
What have you been doing, All Might?

"Hmm, Somethings was off about him, but my lie detection didn't go off... Kurogiri!! Bring me Izuku Midoriya's file!"

A shadow sneaked into the room with a folder and left without it. In All for One's hands was the very same folder.

"Yes, that's what was wrong, 'Personality: Timid'. In no way was that child 'timid'. There are two possibilities, either he was so interested and excited about destroying heroic society, or something changed him very recently, before we got his report. I'm much more inclined to the former, due to him not having a quirk. Nothing would change a child that much, except for gaining a power after all. Well, it shouldn't pose any problem, just give him a difficult mission and see if he would be willing to succeed in it for us. That way, we can both see his potential, and his loyalty."

All for One laughed at this revelation, then told Kurogiri to give him 'Mission 108'

"Are you sure, sir? That is not exactly a 'rookie mission'."

"Yes, of course. Are you saying you are doubting me?"

"Of course not, sir."


"Ooh, look, the 'Ask Heroes' event is happening early!"

(Ryuk) "What's that? Some stupid thing where people ask other people questions? What's so specials about that?"

(Izuku) "It's pretty much what you described," Ignoring his last remark, Izuku continued, "People each get one question total for the event, which they can use to ask any of the heroes whatever they want."

"One question?"

"One question. If they were given multiple questions, the heroes would be there for weeks. I usually go every year, but I don't know about this year..."

"I kinda have more important things after all..." Izuku laughed slightly.

"Ooh Ooh OOH! That was a good laugh!"

Izuku looks at him deadpan. "What constitues a 'good laugh'?"

Ryuk didn't respond, but laughed.

Still deadpan, I respond "You know, you're not exactly helping you're argument of 'I don't laugh when I don't know what you're talking about."


'Hmm? A text?

(Text from 'MOM'!)

'Izuku, you can go to the 'Ask Heroes' event today. It works out extremely well for my schedule. It's a reward for doing so well on your last day of middle school yesterday! Straight A's!'

"Hmm, might as well. It's been a little while since I had a day off."


(Text from 'KUROGIRI')

(Izuku) "... Or not,"

'Sir All for One has given you your first mission:

Mission 108: Kill and/or ruin a hero in the Top 5.

Time limit: 1 Week

Reward: 1,000,000 JP YEN'

"Hmm? What are they thinking giving me such a difficult mission? Well I'm not complaining. I can finish that today, after all; It's pretty much free cash. Just one question, though. What should I ask the hero?"

I pondered the question as I entered the closed street, however it wasn't long before there was a disturbance. In the distance, was a huge group of people, growing at a steady pace. Everyone was excitedly whispering, waiting for something. Izuku quickly walked on over. "What's going on here?" Izuku asked one of the people who was standing there. "All Might's going to make a surprise appearance here today!". 'Oh?' Izuku thought. 'Isn't this the perfect opportunity?'. A smile grew on his face, before quickly disappearing.

'I'll ask him 'That', Hahaha'


Everyone was screaming, the rumours were true! All Might was here! Everyone screamed louder, trying to get All Might's attention;

"All Might! Do you have any family?"

"All Might, sir! What is your real name!?"

"All Might, where do you live?"

"Why haven't you great heroes done anything to stop the vigilante DEKU?"

A quiet question somehow split through all the noise. Everyone went dead silent, then turned to the person who asked the question; Izuku. Izuku used his brand new quirk to make it seem like his voice is more noticeable than everyone else's. With no training, this is the best he can do. However, it was plenty. Everyone was looking back and forth between me and All Might, who was extremely flustered, yet still with that filthy smile... Quickly afterward, whispers erupted.

"Yeah, they haven't done anything yet, have they?"

"They're doing a bad job."

"Why hasn't anything been done?"

"None of them have spoken a word about it..."

All Might was getting more and more flustered, so he tried to defuse the situation.


"All Might, you are delaying. If you don't believe in protecting the citizens, you can just say that, ya'know?" Izuku said while covering his mouth with his hand, assuming a slightly sad expression to everyone around him, but under his face is a huge smile. The whispers got louder, People were recording, All Might's smile faltered, then went back up.


"Why wasn't that done already?" Izuku interjected in. "The bare minimum for a hero is to protect the people, right? Why haven't you all done that already?" At this point, Izuku was laughing, but nobody could hear over how much whispering there was. All Might's smile had completely fallen. I calmed myself quickly and asked one of the people next to me for the video they were recording. They agreed, of course, wanting to spread the news quickly. All Might was completely silent at this point, and Izuku wasn't interested in the babblings of someone who clearly doesn't have an answer.

Izuku then sends the video to Kurogiri and heads home, to tell his mother about his new quirk, now that he has an excuse to as to how he found his quirk.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Sir, Izuku Midoriya has finished the mission. Beautifully, might I add." Kurogiri called All for One through his signature TV, as he was busy with... Washing clean wine glasses.

"Oh? What did he do?"

"He asked All Might what the heroes have been doing to fight against that new guy, what was his name... DEKU! That was the name. He then kept on railing on about how the heroes have been doing nothing to protect the people in front of tens of hundreds of people. He has the potential to become one of our best villains."

"Oho..." Silence was then heard, as the call ended. Kurogiri continued cleaning, and All for One just thought and thought, thinking as to what he should do now.

1077 words

Ya know, as a first time author, you have no idea how enjoyable it is to see other people enjoying your work. Seeing how much people enjoy it, it's truly something nice. So I just want to thank all of you for being here, enjoying what I have written for you.

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