
Doctor from another world

In this continent, doctors are revered, so I chose to become a doctor. I saved a beautiful girl named Long Aotian. I married her, and I became invincible. "The clinic is short on money? Use my pocket money. It's not much, just one hundred million." "Rivalry among peers? Alright, this hospital will disappear by the afternoon." "A troublemaking ancient dragon? Oh, I'll slay it." I have a stunningly beautiful, invincible, and gentle and virtuous Valkyrie wife, and an adorable and lovely nurse...

ero_01 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter16 :Come back soon!

as the burly men entered the room, they spread out and blocked all escape routes. The door, windows, vents, sewers... What's professional? This is professional!

Then, a man wearing a black punk-style coat with a cruel smile on his face walked leisurely to the bedside. "You're the boss here?"

Luo Xian was silent for a moment before asking, "Who are you?"

"Me?" The man sneered and sat on the medicine cabinet, lighting a cigar and taking his time to speak. "Boy, it seems you don't understand the rules around here at all."

"I really don't understand." Luo Xian admitted, "I'm a homebody and don't go out much."

"Tsk tsk tsk." The man looked amused and suddenly extended his hand. "Then, let's get acquainted. I'm Squeaky Mouse."

"Good name!" Luo Xian enthusiastically shook his hand. "I'm Luo Xiaohei, you can call me Black Brother."

"...Do you think I'm an idiot?" Squeaky Mouse snarled. "Stop trying to fool me with fake names!"

Luo Xian remained calm and asked, "Friend, we have no grudges or grievances, why do you want to target me?"

"Heh, no grudges or grievances?" Squeaky Mouse sneered. "What does that have to do with me? I'm just doing business for money. You should know that you've offended someone you shouldn't have offended..."

Brother, what you're saying is actually about yourself, you know... Luo Xian thought to himself, but he understood what the other was implying. It seemed he had provoked some corrupt doctors who were greedy for money.

Luo Xian thought to himself, but said out loud, "I understand. You can deal with me, but this matter has nothing to do with the patient. Let me send the patient away first..."

The little lolita on the bed was stunned for a moment before finally realizing what was happening. She became angry and picked up the peach wood sword, jumping off the bed. "You bad guys, I won't let you hurt Dr. Luo! Watch my Biling swordsmanship, ah ah ah ah ah..."

The little lolita shouted naively, ignoring her ankle injury and limping towards Squeaky Mouse. The burly men nearby tried to stop her, but Squeaky Mouse gestured for them to stop.

He casually grabbed the little lolita's sword and smiled, "Little girl, you're saying the wrong thing. How are we the bad guys?"

"Dr. Luo is a good person, you want to hurt him! You are the bad guys!" The little lolita righteously expressed her simple view of good and evil.

"No, no, no." Squeaky Mouse corrected her, "Dr. Luo treated you and took your money, right?"

"Of course..."

"Then aren't we the same? We're all taking people's money to solve their problems."

The little lolita was stunned for a moment, her young face showing anger. "No! That's sophistry, ah ah ah ah, I'm going to drive you all out!" She grabbed Squeaky Mouse's arm and bit down hard, causing him to hiss in pain and his eyes to flash with anger.

He took out a shotgun from his chest. "Bang!!!" The shotgun made a deafening noise in the room, and the high-pressure flame bullet grazed the little lolita's shoulder and hit the ground, causing a pile of rubble to fly up.

The little lolita's pupils suddenly contracted, her body stiffened for a moment, and her legs gave way, causing her to fall to the ground. She recognized this as a shotgun, a product of the alchemy workshop, which could cause strong damage and take a life if it hit a vital point.

Although 3rd level martial artists could withstand the attack of a shotgun, and 5th level martial artists were almost immune to all shotguns on the market, as a little girl who had not yet cultivated her qi, she was no different from an ant in the face of such power.

Her eyes instantly lost their luster, her lips trembled, and she no longer had the strength to say a single word. In the face of the threat of death, she realized how laughable her so-called courage was.

"Annoying little bug." Squeaky Mouse spat on the ground in front of the little lolita and looked towards Luo Xian. "Then, it's time to settle the score with you..."

But Squeaky Mouse suddenly stopped speaking. Because at this moment, Luo Xian's gaze had become extremely sharp. Being stared at by such a gaze made Squeaky Mouse feel as if he was being stared at by a man-eating tiger in the tropical rainforest where he had served as a soldier years ago.

"I'm angry." Luo Xian's energy fluctuated and was released, and even though it was only at level 1, it made Squeaky Mouse's back break out in a cold sweat. What kind of trump card did this man have?

Squeaky Mouse, as well as the burly men, all became alert and waited for Luo Xian to make his move. A full minute of silence passed.

Luo Xian took a deep breath and suddenly took out a communication crystal, injecting magic power into it. "Wait a minute, I'm calling someone... Hello! Stop shopping, hurry back! A cosplay crazy mouse and a group of muscular brothers have entered the clinic and said they want to kill me!"