
Chapter 8: Return Home and Rewards

~Third POV~

After the events that have happened with Ace's fight against Blackbeard and the sudden interruption of the fight, the Group Chat members spend the night sleeping nearby in the wild west town.

The people living there congratulated everyone for their efforts of protecting their home, so they were given free stuff and free food for the help that Tatsumi and Erza have done to help their home.

The two in question were happy to help as Erza was used to it since it was her job doing job requests like these but Tatsumi was nervous about this since it was new to him to be praised for doing a good job.

Toga took this chance to collect pictures of the town with her phone and some pics with the Chat Group members but only limit them since they wanted Ruby to be awake.

It was the next day with the members taking care of Ruby in their sleep as Tatsumi was starting to wake up at the same time as Ruby.

Unaware that Ace the Fire Fist was caught by the combined efforts of Garp and Aokiji when they encountered each other path when the marines left to go back to Marine HQ but caught the sight of Ace in the sea.

Ace tried to fight back but unfortunately, he was captured after the efforts of Vice Admirals with Haki, Garp the Marine Hero, and Aokiji an Admiral countering Ace Mera Mera no Mi equals to Ace being screwed over hard by the marines.

Over the sound of the Grand Line sea distance you could hear a man saying 'You brat how dare you to become a pirate I'll beat my [Fist of Love] into you!' then soon followed by screams of mercy was heard till it eventually became silent again…

~Tatsumi POV~


Opening up my eyes I see that Ruby is starting to wake up as I greet her first with a smile on my face, "Morning little red how was your sleep?"

Ruby looking at me innocently gives me an odd look till she remembers everything and asks the obvious question, "So you and Erza won against the pirates then?"

Nodding my head to her I also reply in a soft tone of gratitude to the young girl, "Yeah I have to say Ruby you really saved our butts with your speed without you I and Erza would have had a more difficult time facing the pirates plus I owe you one for helping get this new power."

Ruby looks confused but soon turns to a shocked expression as I open my hand to reveal a dark mist being produced as I bring out some grape to chow down on, "It was thanks to you that I got the Yami Yami no Mi so I will owe you one in the future."

Ruby smiles her face as everyone else begins to wake up and greeted Ruby with hugs from Toga and Erza gives a sincere smile to her for the help and pressure she was under to get us to town.

After that Erza left the room as she asks us where she is going, "Guys I'll be back I'm going to bring in some breakfast for everyone."

Everyone nodding their heads at Erza leaving Ruby looks at Toga as Toga asks Ruby in concern but happy voice, "Hey Ruby are you alright now? You made a big help getting these two guys on time so be cheerful and happy already!"

Ruby laughs nervously but replies at us to what she feels with a frown, "Still I didn't get to help you guys out in the fight I just feel like I didn't contribute more is all."


Releasing I go near the weapon nerd and rub her head surprising her as I give her some words of encouragement, "I wouldn't worry so much Ruby there will be a time for you to shine plus we have time for you to get stronger in the future so for now, just wait till your time comes to shine."

Glancing at Ruby blushing a bit and Toga snickers at the scene taking a photo of the scene as I stand there a bit confused but that was interrupted when Erza came back and used her [Re-equip] magic to serve us our food.

Ruby immediately took the food and started to enjoy it as we all did as Erza says to everyone present, "So guys what did I miss?"

Ruby soon blushes and Toga snickers at the scene as she shows her phone to Erza who nodded in understanding of the while I just look a bit confused about what is going on here?

But then I say to everyone in the group a question, "Ok then everyone what exactly should we do next should we travel around the place of this island till nightfall and return after?"

Toga soon agreed with me as she says to the group with a smile on her face, "How could we not! I mean we are in another world after all how about we go around seeing the town before we call it the day!"

Erza was next to agree to the day as she says to the group with a smile on her face, "That is true plus I could use a break from the guild for the day so I'm all in for it since we get our gifts as soon as we return why not have fun before we leave."

Agreeing with her yeah, I could use a day to relax for a day before we return home again.

Next, I see a bust of petals in the area to see Ruby already changed into something more for summer clothing for the day as she says excitedly as she raises her arm with her hand curled up, "In that case chat group what are we waiting for! This is once and a lifetime chance to see around another world I say we enjoy this day to the max! Banzai!"

Toga getting into the spirit of things followed the same example as Ruby, "Hell yeah rubes you show them! Banzai!"

Erza getting to the spirit also followed as well changing her clothes into a swimsuit making me nosebleed at that, "Hmm… I suppose a good walk around in the good summer fun on an island so count me in! Banzai!"

Seeing everyone's moods being this contagiously happy I got infected and joined along as well on the fun, "Alright what the hell might as well get the most I can get from this day so count me in damn it! Banzai!"

With that, we started our day going off on our own through the entire town seeing everything about this island and enjoy exploring the area.

They even had a beach here as well to enjoy the sun rays I have to admit it was good to be on the beach again.

I couldn't remember the last time I ever went to the beach to just sit back and enjoy myself.

But remembering Erza coming in with a black bikini on the beach certainly made me blush away while having a nosebleed at her form.

The only reason I haven't had a nosebleed earlier is that we were on a mission I learn to prioritize means first before pleasure.

Have to look out for my survival and others after all.

But otherwise, there were a few hiccups here and there with Toga pranking Ruby and her pranking Toga back although I have to admit that those two became good friends so soon left me shocked.

However, I didn't dwindle about that since I had a blast enjoying my time with everyone, I wish it could stay this way, but time doesn't stand still forever.

But these memories with everyone I'll surely treasure.

When the end of the day came, we all came back to get our stuff from the room where Ruby was in as we all glance at each other as we all waved to each other a goodbye for now till we meet again in the chat group.

Next thing I was now back in my old room laying down on my bed as I had a smiling having a good day.

As I was relaxing a bit, I looked over to see the news of the update from the Chat Group system.

[Congratulations! The new features have been added.]

[The 'Store' function has been added to the Chat Group.]

[Ping! The members Toga, Erza, and Ruby have joined the chat!]

Seeing the scene I see everyone was looking around other things on their screens as I did the same on the store function and holy shit it was awesome.

The store contained everything from items of Devil Fruits, Sacred Gears, Teigu's, and Dragon Balls but I was interested in the skills they have from ranging a lot of techniques or magic I have to say I'm very impressed with all the stuff here.

Erza: Amazing! This store function has a lot of these powerful items and skills for anyone to use it's simply a lot but…

Toga: These god damn prices for the skills are so pricy! Even the techniques vary from skills to abilities as well as the god damn prices of them vary to the extreme!

Ruby: Really? I see they are kind of fair since most of them work and are strong as well even some healing stuff is here as well.

Looking at the store again I couldn't help but notice that the [Incursio] cost around 33,000 Store Points as I sigh at this.

Looks like I'm going to have to steal the original one then.

But first I decided to ask the chat group members what they get from their rewards from the first mission we did.

Tatsumi: Hey guys did any of you check out the rewards you got from the Chat Group yet? Because I'm going to start to open mine soon.

Ruby: Oh! I want to open mine first is that ok with you guys!

Erza: No problem I am interested in what you get Ruby.

Toga: Hell yeah girlfriend show us what you got!

Seeing this I waited to see what Ruby has gotten from her reward it could be good or could be bad but either way, it would be good for her either way.

Tatsumi: Go ahead Ruby let's see what you get.

Ruby: Ok guys I'm opening my rewards right now oh gosh it feels like Christmas here let see I got a… [Quirk: Blackwhip]? What the heck is even a quirk?

Toga: Oh! That is something from my world Rubes! What does it say?

Ruby: Hold on let me see… Ah! There it is it says that the [Quirk: Blackwhip] grants the user the ability to produce black energy tendrils from any part of their body and command them at will this quirk appears to be powered by emotions, primarily anger, meaning the greater the anger, the stronger the quirk becomes.

Tatsumi: Ok that sounds like an interesting ability to have for you Ruby interesting, to say the least.

Ruby: Although it's powered by anger I think I can manage it but what else did you guys get anyway I'm dying to know!

Erza: Very well I'll go next then I got my reward as… a Sacred Gear called [Sword Birth] how a peculiar name and ability let's see it says it has the ability to create numerous Demon Swords of different attributes according to the will of the user.

Tatsumi: Now that is an interesting ability and weapon to have Erza I have to say good luck for you on that one honestly.

Toga: Yeah Erza you have some massive firepower now with that Sacred Gear like seriously you could create any counter to any problems with your swords like one specifically against dragons.

Erza: !!!

Erza: Yes, that could work and even against the Demons of Tartaros as well thanks for the idea but what is your reward Toga?

Toga: Alright let's see what I get please be something cool mama needs a new skill, weapon, or power up!

Tatsumi: I'm interested to know what you get.

Ruby: I bet Toga gets a good one that complements her Tatsumi just bet on it!

Toga: Ok what I got was… 20,000 Points extra as a reward huh? Not bad at all honestly since I can get one or two skills from this but certainly worth it~

Tatsumi: Huh? I guess that is good you could probably get what you want from the Store since there can never be too much of a good thing right?

Toga: True that but now the question is what will you get Tatsumi?

Erza: I'm also curious as to what you receive as well don't keep us waiting in suspense.

Ruby: Yeah what did you get Tatsumi I bet it's awesome!

Tatsumi: Alright guys I'll check what I got just get me a second ok?

With that, I quickly go over to the chat group screen to see an icon that has a present for me as I open up to get…

Well certainly not what I expected to get but cool all the same.

[Congratulations! You got have gained the [Authority of Greed: Lion's Heart].]

[Notice: System will do an automatic reboot for the next few seconds as well as a reboot to original names.]

When Tatsumi saw that he then goes pale implicating what the chat group meant...