
Chapter 9: Lion’s Heart

~Tatsumi POV~

[Authority of Greed: Lion's Heart]?

Now that is a very good combat ability to have with me.

Add that to my Yami Yami no Mi I just became pretty strong not as strong as Erza but very strong.

Glancing back to the screen I say what was my new reward ability is to the rest of the Chat Group members of what I got.

Tatsumi: Hey guys I got my reward as an ability called the [Authority of Greed: Lion's Heart] pretty cool right.

Ruby: Lion's Heart?

Erza: Now that is an odd name but why is it associated with greed?

Toga: Wait [Authority of Greed: Lion's Heart]? Isn't that an ability from the Re: Zero series the one with the insane high battle combat skill?

Tatsumi: Yup the very same one, basically it allowed me to freeze my heart's time, stopping my heartbeat and granting myself a temporary state of invincibility. While this power was active, I am completely cut off from the world's flow of time, literally becoming a walking anomaly with a time limit use of 5 seconds.

Ruby: Really? I can see this ability being used defensively but what does it mean to be completely cut off from the world's flow of time?

Toga: Well it's like this in a way he can basically ignore the physics of reality such as gravity, human needs, or even stopping ageing entirely for that matter but that isn't all that you can do with that Authority of Greed, right?

Erza: What exactly do you mean Toga? Is there more to the ability of his Authority of Greed?

Tatsumi: Yeah, the Authority of Greed has two abilities Lion's Heart is merely purely for the defense what Toga is talking about is the first ability Stillness of an Objects Time although it is possible since I could try to at least.

Ruby: Uh… what exactly is the Stillness of an Objects Time guys?

Toga: Ok that first ability of the Authority of Greed Stillness of an Objects Time could stop the time of anything he was wearing, touching, or even his breath, which in turn stopped the object's or thing's interference from the outside world, only allowing its interference outwards and even granting the user the ability to freely manipulate the objects' shape.

Erza: Now… that ability in itself is a cheat if I ever heard of one like that?

Toga: Oh no its gets even worse Erza if small objects imbued with Stillness of an Object's Time could be used either as a form of a platform that allowed the user to freely traverse on it, or be utilized as objects of imminent death and destruction as they created devastating and destructive attacks when used with malicious intent.

Ruby: How exactly can it be useful in a fight actually?

Tatsumi: Its like this say for an example if I were to pick up or kick things like dirt or sand, stopping their time and throwing them towards his enemies as the time of these small objects was stopped, the objects effectively acted as anomalies in the world, being cut off from the flow of time.

Erza: Ok since these objects are cut off from the world's flow of time then they would become anomalies correct?

Tatsumi: Exactly and when they do become anomalies, they passed through anything they collided with, no matter the sturdiness, leaving behind only small holes–if the structure was still left standing in the first place and if thrown at an individual or an animal, the objects would naturally travel through them, completely shredding and goring them, usually leaving behind nothing more than an unrecognizable pile of flesh or a bloody mist.

Erza: …

Ruby: …

Toga: …

Ruby: Ok since Tatsumi has the ability of Lion's Heart it should be possible for him to use Stillness of an Object Time, right? Otherwise how it would work for his Lion's Heart.

Erza: That is true can you even use the Authority of Greed first ability Tatsumi?

Tatsumi: I don't know I only got the second ability of the Authority of Greed might as well see if it works.

With that I soon got out from my home to my personal training spot secluded from everyone else nearby except for my chat group members.

Alright time to see what this Authority of Greed can do!

Let's start off with something simple hmm…

How about simply blowing a small breath should do the trick.

Ok with that I started to use my [Authority of Greed: Stillness of an Object's Time] to see if I gained that ability through the use of my second one and to see…

Nothing happens…

I tried again and again but…

Nothing happened I guess I only have the second ability of the Authority of Greed huh?

Seeing that I failed to use the first ability of my authority I guess I can only use the second ability well its not to bad plus this ability does help me with my Devil Fruit weakness of pain at least.

Tatsumi: Sorry guys it appears that I can only use the second ability of my Authority of Greed and not the first one.

Erza: I see… I guess we can't do much on it now but wait for you to receive it through a reward or through shop to get the first ability.

Ruby: Well at least he has an ultimate defense, doesn't he? It counters his Yami Yami no Mi in the pain of damage weakness right but that 5 second time limit does limit him a lot.

Toga: Actually, there is a way for him to remove that time limit guys but I don't know if you're willing to actually try.

Erza: Huh?

Ruby: Huh?

Tatsumi: Allow me, to explain in order to circumvent the handicap of the Lion's Heart ability in form of the five second rule, the user can give away his Lion's Heart to the subjects of his Kingdom, or in other words, to any woman who he considered to be his wife.

Ruby: I'm sorry but by becoming someone's wife?!! How does that even work!

Erza: I agree Tatsumi even if we want to help you, I'm not sure any of us feels any romantic feeling towards each other like that way and becoming your wife in the future as well that certainly brings in a whole new level of awkwardness in the future for us.

Toga: Yeah, we just met with each other for say a few weeks by this point I wouldn't go as far as to say that were all romantically incline to help on that subject.

Tatsumi: Yeah I agree that was why I didn't want to mention it before although if by doing so, it would effectively get rid of the timer and the necessity to manually turn the ability on and off, as by merging my heart with my wives' hearts, their heartbeat would keep his ability activated, and it would last until his wife's death but I won't force you guys to do it besides I already have a candidate for that anyway in mind so no big deal.

Ruby: Well if your fine with it should be ok right?

Tatsumi: Yeah, no problem at all and besides we have to meet each other again in order for me to give you guys my hearts to work so I wouldn't get to be invincible even if I did try to so no harm done.

Erza: Very well, although if we ever meet on a mission that forces us to be beaten, I think we will have to agree that one of us will become your wife if that were the case, right?


Ok I don't exactly follow as for what is Erza is saying but her blushed expression certainly says a few things.

Tatsumi: Can you please explain Erza because I think your confusing the other two with your boldness of your words here?

Ruby: …

Toga: …

Erza: Huh?

Erza: Wait that wasn't what I meant!

Erza: I meant in the off chance if we ever face off against some that is hard to defeat we may have to rely on Tatsumi ability of his Lion's Heart since it makes him invincible in battle and if we are to be the last ones standing it would be more helpful in the future for him as for us.


I can't exactly refute her words on that one there might be other worlds that can give me a lot of difficulties and for the others as well-being either solo or in a group that depends on how much difficulty there is in the world.

Tatsumi: Well… when you put it like that it does makes since at the very least if we ever go in a world that is too dangerous for us so I can agree with that.

Ruby: Oh, so that was what you meant then I don't mind if that is our only option.

Toga: I can live with that then if that is the case it would be good to have an invincible person on our side in missions at least but only as a last resort.

Erza: Sigh… thank you for understanding I apologize if I didn't make it clear.

Tatsumi: Well at least you made it clear for us, but I can't help but feel you just made match maker here for me in the group?

Erza: I have no idea of what you mean ;).

Tatsumi: Doubt.

Ruby: Doubt +1

Toga: Doubt +1

Erza: Hey!

Laughing at Erza distress was good and all but what she says does makes since there might be a time where I won't be strong and being invincible does sound nice as well plus I can use my Yami Yami no Mi to the fullest without worry about my pain since Lion's Heart can ignore it.

Well it's not so bad honestly since it is the ultimate defense making me invincible in that period of time.

Let's try the [Authority of Greed: Lion's Heart] then.

Even the smallest action will have a greater impact than normal how about one small leap through the air that should do right?

When I activated my Authority of Greed ability I was now high up in the air looking at the capital from high above the ground seeing the view for the first time.

As I was seeing the view from above, I have to admit this place looks fine but then I soon realize one small problem…

How was I going to land down!

Seeing this I soon started to crash down on to the floor hard but with my Lion's Heart I managed to avoid all damage even the gravity hurting me was avoided.


It looks like I'm going to need to practice on getting used to Lion's Heart then.

Maybe I should ask Erza to help me with my swordsmanship skills and teach me magic later.