
Devil’s Dominon

Devil’s Dominion is a story based in the year 3000, with humans dwindling in faith for the gods and even the devils, after realizing they're the sons of the devil, Kinea and Kean find themselves in the realm of the undead to escape from the clutches of their true father and to find their old one. With the world demons slowly infiltrating the real world it's up to them to stop them while training and finding clues of their father along with uncovering mysteries through the world. A war is brewing the final war in history to decide who will survive, who will win good or evil, right or wrong, gods or devils. Will the twins even find their father before it’s too late

Gam3Tim3 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

School Days

The room was temse, the kings looked at them with eyes of judgement.

King Logan breaks the silence with a loud clap and says "All right boys, we're gonna introduce ourselves. You already know me, beside me is Queen Anna. The ruler of the Medo-Persia Kingdom".

"Infront of me, the King of the new Roman Empire. His name, King Andrew and beside him King of the Kingdom of Greece is King Solomon".

He then pointed to the man with the smile"And finally, in the middle. The King of Asgard, King Matthew".

"We are the main leaders of the spiritual realm", he finally states.

The twins nervously take a bow to show respect, and stutter while greeting them "Good day…,sir…and ma…dam".

King Matthew says in a calm and reassuring voice "Good day boys, thank you for coming. Your not in any trouble…not in the slightest but after hearing of your issue, we believe it be good to not make you remember what happened that night".

The twins let out a slight sigh of relief before King Solomon questions "But you do want to be a hunter right? To find your father".

"Hunters?", Kinea asks.

"Why yes, that is what you call those of us who fight against evil. We call them hunters and there's a ranking to them all", King Solomon replies.

He explains "There are seven categories, from F-Rank to S-Rank".

King Andrew then further explains"Your mission against the wendigo was supposed to be a B-Rank but with two Wintercoss's appearing, that easily became an A-Rank and a strong one at that…maybe even S-Rank".

"You see anyone fighting against evil endeavours or dealing with anything of the sort, must attend a one month training program with an exam at the end", King Solomon explains.

"So your saying we gotta go to school?!", Kean inquires.

King Logan begins to laugh cheerfully while holding his stomach as he says "Not school, just a training program. Even Tolo went for his too, he didn't even get first place".

"Most people there are beginners like you but you guys have shown way more in just a couple weeks, you guys are truly talented", King Matthew says.

He then asks"Um…boys, defeating a Wintercoss even if it's a juvenile. You beating it is crazy, how did you do it?".

The twins looked at each other before Kinea replies "Well we were losing pretty badly but then something happened, we kinda just felt this power boost but from the start my mind became hazy".

Kean then remarks on it saying"It was almost like…my memories were wiped from that point on and I'm really not sure what happened".

King Matthew smiles and responded"All right…that's alright, I'm not too satisfied with your answer but i'll take it. You guys will be going in three days, representing Babylon. Take note the course for this month started today but you guys need to rest up before going".

"The school you'll be going to is the biggest hunter training school, it's situated in Asgard and it's the best in all of the spirit world…of course almost all of you aren't dead but are gifted with high amounts of spiritual energy. Passing their exams is said to be incredibly hard so this won't be easy but it's a necessity", King Matthew explains.

"We…re, we're ready sir!", They twins answered unanimously.

"All right, I think we can call this meeting to an end", King Matthew states.

Everyone leaves the meeting room, walking to the hallway and eventually making their way outside. The people begun coming out of their homes and buildings, watching the Kings happily and cheering them on.

King Matthew walks up to the twins before they entered their chariot saying "You guys will need to be here in the next three days, you'll stay in a dorm with the other candidates and you will be sponsored by King Logan and Babylon".

"I know you will pass easily, I have high expectations", he says finally before leaving.

"Thank you sir!", They cheered.

Three days later, the twins came back to the Kingdom of Asgard to start their schooling. Their chariots led by King Logan as he then says "Boys, make sure you behave yourselves. Make sure your careful, the people, teachers and many people in this school are envious and will stop at nothing to beat you".

King Logan continues explaining"There are also many sketchy people, so please be careful. Keep your new weapons well, there are much higher quality than your other ones".

He then pointed at the weapons the twins held, Kinea with a pair of daggers and Tolo with a sword. They had black cases which were designed with golden tiger designs, with black handles.

The twins themselves wore a beautiful black robe with the Babylon symbol at the back of the robe, black trousers and black leather shoes with white socks.

"Thanks for the weapons but this uniform is not the most fashionable in my opinion", Kinea says.

"Oh come on it's not that bad", Tolo responds.

King Logan laughs and then says "You boys are lucky, this uniform is good". He on the other hand wore a red robe with the Babylon crescent at the front with a pair of red trousers and white leather shoes. He also wore a couple of golden rings which were designed with rare gems.

"Your one to talk, your completely stacked!!", Kinea bellows.

"Oh your over exaggerating!", the King says.

The Chariot then stops as they head outside, a large gate was at their front with a larger school behind it. The school was enormous as the land mass stretched out for miles and the buildings were absolutely huge, with some places made with hard wood and the others with stone.

The students are seen outside conversing with one another, with some even flying with each other while wearing the same uniforms but with different symbols at their back from the different nations they were affiliated with.

King Logan and the twins walk into the school which catches all the students by suprise, seeing the king of Babylon walk through their school was quite the suprise.

The twins followed the king at his back, trying not to make eye contact with any of the students while feeling their gaze on them.

"This feels so fucking weird", Kean whispers while putting his head down.

"Yeah, it feels like we're walking with the president", Kinea responds also whispering.

"We kinda are though", Kean replies.

"Getting nervous?", King Logan questions.

"Kinda", they reply.

The students begun whispering to themselves comments saying "Wow! I can't believe the King of Babylon is here, is he sponsoring those guys?".

"Those boys look kinda cute".

"Why are they coming so late".

King Logan then chuckled before looking back at the twins and proclaiming"I think this is gonna be fun".


New Arc, gonna make it interesting so please be patient. Make sure to collect my work and send power stones, it really helps

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