
DC x Marvel : random price pool system

Allen Walker reincarnated into the world of marvel as relative of agent Maria hill, after meeting Coulson who came to recruit hik he Awakened his cheat power Random pool price system. join the mc in his journey to see how far he can go or will he fall somewhere?

shikamaru77 · Phim ảnh
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15 Chs

new prize

Allen looked embarrassed as Tony is glaring at him. Coulson then collected the leader of terrorists and took him to the cell while taking Tony and others to another plane so he can go to his house.

Meanwhile Fury asked Allen to come to his cabin. Allen appeared in the office and greeted Fury," yo Mr pirate it's been 10 years since we last met. I'm surprised when I found out my aunt is a secret agent and the mr pirate I used to play with as a kid will be the leader of a secret organization".

Fury looked at Allen with his one eye and said," and I'm surprised the little kid who is very innocent when I last met will be turned into killing machine at such a young age, also you have a special ability nonetheless".

Allen and Fury looked at each other then Allen said," so what is my uncle need now? Another important mission", Fury looked at him seriously and said," monitor Tony for now secretly. Even though we got Obadiah stane the leaders looked like they're plotting something. Tony is a very important to shield also consider this as a breakbfor you".

Allen nodded while Fury said," and kid, I appreciate it if you finish the next part of your books during this break", Allen looked at Fury with a raised eyebrow and said," which one?", Fury looked at him and said," all of them ".

Allen nodded and four out while hill approached him and said," is it another mission?", Allen looked at her and said," yes, director wants to me monitor that playboy. I think this mission will be very suitable for Natasha or you".

Hill looked at him deadpanned and said," sorry, I'm not interested seeing someone private life who will sleep with models everyday", Allen laughed and goes away while thinking about his next plans.

The books he wrote I mean copied from his previous life also earned him some fortune but it's too boring to stay at home. So he joined milliatary training where he attracted secret officials with his strength. He joined cia first in missions then shield recruited him.

Before the training he is usually very lazy sitting in his home. As Allen is in his monologue hill already arrived at his house and said," here we are", Allen got out and said," why don't you come in hill? I can make some coffee for you".

Hill looked at him and said," I'm not like your college girls to flirt with Allen. Also I'm your aunt", Allen looked at her and said," yeah, yeah, I know", hill drove away. Allen goes into his house and after cleaning everything he made himself some lunch with pork.

Then he sat down while opening the pool rewards :

[ Random Pool reward system

Daily random pools : 1

Quest rewards : rare pool - 1 ]

Allen took a deep breath and entered the pool dimension. There is a pool which is glowing Allen clicked his daily pool while it stirred and emitted a light blue ball. Allen looked at it expectantly.

[ Super ability - bullet speed ]

Allen jumped in joy, bullet speed although it's an inferior version of quicksilver's speed it's still an useful reward. He can move at high speeds currently he can move at a pistol bullet speed.

As Allen activated it he felt everything around him slowed down. Allen felt happy that for the first time he got something very useful from his pool. He then used the rare gacha while a blue coloured ball appeared infront of him.

[ Template - BoBoiBoy thunder (upgradable) ]

Allen hit his thigh and stood up while holding back shouting in joy. BoBoiBoy thunder although weak at this point but the upgradable thing beside it is something that he is looking forward to. When upgraded he can unlock more abilities to fight.

The thunderstorm is a form of BoBoiBoy that is powerful enough to take in other two forms at early stages. So he is looking forward learning more from this template. BoBoiBoy thunder can be upgraded to thunderstorm where he can be more powerful in that form.

But he knows why this template is rare rank, it's not complete BoBoiBoy template. It's just his thunder element with the limiter at the thunderstorm form.