
DC x Marvel : random price pool system

Allen Walker reincarnated into the world of marvel as relative of agent Maria hill, after meeting Coulson who came to recruit hik he Awakened his cheat power Random pool price system. join the mc in his journey to see how far he can go or will he fall somewhere?

shikamaru77 · Movies
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15 Chs

the play boy

Soon we can a side of the terrorist camp is all empty except one as Allen chose to disguise himself. He acted like he is patrolling there to avoid suspicion from the cc camera and used the guns to take out targets when they appear in no cc or patrol zones.

Like this in a couple of hours he took out most of the terrorists and important targets, but obviously the camp will get suspicion for empty spaces, to avoid that he took out the personnel of the surveillance room except the leader who he knocked down.

After killing almost every terrorist he can find he goes to knock on the door and Yinsen opened the shaft before asking in a language of Urdu. He facepalmed himself and said," tell Tony I'm here to rescue him, I'm a mercenary here for his rescue".

Yinsen conveyed this tiny hesitantly who came back and he showed his American face. After showing him he is really a mercenary Tony allowed him in. He said he already took most surveillance and others and if he can give 100 million he will safely escort both Tony and Yinsen out.

Tony argued saying he has the suit while Allen asked him," you have it but what did Yinsen have?", Tony then looked at Yinsen troubled and said," fine, 100 million if you can take us out".

Allen stretched his hands and said," deal. Wait here for a few minutes and enjoy fire works. I have a job to do now", he said and walked out while taking out the remaining terrorists in a loud manner.

He then came back with the leader who is now his hostage and said," everyone in the camp is dead except us. I have a gift for you. The leader of the camp, he may know who is behind all this. Don't thank me this is my job as mercenary".

Tony looked at him and then at the leader. He almost blow up the leader's head and asked him about everything, but the leader is tight lipped. Allen looked at this and said," do you think he is a kid who will give you the answer after you ask him in such a sweet time".

He said before digging a bayonet into the arm of the leader while he screamed loudly and Allen asked," the next one will be in your ass or in the fuse. Tell everything or I won't hesitate turn you into a eunuch".

The leader gulped and said everything while crying in pain and looked pathetic. After knowing it's his uncle Tony collapsed on the chair and held his head thinking about all things. He find it hard to believe.

Allen meanwhile is eating a cheese burger he took out from his inventory. Tony and Yinsen looked at him with wide eyes as it appeared out of no where. Allen looked at him while Tony said," 4 cheeseburgers and if possible a coke or something for 5 million".

Allen looked at him and took out the package with 4 cheeseburgers along with a bottle of coke. He looked at Allen and asked," what is this technology? Some kind of space miniature or pym particle myth my old man used to say".

Allen looked at him and said," I'm a meta human. I have a special space to store other items. I also possess psychokinesis Mr Stark. Now let's wrap this up and go home. Your ride is arriving I already called a plane".

Tony nodded not knowing he is been cheated by Allen for 100 million dollars. Allen already earned more than 30 million from his missions. Now he can buy stark industry shares if he can play his cards just fine.

Although they're little but still he can get some income later. After getting into the quinjet Tony looked around amusedly while Allen gave him a phone to wire transfer the cash. Tony asked pepper to transfer after a few words that he is fine and been rescued by a mercenary while the pilot looked back at Allen with Pikachu face.

Allen signalled him to shut up while the pilot didn't say anything else. After he received the money Allen looked somewhat happy while he also received a reward for rescuing Tony stark. As for the armour it is left there after Tony tested it.

Allen didn't say anything in this. Tony appeared in the shield headquarters and only then Tony understood he is been tricked into some money by Allen who is looking at him with a smile.

Tony held back hitting him in face. Coulson appeared there and met Tony while asking Allen," I'm surprised you can trick Mr Stark into giving you money while acting like mercenary Mr Walker. Though it's expected from the agent reaper".