
Dawning Skye

When Skye Moonstone’s wedding is interrupted by her former, supposedly deceased betrothed: her life becomes a series of complications, mystery, and excitement. Knowing only of the boy that he used to be, Skye finds herself drawn to the man that Prince Tidas has become. Intelligent, strong, and charismatic; he had decided long ago to do whatever it takes to protect the love of his life. No matter the risk to his body or soul.. Throughout her many trials, Skye will learn that her home, family, and even personal history are all stories meant to keep her safe. That her true purpose is not just to save her love, but her entire world. The fates of both Humans and Fae alike will rest upon her shoulders.. Intrigue, legends, and her place in it all will lead Skye down a path that she knows she may not come back from. But to save the lives of her loved ones, she’ll risk her very existence.. Whatever it takes to save them. Magic, Fae, War, Fate; they all reside within this epic love tale of fantasy. All can be found within the Dawning Skye.. One simply needs to look. ****WARNING: 18+ Mature Content Viewer Discretion Is Advised**** Content Contains: Violence, Language, Blood/Gore, Trigger Material(No Actual Rape Scenes), And Extremely Graphic Sex Scenes. Viewer Discretion Is Advised. Not A Slow Burn Book. This Series is about a devoted couple with a strong friendship and respect-based relationship. Enjoy! •Two Chapters A Week, Every Week! Unless... •500 Power Stones: 3 Bonus Chapters •1000+ Power Stones: 8 Bonus Chapters *Bonus Chapters Will Be Released The 30th of Every Month If The Previous Month’s Goal Was Met* Cover is Owned by the Author. Cover Artwork By: Chainslock(on Discord and DeviantArt) Note from the Author: This series is written in 3rd POV, and will be four volumes long with 500+ chapters in each volume. You will see Intentional spelling errors in the dialogue and inner thoughts due to character accents. I believe this gives the characters a realistic aspect, since people in real life have accents. Skye and Tidas’ journey takes them to every known continent in their world. Their experiences will shape them into heroes, and challenge their love on the highest of levels as the story develops.. The first volume will be about Skye and Tidas reconnecting, and solidifying their bond. Skye will also learn her true identity, as well as the true history of their world. There are many characters throughout this series, with an extensive world background; all centered around Skye and Tidas. The volumes will be: 1. Dawning Skye(completed) 2. Darkening Skye(Current) 3. Starlit Skye(Check Back Later) 4. Endless Skye(Check Back Later) More details shall be added as the series progresses. These books are not for the faint of heart. The main characters will experience epic love, and unbelievable betrayal. They will have epic victories, and world-shattering losses. The couple’s devotion and sanity will be challenged as their story develops. They will grow and change with each trial they overcome both together, and separately. Until they face their final battle…

Sara_Wilcox · Kỳ huyễn
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637 Chs

With Respect

*****Content Warning: Language*****

'That damn prince.... I should be taking Skye right now! She should've been mine!' Jacob's thoughts turned dark as he sat alone, imagining all that he would've done to her.

'I'll have to find that servant wench once we're done in here.' He thought as he adjusted himself in his chair, before getting up to retire for the night.

'She liked it rough before... Let's see how much the whore can take,' Jacob thought as he left the room with his father.

After the Fowlers left, Lord Moonstone turned to the prince and asked, "So do I get to hear the Tale of the Lost Prince, or must I wait?"

"I will tell the tale once our dinner is served. My men and I have not had a decent meal in days, and you know how I love my food, Moonie," Tidas replied with a friendly pat of his shoulder.

"Why do you call me father Moonie?" Skye asked, feeling the pressure leave her after the Fowlers did.

Tidas was happy Skye had finally talked. She had barely said anything the entire time, even though it directly affected her future. It was strange to him that she'd remained so quiet, even during the signing of their new contract. She was so outspoken as a child and young lass. That had been one of the things he'd found most attractive about her. That, and her hair; despite what he had told her when they were children.

Tidas smiled a giant grin that sent Skye's heart pounding before replying, "Because the first time I ever met your father, that's how my father introduced us."

'Not exactly an understandable explanation,' Skye thought.

As if reading her mind, Tidas added with a rakish smile; "Now, ask me why my father calls him that."

"You need Not tell my daughter of that, do ye Tidas, me boy? A lass should respect her father," Lord Moonstone pleaded to the prince, looking abashed.

"Perhaps she will see you in a better light for it?" Tidas teased.

Lucas stared at the prince before replying, "Not a light in which I wish me sweet daughter to see me in."

"Would that be.... Moonlight, my darling?" Skye's mother had finally joined them, approaching the prince after entering, with a hand extended and a wide smile.

"Oh Lidia! Always good for a pun!" the prince replied as he kissed Skye's mother on her hand, then they all shared a laugh.

All except Skye. She had not seen her parents act like this in a long time. Her father made a joke of some sort, as well as her mother. Even though she had not an idea of what they were talking about, it made her smile. They acted similar to this when she was younger. But not since word of the death of the prince. 'And why were they not more disturbed by his reappearing?!'

"Will someone please either speak or walk? The prince is not the only one slowly starving to death," Skye interrupted irritably.

As they all readied to leave, Tidas called to Skye. He wished to walk together, and to also chat a moment about what had happened. Skye agreed to stay behind and speak alone with him, which was extremely odd of her, or so she thought. Never had she ever been alone with a man, other than her father. She was still finding it hard to believe that Tidas was alive, let alone the man before her. They stood a few feet apart, looking at each other for several moments before the prince spoke.

"I never had the chance to ask before. Based on how you reacted when he touched you, did you have.." Tidas didn't even finish the question before Skye answered.

"Gods No! I would Never let that man touch me unless I had to. Such as being forced to marry him," Skye instinctively put her hands over her arms like she was warming off a chill.

"I was going to ask if you had feelings for him.. Did he hurt you? Has he touched you without permission? I will Kill him if he has caused you distress," Tidas was now in front of her, and very close.

Looking at Skye so attentively, and so Very closely, made her stomach feel like the entirety of a butterfly field lay within it. He towered over her; making her feel very small. Peggy had taught her that most men only wanted one thing from a pretty lass, and that she should never be alone with one.

Why did being alone with Tidas not bother her? His closeness didn't cause her to recoil, like all other men did. In fact, she found herself wanting him to get closer. His smell stirred curiosity, excitement, a strange warmth, and a slight fear in her. Which only confused her more as she tried to sort out the source. She knew only one thing for certain; that she liked it.

Tidas looked into Skye's eyes for a long minute. They were almost a bright blue right then. Specks of grey could still be seen; like rocks protruding from a sun-soaked sea. He wanted to drown himself in them, in her. Being so close, he could smell flowers mixed with morning sun. Her breath had a slight mint to it as her breathing became deeper and less regular.

For a moment, Tidas forgot himself and cupped her cheek with the palm of his hand. When her eyes shifted from shock to curiosity, he glided the tip of his thumb across the underside edge of her bottom lip. A catch in Skye's throat caused his desires to stir. He exhaled deeply before removing his hand. Even something as innocent as touching her face was enough to excite him. It was unexpected, but not alarming.. It was Skye, after all.

"Forgive me Skye. Tis not my place, at least not yet. I will promise you this now: once we are wed, I will cherish you. I will never knowingly hurt you. And I will protect both you, and our family. On this, you have my word. For it is my bond," Tidas finished with a deep bow.

Skye was awestruck. Never had anyone showed her such regard for her feelings before. No one had made her feel loved or cherished for a long time, except for Peggy. And now, she had her future husband swearing his devotion to her.

Tidas had saved her in more than one way. She thought her freedoms were to be stripped. That she would be forced to spend her days as a prisoner in her own home, at the beck and call of Jacob Fowler. Tidas was literally her knight in shining armor: her Prince Charming.

Upon realizing all she could have lost again, Skye's eyes teared a little. The pressures of the day had taken their toll on her. Strong arms enveloped her, holding her tight until she had composed herself.

Tidas wished his armor were not on; it couldn't be very comfortable. But he had to hold her, to comfort her as much as possible. He knew the day must've been weighing on her. He was more than willing to do whatever he could, to make up for the pain he had, and was still yet to cause her.

After several minutes, Skye spoke, "Thank you.... I... I've never.."

"It's alright lass. You don't have to say anything now. You'll tell me what you wish to, when you're ready. And I will listen. I know you not, as you are now. And you know not of me but of the young fool I was. But we will come to know each other well, in time.. Do not force yourself," Tidas finished by placing a soft kiss upon her head.

"Thank you, Tidas," came Skye's soft reply.

"Anything my lady needs, I am here," he replied calmly, hiding the enormous smile caused by the sound of his name on her lips.

Just as Tidas lifted his head, a very large grumble escaped his stomach. Looking abashed, he smiled coyly at Skye, adding a slight shrug. All she could do was laugh at the gesture, causing the room to echo with mirth. It filled his head and heart, reminding him of the Skye he had missed so much. The Skye he had always loved.

"I suppose my future husband should be tended to as well," Skye managed to get out while catching her breath.

"We should head to the banquet room. I don't want your father to think I am despoiling my bride before the wedding," Tidas smiled a wicked smile as he spoke that made Skye's heart pound before they finally departed the room.

Skye was not surprised to find Peggy waiting not-so patiently outside the door with two of the prince's guards. The old servant beckoned Tidas down to her level so no one would hear, looked him square in his eyes and said, "Any harm ever comes to me bairn, I'll gut ye from roots to root."

"I will never willingly hurt Skye. But if ever I do, even unintentionally; I shall take it like a man, madam. For I would clearly deserve it," he responded to the old serving woman.

"I think we'll be gettin' on just fine then, me prince," Peggy replied with her toothy grin, and the small group was off.

They shifted from the lord's quarters to the banquet room, were mostly only the bridal guests remained. In their absence, Lord Moonstone has explained the best he could, about the turn of events. He confirmed a new wedding would be held the day after tomorrow, with a new groom. And that he would pay the extra money for his guests to stay at their accommodations an extra two nights. All on the bride's side seemed well with it as they applauded the lord's generosity.

The meal went about as planned, minus a goodly portion of the alcohol. It was to be set aside for the actual wedding. Everyone was in high spirits, and the banquet went on until late. Skye had turned in just after ten, not getting much rest the night before. Tidas had escorted her back to her quarters, but quickly left when they had reached her rooms. Slightly irritated that she had lost her chance to ask about her father's nickname, she also realized that Tidas had dodged her questions about where he'd been as well. Skye vowed to wake early and get the full story from him. Questions and images of Tidas filled her head as a deep sleep finally claimed her.