
Chapter 7: The End of Blackbeard Pirates

~Tatsumi POV~

Looking at the scene before I and Erza were looking at the confrontation of Ace vs the Blackbeard pirates.

Seeing this not taking my eyes off this battle about to happen I told Erza, "Erza go for the head of Blackbeard because I'm not sure if going for the heart is the right choice…"

Erza keeping the views of the confrontations replies to me but with a hint of disgust in her voice seeing Blackbeard, "Yeah I think I can understand… just looking at him I don't know why but… it feels like there two people in that body it's just too abnormal."

Nodding my head yeah his too abnormal even looking at him for the first time I can tell my instincts are telling me that he's wrong in every sense of the word.

I have fought a lot of Danger Beasts and sold them to nearby villages with Sayo and Ieyasu but they all had a beast-like appearance or aura of sorts whenever I came to fight them.

But here…

It was like seeing a whole different person too abnormal for this world.

But with that we see the confrontation occurring in our very eyes.

Seeing Ace reforms from the shot fired from their sniper Erza looks surprised at the power with no use of magic she couldn't help but be in awe of it, "Amazing… this world doesn't have magic but there are these fruits that could give people this power its simply out of this world."

I could agree with you on that one Erza since this world is chalk full of physically strong monsters that even I couldn't comprehend unless I try.

We both listen in to Ace's retaliation and response to the sniper of Blackbeard crew, "Heh. Looks like you need to teach your crew some manners, Captain. [Fire Gun]!"

We saw that Ace soon turns his hands into pointed fingers as small pellets of fire were being unleased shooting at the sniper of Blackbeard's crewmate as we see the big guy try to hurt Ace from behind throwing an entire building at Ace!

Seeing this kind of physical strength was something from what I can do but seeing that I can reach that limit is something I can't wait to do.

Ace retaliates the attack on the building by using his attack at the building, "[Flame Commandment: Fire Pillar]!"

Next, I see a huge pillar of flames erupt from his body colliding with the building destroying it in its entirety as Blackbeard argues to his crewmates, "Auger, Burgess! Both of you, stay out of this fight! Until you get stronger this guy's out of your league! Do you hear me!"

Seeing the big guy name Burgess apologize to him I and Erza grew our eyes wide to see another attack comes towards Blackbeard as Ace releases a concentrated attack using his signature attack [Fire Fist] towards his group.


Seeing this golden opportunity as Blackbeard is at his weakest, I say to Erza, "Erza this is the perfect chance to get Blackbeard while he's down from Ace attacks I'll deal with his group we may never get another chance again like this end this quick and fast!"

Erza nodding her head at me agreed as we both got ready into position as Erza channeled her aura into her sword getting ready to end the fight.

Erza says to me in a determined voice with an expression to match says to me, "Very well as much as I would like to fight this isn't the time or place for it to happen so I better make this quick."

As the [Fire Fist] managed to land a hit on Blackbeard he was now yelling out loud in pain of the intense heat his feeling from the double damage he sustained, "Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!"

The rest of Blackbeard crew soon emerged from the blast attack of Ace [Fire Fist] coming over to him as Burgess tries to talk to the captain, "Are you – "

That was when I and Erza made our move quickly enough to surprise both parties of the pirates.

As Burgess got up, I managed to get behind him as I ready the [Water Sword] that Erza gave me as it started to create a water blade from the metal as I decapitated with an enhanced version of the attack to Burgess's neck before he had the chance to do anything.

Call what you want cheater or golden opportunist, but I want to defeat my enemies and kill my foes for even thinking of coming back to me.

The other three of the Blackbeard pirates looked on in shock that I managed to get close to them from this point but smirked when they are too late to realize that Erza already moved past me aiming for Blackbeard.

As Erza finally got above Blackbeard as he views Erza using her [Sea Empress Sword].

The [Sea Empress Sword] is a magical sword with an aquatic theme and the grip of the blade is composed of scales with the pommel having the appearance of a fishtail.

The chapped of the sword is styled along the lines of a nautiloid's shell with a segmented guard along the dull back edge of the blade.

Soon Blackbeard saw Erza water blade as he tried to get away only to be too slow as Erza managed to chop him off his neck without her saying any words cleanly slicing up his head off but found difficulty that she needed to reinforce her [Aura] on her sword through the neck.

While the other members of the Blackbeard pirates were in shock I didn't hesitate to quickly rush over to their sniper and proceed to kill him through the heart, but he did manage to react with his sniper gunpoint at my head.


But as the bullet shot at my head my [Aura] took the hit as he looks surprised as I didn't give him a chance to retaliate as I stab him in the heart.


While the other two saw this they took their chance to leave right away I didn't bother anymore since they saw this fight as pointless the same with Erza in that matter.

Pirates always go for a fight but for assassins they just go for the kill.

And seeing the announcement from the Group Chat only confirms our answer.

[Congratulations for completing the first quest!]

[You will receive your rewards once you come back to your world.]

[New features will be added to the chat group.]

[Do you wish to go back?]


No way at least not until Ruby is awake first after all we couldn't have gotten this mission over without her help, to begin with.

It wouldn't be right to just leave her like this it's best to get everyone to leave plus I owe her now since she got us here to this point.

Although we could've been here with our enhanced body then Ace and Blackbeard would've already destroyed the town and I don't think Ruby and Erza would appreciate it much.

However, as the two left Ace launched another fire attack towards the two that left now with me and Erza are the ones left with Ace showing an angry expression.

As he gets down from the ceiling, he wanted to know what our reasons were for interfering in his fight as he says to both of us, "Who the hell do you think you are to meddle in my affair of this fight!"

Both I and Erza narrowed our eyes on him as Erza was the one to answer him with a clear voice of disdain, "Who we are doesn't matter but someone needed to stop this pointless fight you are having here! Don't you care what the people are going through for the damages you may have caused in your fights against this man! Are you going to pay for their homes being destroyed or not!"

Coming from Erza and her Fairy Tail guild it would make sense since they always destroy property damage but always manage to repay everything in time but looking at One Piece however they don't do that.

While being free is nice and all but that doesn't mean that pirates will pay for the damages, they caused also runoff from paying for their foods.

Ace seeing this backs off from his initial response at us as he goes over to Blackbeard taking his head as he looks at us and gives us a sigh as he responds to us, "Sigh… as much as I don't like people interfering with my business I guess I will back off but his head is mine to take back to my captain for his betrayal of killing another friend a crewmate."

Erza seems to look surprised but allows him to take it since we just finished our mission anyway since she killed Blackbeard with that I quickly search back to the previous locations of our belongings looking at the fruits we brought with us.

Erza finally comes to me as she returns into her usual armor coming towards me as she says to me, "So then Tatsumi we managed to get the job done, so did the fruit reincarnated into the fruits that we have?"

Searching through the fruits that we all brought with us I replied to Erza about the quick job if she found difficulties, "Yeah so far I haven't seen the fruit yet emerged but tell me honestly Erza if you did fight Blackbeard all out do you think you have a chance in physical strength department to win?"

Hearing a sigh escape from her mouth she admits to me that she couldn't in a defeated voice of hers, "No when I tried to cut through his skin it felt like that I was cutting another flesh inside of that abomination it seems like he was born that way what even was he in the end?"

Shrugging at Erza response I wasn't sure myself as I continue to look through the fruit, "Not sure only some theories about his odd body but nothing concretes about him, but it doesn't matter now since he has long gone now."

Erza replies at my comment about Blackbeard as she says to me, "True I suppose it doesn't matter now isn't? So, have you seen the fruit appear yet?"

My eyes were kept on looking at all the grapes and pineapples provided but I see that not one of these –

My eyes grew wide as I see one of the grapes started to change with my smile growing at the process!

The Yami Yami no Mi is a large, round, light purple fruit made up of many small teardrop-shaped components with swirl patterns, and green leaves sprouting from the top and its overall shape and appearance closely resembles a pineapple or a bunch of oversized and teardrop shaped grapes.

Seeing this Erza was seeing it unfold before her very eyes at the scene as she says at the scene before me, "I'll be damn I didn't think that guy fruit would be here at all did you figure that out Tatsumi."

Shaking my heads towards her I reply honestly to her with a sheepish smile, "Well to be honest I didn't know if it worked out but I'm glad that I did."

Erza smiles at this as she encourages about what I'm about to do, "I guess this means you're going to eat its fruit then?"

Smiling at her I quickly took the bite out of the fruit with no hesitations.



Holding my mouth shut this fruit is so god damn awful!

How could anyone stomach these atrocities of god I can taste the horrible after taste no!

With my body consuming the fruit I began to produce a dark mist coming off from me as Erza says to me, "Incredible just one bite and you already ate the Devil Fruit of the Yami Yami no Mi obtaining its power!"

Looking at my new power it looked great but that was when I gained another knowledge of the Yami Yami no Mi that I could eat another fruit but no more that is certainly something I didn't know about but seeing my bad on the floor I used my darkness to devour them and hide them for later.

Erza looking curious at me she asks me a question, "Tatsumi what exactly did you do to your stuff?"

Replying to her I focus on bringing out my bag of gold and silver coins from my bag as it reappears again in my hands with a smile on my face, "I was just testing out if I can have a dark space like your storage space it looks like it works for me now the only thing we need to do is wait for Ruby to wake up wouldn't feel right to leave without all of us going right?"

Erza smirks at this as she replies to me with a hint of relief I hear in her voice, "Good… good to know that you are still you with the power you obtained to be sane and care about our friends."

I raised my eyebrow at that to her as I question what she meant, "Oi! What the hell is that supposed to mean exactly! Just because I came from Akame ga Kill doesn't mean I'm going on a god damn murder spree who do you think I am Esdeath?!!"

With that we both laughed at that joke at least we should wait for Ruby to wake up before we left.