, invincible, and gentle and virtuous Valkyrie wife, and an adorable and lovely nurse...

ero_01 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

chapter 14: Money Earned·Fear Nothing

A few days later, at the Nottingham Clinic.

In the morning, while Dr. Parsons was performing a heart bypass surgery, he suddenly thought of a poor pastor named Anderson.

Speaking of which, that guy hasn't come here to beg for a discount in a few days.

Previously, Anderson would come every now and then to beg the manager to lower the price, which was a bit annoying.

But suddenly disappearing made it seem suspicious.

"Could it be that he committed suicide by jumping into the Cold Spring Canyon?" Dr. Parsons pondered. If this guy really committed suicide because he couldn't afford the surgery fee, it would create a hidden danger.

Anderson coming to the Nottingham Clinic for treatment and being rejected was known to the nearby residents. If this matter were to spread, it would be normal.

But if it were to be known by someone with ulterior motives, such as a competitor, and they were to exaggerate and spread messages like "Shocking! Unscrupulous clinic refuses to perform surgery, forcing middle-aged pastor to commit suicide, destroying innocent families," it would be troublesome.

Legally, the Nottingham Clinic had no problems, but its reputation could be damaged.

So, during the surgery interval, he ordered, "Manager Yu, help me investigate Mr. Anderson's recent movements."

After receiving the instructions, Manager Yu found a well-known figure on the streets of the southern district of Cold Spring Harbor, Mousey.

This person had blown up his face in a battle, and half of his face was covered with a mask, making him look fierce and crazy.

However, in reality, he was a shrewd and quick-witted existence, and all the rumors and gossip in the southern district were under his control.

Moreover, Mr. Mousey had close connections with the mercenary groups in the city. If you needed to do something, from information gathering to using force, he could provide one-stop service.

Manager Yu had collaborated with him several times and was very familiar with him. He spoke directly, "There is a man named Andersen Harris who works in the suburban defense force. I need you to help me investigate his movements in the past week. The more detailed, the better."

"No problem." Mousey accepted the task and left. In less than five minutes, he returned with a strange expression, "Manager Yu, the person you asked about has been making a lot of noise in the army these past few days."

"Making noise?" Manager Yu had a bad feeling.

"That guy, who knows where he went to have a magic circuit repair, came back and went from mid-level 3 to high-level 3."

"Mousey, you're wrong about this." Manager Yu's expression was unpleasant. "You don't want to do the job, don't make up stories to deceive me. Magic circuit repair can increase one's level?"

"To be honest, I also think it's very strange." Mousey scratched his head. "But this news has already spread throughout the suburban defense force. You don't have to find me; just go out and ask any soldier, and they'll all say the same thing."

Manager Yu, chewing on toothpicks, thought that what Mousey said seemed true, but was it possible?

"It must be an exaggeration..." Manager Yu concluded. "I guess he recovered seven or eight tenths, and the rumor became more and more mysterious as it spread..."

"The rumor also says that Anderson's surgery cost very little." Mousey continued, "Only a few hundred dollars."

Manager Yu's expression darkened, and a magic circuit repair for a few hundred dollars was undoubtedly making a scene.

But did such a thing exist?

Manager Yu became more and more confused and simply said, "Go and find out where he had the surgery done."

This time, Mousey spent an entire afternoon following the clues, and when night fell, the message he brought back shocked Manager Yu and Dr. Parsons.

"I don't know when it started, but there is a new black clinic on Red-Eyed Fruit Street."

Mousey slapped the imaging crystal on the table, and the image of the rusty iron door and the sewage ditch full of filth made Dr. Parsons frown involuntarily.

"This clinic is very hidden, mainly relying on introductions from acquaintances to expand its business, and rarely receives strangers. That's why it has been able to hide for so long." Mousey said, "Its most prominent feature is that the fees are very affordable, and at the same time, it has the ability to complete relatively high-difficulty surgeries..."

"According to the information I received, this shop not only does magic circuit repairs but also knee joint surgery, laparoscopic surgery, abnormal tumor removal, and reproductive reconstruction..."

"The fees for the above projects are all less than 1000 luobis."

After listening to the long list of surgical projects, Dr. Parsons and Manager Yu looked at each other, seeing panic in each other's eyes.

"Damn it..." Manager Yu gritted his teeth. "Who is the cheapskate trying to steal our business?"

"This is no longer just a matter of stealing business." Dr. Parsons had a worried expression. "This is almost like... trying to force us to lower our prices."

In fact, Dr. Parsons was completely overthinking.

Families with money in their pockets would not consider going to a black clinic for surgery.

And those poor people who went to Luo Xian for surgery couldn't afford the fees of regular medical institutions. From this perspective, Luo Xian had opened up a new market.

But both Dr. Parsons and Manager Yu were overly cautious people, afraid that their monopoly position would be broken, and they would no longer be able to harvest the wallets of the working class through exorbitant consultation fees.

Mousey looked at the two men's changing expressions and rolled his eyes, probing, "Shall we take care of it?"

"We must!" Manager Yu slammed the table, looking indignant. "This guy is simply a disgrace to the industry! If we don't eliminate him, I feel like I'm not doing my duty as a human!"

"It's not that exaggerated..." Dr. Parsons was relatively civilized. "Doing this may indeed bring welfare to the poor, but... it's a bit extreme."

"Poor people who can't afford to see a doctor should go make money instead of fantasizing about some benefactor giving them a magic circuit repair surgery for two hundred yuan." Manager Yu made a typical social Darwinist statement. "If they can't make money, they should just die. This way, all the stupid and lazy poor people will die out, and the world will become better."

Dr. Parsons nodded in agreement.

He didn't care about the life and death of the poor.

He only cared about money.

Just like his name, Quendler Parsons, suggested, money earned, fear nothing?

"Anyway, Mr. Mousey, we're going to have to trouble you this time, haha!" Manager Yu laughed and patted his shoulder. "Help me get rid of this medical scourge! We will definitely give you a satisfactory generous reward."

"I understand, I understand." Mousey revealed a cruel smile. "I'll make that doctor roll out of Cold Spring Harbor with his clinic."

"Or die!"

After sending Mousey away, Dr. Parsons drank tea nervously and suddenly realized a very strange problem.

Why would a doctor with such surgical abilities open a black clinic?