
Death Note In MHA

"Is this a world you enjoy?" "Not really, no, It is simply the most entertaining. Light's world was entertaining, sure, but this one is even better." "Don't try anything too crazy. You got past the Shinigami king once, I doubt he will let you do it again" "..." The other Shinigami left after giving his warning, however, Ryuk was hardly going to listen. "This one looks interesting. All the others have no potential. He will do nicely," On that day, you could hear a creepy laughing in the distance, but no matter where you hear it from, for some reason, you could never get closer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update every Wednesday Weekly Power stones: 15 = 1 New Chapter 35 = 2 New Chapters 60 = 3 New Chapters Discord here: https://discord.gg/U3pbRWvhPP

AFallenAuthor · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs


"I am ACE."


"What will you do with Rook?"

"He did a horrible job on the DEKU investigation, falling for multiple of his traps, while he didn't fall for any of his. In addition to that, he stained my reputation. Simply put, he will not be seen again."

Everyone involuntarily gulped. After all, he just indirectly threatened them that if they don't do their job properly, they could die, not just at the hands of DEKU, but ACE as well.

"Everyone, listen now, for this will be one of, if not the most important decision that we will make..."

"Who will stay with me on this journey?"

'?' everyone was confused.

"I'm sorry, sir ACE? What do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious? The people who will stay and fight DEKU. I warn you now, this will be the only opportunity to back out. You will not get another chance to leave."

... There was silence for a moment, then about three quarters of 4the room left, leaving only 5 men to fight the unknown, seemingly omnipotent vigilante.

"... I see. 5 remain. In that case, from now on, this team will be known as the 'Dangerous Vigilante Subdual Squad", or just 'DVSS'."

"Now, I want you all to figure out 2 things, 1, what times the victims died, and 2, whether anything interesting happened before they died.



"Hey, Izuku!" My mother called for me from the kitchen. I hid the book under a loose floorboard under my bed and went to see what she needed.

"Yes, mother?"

"Izuku, could you please head down to the market to get some Yakisoba noodles for dinner please?"

"Of course, mother."

"Thank you, Izuku! Here's 1,000 yen, get yourself something while your there."

"Thank you, mother!"

'What a good kid.' Inko thought.

"Well, that was kind of her. I guess you're getting some apples today, Ryuk." I spoke as I locked the front door behind me.

"Hoho! Are you finally recognizing my usefulness?"

"No, it's more gratitude for what you've done for me."

"Well, in that case, take this info as my gratitude,

"You're being followed."

I immediately started to act as normal as possible, ignoring Ryuk, talking to people, the works. Ryuk just laughed, as Izuku tried to identify whoever was following him.

'Hmm, that looks like a face of a villain. It's strange, honestly, he seems familiar. He has a unique color hair, blue. Is it dyed or an effect of his quirk? His face is scarred and his lips are extremely chapped, to the point of being able to see it 25 meters away. he's clearly dangerous, but... I do have my own precautions.'

'Let's meet him.'

I quickly head into a back alley to behind one of the buildings and waited.

When I saw him, I spoke first, "Why have you been following me?"

"Oh?" A raspy, yet immature voice met me. I didn't like it. "You know that I have been following you, and your first reaction is to enter a back alley?"

"Just answer the question."

"I don't like you already. You're lucky the master has his eye on you or you would be dust already."

"And who is your master?"

"The great All for One!"

"And who is that?"

The blue haired man looked dumbfounded.

"The symbol of fear, of course. How do you not know that?"

'Oh?' "What is his quirk?"

"He can steal others quirks and give quirks to people? This is common sense, you bastard! Ohh, I'm hating you more and more!"

At that very moment, thousands of plans were going through Izuku's head, thousands of plans, thousands of ideas, all with one goal'


And through all of that, his facial expression didn't change once, and only a second of time has passed.

"Hmm, all right, color me intrigued. Let's meet your master."

"Follow me."


"Tell me, young Izuku," I heard a voice in a dark room. I was guided into a bar by the blue haired man, who introduced himself, although pretty unwillingly, as Shigaraki. Next thing I knew, I was here. "Isn't this world cruel? Your quirkless self being bullied day after day, with no chance to fight back? Tell me, is this a world worthy of destruction?"

I knew I had to get his trust, so I acted like an angry quirkless boy, which was surprisingly emo.

"Yes!! I hate this world, it should fall! FALL!"

"Haha, very good!" Well, at least he enjoyed the act, better hope he believed it. "Then won't you join me? I will give you a quirk! The "Illusionist" quirk would go nicely with you!"

"Yes Master! I will work for you for as long as I live!" The act was killing me, but I knew how important this was.

"Very good, now this will hurt just a little..."

All that could be heard for hours was screaming, and afterward, a teenagers laughter.


"Sorry I'm a little late mother, they were out of Yakisoba in the local market, I had to go over to the next market for it."

"That's fine, Izuku! Thank you for your help!"

"Of course, mother!"

I quickly headed back to my room and sat at my desk.

'hoooooh, I almost didn't make that.'

Izuku's new quirk, 'Illusionist', apparently doesn't fit him very well, but he doesn't care. As long as he has something he can use to get people's names.

Speaking of names...

'I need to do 2 things, prove myself to All for One, and get his name. That way, I can write out a scenario where I get his quirk. I don't know what he has for store, but once he tells me one of his plans, I can begin creating the scenario. But for now, I just have to be patient.

"The patient man wins the moment his opponent becomes impatient." I spoke out loud, unintentionally. Ryuk, of course, just laughed.

"You don't have any idea what I'm saying do you? You just like the idea that I know what I'm doing, right?"

He laughes, yet again.

1013 words

This is the last bonus chapter. Next chapter comes on wednesday.


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