
DC: The Wildcat

A man who will have to punch and kick his way through the DC universe with no powers. Seems like a pretty cool idea. It isn't.

CruzControl67 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Magic Do Be Crazy

Supergirl. POV.

"ROAR!" Wildcat yelled out as he crouched in front of a mirror. It was weird, he was holding his head and wavering.

"Calm down. You're perfectly fine." I put my hands out in front of me and walked towards with a calm smile on my face. He turned to me with wide eyes. Yellow eyes flickered to Red, and he looked like he was exhaling a thin green mist. "This is normal right?" He growled in response and went into a prone. He leapt to a car and then bounced off to lunge at me. He slashed at me as I hovered a bit off the ground.

"I'm not the bad guy!" My yell didn't seem to get through to him as he landed and turned to me again. "Don't make me put you down." He growled again and lunged at me. Slashing widely as he flew in the air. As he got closer, I let out a sigh, and pulled my arm back.

There was a crack in the air as my fist connected with his cheek. His body flew into 5 cars before stopping. I flew to him with a worried expression. His body twitched and the green mist only got thicker. His eyes were closed.

"Sorry! I'm still getting used to the whole super strength…" His eyes snapped open, and he clawed at my arm. Before I backhanded him away causing him to fly into the air. Hissing as I looked down at my arm. There was two long crimson lines dripping blood. "That's new." The cuts were already starting to stich themselves back together. It still hurt like crazy.

I looked up at the sky, and saw him twisting in the air, heading towards a building. I flew up and followed him.

Wonder Woman. POV.

"Cease this madness, and return to the Island of Aeaea now, or I will bring you to Themyscira chained."

"Oh please, Diana. You and I both know you can't defeat me by your lonesome." She smiled and dragged her fingers across her chin to rest them there. Her purple hair flowing and the thin green aura surrounding her pulsed as she hovered over the city.

"You are misinformed." I reached out with my hand and my sword materialled in it. (This just my own addition. I know she usually keeps it on her waist or on her back) "Pray your final moments are quick." I charged forward and her grin deepened. She maneuvered her hands around and shot off dozens of lightning bolts. As I was flying towards her, I blocked all of them with my bracelets and punched her in the face with my left hand. She flew back a little bit and I followed. As I tried to hit her again, she simply vanished and reappeared leaning off of a building.

"Please do better than that Princess." She was looking at her nailing and twirling her hair. I pointed my sword at her and scowled.

"For the sake of all that is true and worthy, you will be beaten today." She just rolled her eyes and teleported above me. Her eyes were glowing, and her hair was flying around at rapid pace.

"After I beat you, Hecate's magic will be mine. Then no one will challenge me!" Dark clouds were forming, and purple lightning cracked in the air.

"I will not allow that!" I charged forward and another lightning bolt came down to hit me from the sky.

Supergirl. POV.

Wildcat's body crashed into a building, but it was struck by that crazy storm that was forming so the power was out.

"Look I know we just met like a minute ago." I cautiously hovered around through the desks on the floor. It was an office building so desks and papers were scattered everywhere, probably due to Circe. "I just want to say. not the best of first introductions." I heard a growl from behind me and turned to it. There was nothing there, until I squinted. I could see a glowing eye from the furthest corner of the room. Then it vanished. "Look. I'm just trying to help fix…whatever happened to you." A cup was knocked over to my right and I looked at it to see it shatter to the floor.

Then a shadowed figure crashed into me causing the both of us to fly through the window. Scratches and punches were thrown at me as we both fell and tumbled through the air. My arms were bust guarding my face and keeping his mouth away from taking a chunk from my neck.

"Enough!" I yelled as I shot him with my laser eyes. It hit his face, but his legs were wrapped around me, so he didn't fly off like expected instead it only caused his head to go back slightly. He raised his hand to block the lasers and slowly pushed back. I gritted my teeth and tried harder, which only caused him to use both hands.

As his hands covered my eyes, a massive explosion caused us to separate.

Wonder Woman. POV.

Our fight was a tug of war. I would gain advantage and land a blow or two but then she will just teleport away and shoot magic at me. It was a tiresome thing.

We hovered a couple feet away from each other. Bruises on our bodies, and both huffing for air.

"Tired already, Princess?" Circe smiled and flew around me purple fire coursing through her body. I gritted my teeth.

"If I continue to draw breath, then my lust for justice shall never cease!" I charged to her with an overhead strike that she narrowly dodged.

"How poetic." She tried to hit me with a purple blast, but I dodged it and struck her in the gut with my knee. Her body folded and her eyes bulged out of her skull. Her eyes glowed again to initiate a teleportation; I would not allow her. I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around and threw her into the sky. Her arms flailed and I sped into the air like a bullet with my fist driving right in her back.

She gave a gasp as her body abruptly stopped in motion for a moment, her body fell unto a building. Beaten and shacking. I landed on the building as well, meters away.

"You will surrender." I spoke to her as approached her at an even pace. She smiled while on her hands and knees.

"Oh Diana. After all these…GAH!" I kicked her in the stomach causing her to fly into the air and unto the street. I flew down and saw her hunched over, leaning against a car.

"Surrender." She just cackled and the wind starting to pick up. She looked up at me with burning eyes.

"Never." I smirked and quickly undid my lasso and shot it around her neck. Her eyes widened as she clawed at her neck. The lasso only tightened and glowed brightly.

"Why did you attack today?" She just shook her head. "You should know. No one can resist the Lasso of Truth. Gods nor demons. I nor you." Her face was red, and her eyes blood shot.

"It was the bald man. Lex Luthor."

"Why." I pulled tighter causes her to fall on the floor.

"He needed us to confirm the abilities of our Rivals."


"The…the…Legion of Doom!" My head went back in confusion and a single eyebrow rose.

"Legion of Doom?"

"A team to battle the Justice League on even ground." I pulled tighter and her body went limp. I could not kill her. The Woes of immortality. So, she will be asleep for a number of days.

"Wonder Woman to League, come in." I held my wrist to my mouth and looked around the city. The combat was held to one block, though the lighting from the clouds earlier did stray away.

"League here." J'onn's deep voice answered me.

"I have defeated Circe in National City. Two younger heroes have lent me a hand. One is Wildcat and another that goes by Supergirl, Perhaps Kal, has some explaining to do. Back to the point, Circe has provided me with information that the Villains are forming a league of their own. Titled, the Legion of Doom. Other League members should be warned of this." A deep hum was the response I got.

"Other similar reports have come in. Though no one else found out the purpose of the unanimous villain attack. I will report this to other league members. Be well, Diana."

"You as well J'onn" I dropped my wrist and placed my hands on my waist. Looking around, I could see toppled cars and cracked windows. A giant crater was in the middle of the street, and a bench still rooted to the sidewalk. I walked towards it and sat down. My body melded with the back of the bench and I gave off a deep sigh. That was until a body skidded through the street and landed a couple feet away. It was Supergirl. She was blooded and just getting back on her feet, before a black blur crashed back into her. Stradling her waist and clawing at her. Supergirl was blocking with her arms and trying to attack back. But the onslaught was to much for her.

I ran forward and lassoed the creatures around it's body. Causing its arms to slam against its torso and it's legs to go against each other. As soon as this happened, Supergirl sucker punched it and as it was held by my lasso, it flew over me and slammed into the floor. My body turned with the creature and now I faced it.

"Thanks." Supergirl said from beside me with a smile on her face. "I could have handled it myself though. Not to brag or anything." Her confident attitude did not match her outer exterior. Though with Kryptonians, you can never fully count them out of a fight.

"Think nothing of it, fellow heroine. I have handled the Villain Circe. Tell me where is the fighter, Wildcat?" Her face contorted to an uncomfortable look, and she pointed to the downed creature who was trying to bite at the lasso. "I see."

"So, this isn't normal?" I ignored her question and looked at Wildcat closer. The green mist was the result of magic.

"You will accompany me to the Watch Tower." I turned to the blond-haired superheroine, who smiled. "Superman has some explaining to do with keeping you a secret." Her smile fell and she put her head down. "Relinquish your fear. You are not in any trouble. Kal El will just need to be talked too, and our friend here needs to be turned back."

"Ok." She said and together we flew to Circe and Wildcat to a Zeta-Tube and got to know one another. A warrior is what I would call her. Though she is still learning her strengths. The world could use another hero to fill it with hope.