
Devil’s Dominon

Devil’s Dominion is a story based in the year 3000, with humans dwindling in faith for the gods and even the devils, after realizing they're the sons of the devil, Kinea and Kean find themselves in the realm of the undead to escape from the clutches of their true father and to find their old one. With the world demons slowly infiltrating the real world it's up to them to stop them while training and finding clues of their father along with uncovering mysteries through the world. A war is brewing the final war in history to decide who will survive, who will win good or evil, right or wrong, gods or devils. Will the twins even find their father before it’s too late

Gam3Tim3 · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Central College

The headmistress's office was large and was lightly furnished, it had a wooden table with a chair at the back where she sat and four more at the front.

A longer table at the back, which was decorated with a sculpture of a man raising an apple high in his hand. The table had a red carpet below it, with three couches around it.

The room had a beautiful chandelier in the middle of the room, finally her office had a large closet to the right of her table for storing items.

The boys sat anxiously on the couches as the King talks to the headmistress.

A loud laugh from the king and from an old lady who had long white hair, light pink eyes which was covered by a pair of green glasses.

She wore a blue long-sleeved buttoned shirt with a pair of wine-red trousers, shiny brown leather shoes with white socks, Black gloves and a long grey jacket.

They both slammed their hands on the table and laugh hysterically.

"All this laughter, for a joke about teenagers", Kinea whispered.

Kean looks down stating "This should be the least of our problems, we walked through campus with a fucking king…we've probably gotten way more attention than is wanted".

"That's true but most of them there are people brought as sponsors from their countries", Kinea replies.

Kean closes his arms together and shakes his head before saying "Nah, we're new so they'll probably think we're easy meat or some bullshit".

Kean the places his hand on his chin and responds with"Well then we'll just have to fuck them up if needed but first, gotta get a girlfriend".

Kean looked at his brother and then back down before muttering "I'll do it before you".

"Oh? So you wanna challenge me…we both know I'm the more handsome twin", Kinea says with a smile.

Kean looks back at him proclaiming"We both know those girls outside comments were directed to me".

"Oh really?! Fine let's have a little wager, last one to get a girlfriend gotta be the others slave for two weeks", Kinea says.

"All right, you've got a deal", he replies.

The headmistress calls them over as they introduce themselves stating their name and age.

She bellows out "Fifteen!? Wow that's quite young…well it's not like it matters in this place, we've got a whole lot of people in Central College".

She continues on saying "Any and everybody can come if they have the ability of course, dead people who can't return to the mortal realm, people excited to learn more about spiritual energy, people with great talents and so much more.

"I want you to show me why my good friend here has sponsored you, can you do that?", she asks her voice being very calm.

"Yes!! Mam!!", they reply.

"Boys?? Do you know of a certain rumor…rather not a rumor more as it's for some people at least, a fact", she says.

She continues saying "Do you know of the Seven heavenly Virtues?".

"Seven heavenly virtues?!", Kines remarks.

"The twins glance at each other with a face of confusion before Kean replies "No, madam. We don't".

"As expected, the Seven Heavenly Virtues are seven angels which are the embodiment of good will, soul and heart", she states.

She points to the sky and continues "These angels were formed to protect humanity and battle against the Seven Deadly Sins, seven devils with the aim of destroying humanity".

"They are Patience, Humility, Kindness, Charity, Chastity, Temperance and Diligence. Got it?", she asks.

"Yes ma'am", they answer.

"Good, now head to your dorms", she said while pointing outside to a very large building at the end side of the school.

"But why are you telling us this??", Kean asks.

She has a light smile on her face as she says "you'll know soon enough".

The twins leave the headmistress's room with King Logan waving them goodbye. They head outside and begin walking to their dorms catching some people glancing at them as they go.

They hear a loud crash a bit far beside, turning to look and seeing a large crowd there seeming watching something.

"Wanna check it out", Kinea asks.

"Why not, I need to get a girlfriend before you so best we socialize",he replies.

The boys walk to the crowd but before they can get there a fast energy ball cuts through the crowd of people watching and speeds to them, they manage to dodge the beam as they dodge it.

The crowd now opens up as they see a boy a bit older than them with light blond hair and dark yellow eyes, his uniform was slightly tatared and dusty with some holes in it and a Roman symbol on it.

This boy was seen trampling on another's head, he was on the floor with his hand raised towards the twins likely the one to have sent the beam which was parried. The floor scattered and there was blood on the floors and some other people on the floor unconscious.

"Hey!! Are you bastards tryna kill us?!", The twins bellow.

The guy slowly raises his head and looks at the twins as the crowd turns to see them too. "Huh?! Aren't you two the little Babylon boys", the boys says.

"Is this our nickname now?",Kean asks.

"I Nick, challenge you to a duel!!! Both of you!!", he bellows.

The crowd starts murmuring as more people come outside to watch the dilemma, Nick stood confidently pointing at the twins.

Kinea sighs before saying"This guys trying to humiliate us, if we disagree it's gonna be a bonk on our reputation, such a hassle".

Nick still confident about fighting the two of them, Kean sat on the floor and looks at his brother with a smile as he says "Bro, I'm tired…can you handle this?".

Kinea smiles before saying "yeah sure".

Kinea then begins walking over to Nick while drawing out his daggers with a huge grin on his face as he says "Come on, you bouta get smoked".


I was really tempted to add the last fight in but just decided to save it, gonna try and publish tomorrow…i dey take God beg you, please just collect, like and leave a review. It really helps

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