
DC: The Wildcat

A man who will have to punch and kick his way through the DC universe with no powers. Seems like a pretty cool idea. It isn't.

CruzControl67 · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

A Good Day For Ice Cream

Eddie. POV.

National City. So much cleaner then Gotham and more open then Metropolis. I had just gotten an ice cream cone from a new place that had just opened. King Cold's Creamery. Cars filled the streets, and I sat on a bench watching them go by.

"Get out of the way! I'm going to be late for work you jackass!" A man in a red truck yelled out to a taxicab. The taxicab was picking up a person.

"Fuck you man! We all got places to be!" The person who was getting into the cab yelled out and flipped the guy in the red truck off.

"That's how it's gonna be!" The guy in the red truck asked.

"Shut up already!" A woman in a blue sedan yelled from behind the red truck. The man in the truck turned around.

"No one's talking to you bitch! So shut the fuck up and stay over there!"

"You're the one who's making us all wait now!" She yelled back and the guy turned around to see the Taxi had already left. His eyes widened and drove off. "Dumbass." The woman said while slowly driving away.

I sighed. National City may have been cleaner than Gotham it still had it's faults, the people here were not the best.

The ice cream was good though. Berry Burst, a mixture of Strawberry, Raspberry, and Blueberries.

"Can I sit here?" A voice from my left caused me to look over to see a very blond and very blue-eyed woman with glasses and a high ponytail pointing next to me.

"Sure." I scooted over to give her as much room as needed. She smiled brightly. She had a satchel on her left shoulder and a laptop in her arm.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea, how hard it is to find an empty bench in this city." She sat down and placed her bag at her side. She put her laptop on her lap and began typing. "I just needed a place to sit down for a second." She looked to me and smiled again. "Work is very busy around this time of year." I nodded and continued to eat my ice cream.

"What do you do?"

"I'm an assistant at CatCo."


"CatCo Worldwide media. The biggest media source in the city." She looked at me like I had called her ugly or something.

"News to me." I said while shrugging. She shook her head and began typing again but stopped after a couple of seconds.

"How do you not know what CatCo is?"

"I'm from New York." Her eyes widened.

"Really? I've been a few times with my family. Seeing the statue of Liberty was cool. The pizza was so good! It felt like everywhere you turned you could get something to eat. Everything was so bright and…" She noticed my staring and blushed. "…You already knew that."

"It's nice to see people gushing about the rat nest." I shrugged.

"Rat nest? You should see Gotham." She said and I snorted.

"Have. It's the worst of the worst." She began typing again.

"What do you do for work?" I sighed leaning back on the bench.

"I own a few gyms." Partly true. Ted owned the gyms. I just managed them, the one in New York at least. It would pass on to me when he died, but something tells me I'll kick the bucket before the old bastard.

"Oh. I would have guessed you worked at one due to all the…" She just gestured to my arms. I nodded and rubbed my bicep.

"Hard work pays off." She smiled but it fell quickly. She stood up with a serious expression.

"I have to go…" Without another word she sped off, quicker than expected.

"How strange." I commented while finishing my ice cream cone. The ice cream was already melted at that point, now I just had to bite the bottom and finish…


Lighting bolts crashed in the air, and cars flew up and craters were formed. A body slammed into the street in front of me, and my ice cream cone flew out of my hand.

"Mother…" I was cut off by Wonder Woman hovering slowly to the ground.

"This fight is over, Circe. Stand down and await trial on Themyscira." She landed on the floor and I could see a hand grab the edge of the crater.

"You wound me if you think I'll give up that easily." She was half up the crater before she shot a lightning bolt at Wonder woman causing her to fly back.

'I should probably do something.' Around me people screamed and ran away. I followed them. Just enough to get to Zeta-Tube and grab my gear.

"How's it hanging kid." Ted said from under a bench bar. He was repping 500.

"No time. Magic attack, National city." I said while jumping to squeeze into my pants.

"You need help?" He was sitting up with a worried look on his face. I snorted.

"You? You'd probably turn to dust with type of action." I joked. He just kept his face straight.

"Magics no joke kid. I'd put on the rags if you need me too." He said seriously. I got the shirt on at this time.

"I'll just use my environment to my advantage. Throw a car door or something. Maybe a wheel." I looked around for the mask to see it in Ted's hands.

"Who is it." I paused and thought.

"Cirpe, I think? I wasn't really in ear shot when Wonder woman said the name." He frowned.

"I think you got to throw in the towel on this one."

"Yeah right." I reached for the mask, but he gripped it tighter.

"Circe, is Diana's sworn enemy. Leave it to her." I grabbed the mask and wrenched it out of his hand.

"I can't do that. I saw what happened, and I can help. Or at least try too."

"You'll get yourself killed."

"Oh, of little faith." I put on the mask and went for the Zeta-Tube. I heard a sigh at my departure.


"What the hell?" The street that I was just on was completely tarnished. Full of rubble and flipped cars, some builds had many holes in them. I looked around the street and saw a woman in a flipped car. 'shit.' I ran to her and pulled open the door.

"Lady, you ok?" I called out to her, and she just moved her head slightly.

"I…I'm… I think I'm stuck." Her head was to the ceiling turned to look at the passenger side blood was in a pool beneath her, but I didn't see any extreme damages. Maybe a minor concussion due to the crash. She definitely had to have fracture something.

"Just keep talking to me." I looked around at the car before sucking my teeth.

"I don't want to die." I heard her say frantically.

"who said anything about dying." I said as I gripped her car and spread my legs. "I'm going to lift this car as high as I can, I want you to unclip the seatbelt and crawl out, ok?" I heard her yelp and then whimper. "Look, you'll be fine. Just focus on unclipping your seatbelt."

"ok… I'm ready." She grunted. I took a deep breath.

"Three." I made sure my feet were planted solidly. "Two." My hands were beginning to sweat. "One!" I yelled and tried to lift the car. It didn't move insanely fast but slowly nudged along. The woman's head was no longer stuck in one position, and I could hear the 'click' of her seatbelt unbuckling. I lifted further and I could see her slowly crawl out.

"I'm ok." I heard say from behind me. I grunted and dropped the car. I landed on one knee out of breath.

"Superman makes this look easy." I huffed and puffed with my hand against the car, looking around. "Get to safety." I waved my arms around at the seated woman, but she just looked confused.

"But I have to thank my hero in some way." She said and stood up with a tight smile on her face.

"Fuck you talking about? Get out of here. It's not safe." She just walked closer and put her hand on my shoulder, massaging it slightly.

"Really?" Her body started to flicker. "I feel safer already." Her smile grew. I tried to get out of her grip, but it was like steel. "Please don't leave. What if the bad lady comes back." She stopped flicking and stayed the same beauty that attacked Wonder Woman. I tried to throw a punch at her, but she just caught it and frowned. "How pathetic. Men. You are all the stain of this…" A speeding blue and red streak flew into her, causing her to roll many feet away. The blue and red streak stood Infront of me with a huge smile on her face.

"That was fun." She looked to me and stuck out her hand. "Supergirl." I took it and she helped me up.


"Nice meeting you." She flew off towards Circe without another word. But a lightning bolt hit her causing her to crash into a car. She fell with an 'ow'. As soon as I saw the lightning I sped forward towards the castor.

"I am tired of being thrown around like trash." She screamed out with an angry look on her eyes. I unclipped my knuckle dusters and suckered her in the face. She took it and just kept glaring at me. I drove a knee into her stomach which caused her to shift slightly back. "You were cute moments ago, do not test your…" Foot met mouth when I did a helicopter kick, hitting her with my right foot and then my left knee. Going with the motion I turned and drove my elbow into her stomach "Stop!" I froze in place. I couldn't move. "You see your attacks have no effect on me, yet you continue. Are all men this dumb?" She asked me while walking around and examining me.

"No." I answered as soon as she asked me the question. 'How is she doing this.

"It matters not. I grow tired of you anyways." She waved her hand and I felt something shift within me. Like my heart burned. "Oh. I see The Princess has returned." She walked off. My lungs started to feel full. My bones felt like they were stabbing me. My muscles vibrated uncontrollably. My brain felt like it was going to explode.

"She's like crazy strong." Supergirl sped over to me with a worried look. "She took me down with one hi… Are you ok?" My body wasn't frozen anymore, but I crumpled in a heap. My body expanded and my clothes ripped. Fur was beginning to grow around my body. I could feel fangs peaking through my mouth and saw the beginning of whiskers at the bottom of my vision. I crawled to a car and looked a the side view mirror. What I saw was a beast. A disgusting, horrifying creature no man should bear witness too.

I was some sort of Werecat

I roared in protest.