
Devil’s Dominon

Devil’s Dominion is a story based in the year 3000, with humans dwindling in faith for the gods and even the devils, after realizing they're the sons of the devil, Kinea and Kean find themselves in the realm of the undead to escape from the clutches of their true father and to find their old one. With the world demons slowly infiltrating the real world it's up to them to stop them while training and finding clues of their father along with uncovering mysteries through the world. A war is brewing the final war in history to decide who will survive, who will win good or evil, right or wrong, gods or devils. Will the twins even find their father before it’s too late

Gam3Tim3 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Nick look annoyed as Kinea walked to him he then said "You ain't fighting!?".

"I don't need him to beat you",Kinea replies.

A girl walks to Kean and sits beside him, she was about their age with long wine red hair, light orange eyes with freckles on her cheek and her uniform had the Babylon crescent.

"Yo! Kean?!", She asks with a smile on her face, her voice was very energetic and loud.

Kean looked over a bit confused as he says "Huh? You know me?!"

Kean then notices the Babylon crescent and bellows "Your from Babylon?! Who are you?!".

"I'm Rachel Valentine. King Logan told me about you guys, he said you were on a mission though", she responds.

"Oh ok, when did you even arrive?", Kean asks.

She replies saying "Oh yeah, I came about a year before you guys but before anymore about me…why'd your brother agree to fight".

"Is anything wrong?", Kean inquires.

She looked at Kinea and Nick who are gearing up to fight and answers "Well you see, in a world were dead people live you'd think there'd be no hierarchy anywhere but humanity can't function without one".

She continues on saying "And you know how the hierarchy is formed…through power, higher power people rule far better than those with low power and that also translates into college life as well".

"It's not something the college frowns on rather, the college absolutely loves it…it makes it all the more real. That's why duels are allowed anywhere, anytime…it's to give the college a sense of competition".

She then states "As of now, the schools hierarchy already has a top ten strongest and he's trying to enter it by beating any competition and you guys are new so it's easy pickings".

"I see, but it's a bit too late for that now", he responds.

"Guess, your brother's gonna lose", she says.

"Who, Kinea?!", he inquires while looking at her.

She looked back at him confused"Who el…, wait don't tell me you think he can win. You guys arrived just two months ago, most people in this school have been around for years…not to talk about the world were there are people in the thousands".

Kean chuckles and yells to his brother, who is about to start the duel "Hey Kinea!! They think you'll lose!".

Kinea looks back to him completely ignoring Nick and replies "Then I'll have to prove them wrong!!".

Immediately Nick dashes to him with a pair of from nuckles which were fortified with spiritual energy which was green in colour, Kinea brings out his daggers which were place in a pouch at his lower back.

The daggers metal was deep black but changed to light blue after Kinea used his spiritual energy on it, he then blocks Nicks attack and parties it away.

Nick begun a flurry of punches and kicks but Kinea dodged and parried them all with ease, he then begun countering making slight cuts at him after every attack.

He goes for a punch but Kinea ducks under it and lands a blow to his stomach causing him to get knocked back, Nick dashed to him again as Kinea made some energy slashes and sent it at him.

Nick barely dodges them as he gets close to Kinea as he swings his daggers at him but Nick tries to use his knuckle to block and counter.

Kinea's dagger is blocked but he immediately lets it go and uses his hand to land a strong uppercut to him sending him flying.

"See I told you he isn't gonna lose", Kean says proudly.

"Wow! I'm really impressed, he's quite strong. He's basically just playing with Nick at this point…" she responds.

"Wait?! Can you see that?! Up there…what is it?!!",she inquires while pointing up to the sky.

Kean then looks closer "Yeah,…what is tha-".

He gasps as he immediately grabs his sword.

In a flash the light bolts down at Kinea, then a huge explosion thunders. Almost everyone came out to see the commotion and there's a dense smoke around the area.

When the smoke clears two identical people are seen, they were extremely tall about twelve feet and extremely muscular to the point bodybuilders can't hold a candle to them, they had brown skin, dark hair with brown eyes and their uniform had the Greek logo on it.

They had huge smiles on their faces as they both held large pure black battle axes aimed to attack Kinea. While Kinea did block one of with his daggers, the other was blocked by none other than his brother Kean who got there on time and assisted him using his sword with spiritual energy and great speed.

"Thanks for the cover bro", Kean says.

"Anytime", he replies.

There uniforms were dusty and had a few patches in it and the floor underneath was destroyed.

"Oh! these ones are strong, this is gonna be fun Cas", one of them say.

"Calm down Lux, as much as I wanna beat them now…we can't be fighting them now", he responds.

They drop their weapons to the floor and Cas says "Sorry for the mishap, we just wanted to test something".

"Anyways! Lux let's get going", Cas says as he begins walking away.

The twins sigh and sheet their weapons, the crowd start to leave as Rachel walks over to them.

"Who's this?!", Kinea asks.

"Kinea, this is Rachel…she's from Babylon", he explains.

"Hey Kinea!! That fight was crazy! Can't believe I doubted you!!", she exclaims.

"Well yeah, it's me!", he responds.

"But more importantly, who were those two guys?!", he inquires.

She responds saying"They are the fourth strongest seen in the school as of now, they share it together. Cas and Lux are pretty giant and strong but they pick fights easily, so it's best you ignore them".

"Well that was quite a first day, I'm beat let's just head to dorm", Kean suggests.

"Alright, I'll lead you guys", Rachel responds.