
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Kỳ huyễn
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470 Chs

Meeting the Sins

Dominique and Rosabel were still exchanging blow after blow while the rest of the Sins continued watching on with occasional cheers and yells of excitement whenever a bit of blood was shed.

They were so lost within their own world that they never noticed the temperature of the room slowly but steadily dropping the longer their fight continued on.

Alec didn't interfere because he wanted to see what standards the two were using to battle, and according to Alec, the best way for settling disputes was to fight it out. The result was that the two were mostly playing around with mock fierceness. Rather than real anger, what Dominique felt was most likely the prick of anger.

Rosabel dodged under the Dominique's kick, taking the chance to lean in for a punch of her own.

Her fist lashed forward with a startling force – her speed had evidently enhanced by imbuing magic into it.

Still, Dominique was unflustered as he moved back from the range of her attack, sliding to the side. This caused Rosabel to miss her punch. She stomped on the ground with her foot, pushing off the ground to fly backwards, her elbow already poised to dig into Dominique's ribs.

It was then that Dominique froze for the briefest millisecond – something that was unimaginable to the rest of the Sins – when he noticed Alec's presence in the room but his pause was so brief that no one noticed anything except for Rosabel, who was deeply connected to the flow of their battle, and Alec himself, who had met the Sin's eyes.

Dominique blinked once before he threw himself forward to meet Rosabel's fist head on, only for a figure of a child to get in between the two of them before they had the time to blink and stop their momentum.

The figure also contained a small wolf and small bunny that clung onto his clothing. They didn't move even when Alec moved to intercept their fight.

Alec was actually feeling pretty annoyed right now. The last thing he expected to see when he entered was to see two people in the middle of a fight without regard for the surroundings.

The floor was cracked, there were dents in the wall, and not only were the rest of the Sins not putting a stop to this, they were actively cheering them on like a bunch of hooligans.

While he didn't think that there was anything wrong with fighting to solve problems, the thought that the Sins were doing this without any fear about whoever was supposed to come and meet them made him pissed.

Alec felt his head throb lightly. There was a time and place for everything.

Then again, he supposed that he should have expected this considering that it was a bunch of volatile Sins stuffed together in the same place.

Still, he was slightly mollified when Dominique had frozen the moment that he locked gazes with him. The reason why he still continued to fight on was to give Alec the chance to make his own move and give the other Sins a deeper, lasting impression.

Regardless, he could see that the bunch of Sins required a firm hand so that they could act appropriately in public.

Alec grabbed Rosabel's leg as well as Dominique's and tossed the two in different directions lightly, their weight not a problem for him and his Awakened strength.

Instantly, the surrounding crowd of Sins hushed at the appearance of this random interloper. All eyes were locked onto his form. They had just been hyping themselves up to forget about the dark thoughts that were plaguing his mind, so where had this child popped up from?

They hadn't remembered seeing him earlier. With the bunny and the wolf clinging onto him, they wouldn't have been able to ignore him.

Then, it clicked. A wolf and a bunny following someone? This had to be their sect's resident genius, Alecris Neil.

Other than those not in the know, those who were acquainted with Alec through their long period of seclusion in solitary confinement shivered lightly seeing the gentle smile on Alec's face.

Now that they thought about it, the surroundings felt a lot chillier than it had earlier since the heated aura from Rosabel and Dominique's fight was now dissipated.

Yuki swallowed lightly.

Ah, he should have stopped the two from fighting! But how was he to know that the one who would come was Alec and not some other member from their sect?

If there was someone that he feared in the sect, it wasn't an elder, nor was it their sect master, but instead Alec, who had 'taken care of' them during his stint in solitary confinement!

Err… let's just say that they tried lots of ways to get under the boy's skin, and they had succeeded – but they soon wished they hadn't. Yet, he never once used violence against them as it usually dictated, which left them feeling a bit out of sorts and unbalanced.

The surroundings were warily quiet, the Sins watching Alec's form. He wasn't strained from his earlier actions.

It was easier said than done to intrude in a fight and neutralize the two without getting hurt in the process.

Of course, they would have been able to do the same as Alec had they put enough effort into it – or so they thought – but it remained that this wispy-looking child had done it so effortlessly.

More than anything, Sins were the type that respected strength.

It seemed to have been bred into their bones – or some sort of deeper, more primal instinct that made them roar and clamour to fight against someone strong.

So, while Alec might not have appeared domineering or anything impressive, the fact that someone of the foundation rank was willing to get between two Sins from the peak intermediate tier was enough to garner their respect.

Dominique stood up and brushed off the dust that had landed on his clothes. Rosabel did the same from the other side of the room where she had been thrown by Alec.

"Alec," Rosabel said carefully, seeing Dominique ignore her.

Alec just looked at her deeply, and Rosabel felt a chill run up her spine from that stare. She moved a bit, hiding herself partially behind Yuki.

Alec turned his attention towards the Sins that were in the room. The room was pin drop silent.

Faced with a small child that wasn't reacting to them negatively and didn't seem to fear them at all despite the high number of Sins in the sect, they unexpectedly didn't know how to react.

For him to be able to throw both Dominique and Rosabel into the wall even while the two had been alert from other attacks while they were fighting, this genius' combat strength shouldn't be too far off.

Just why was Alecris Neil here, of all places?

Why were they here?

Seeing as the child's specialty was arrays, had the sect come to force them into something that would allow them to be controlled by the sect?

They did not have a precedent case on how to react to this child who so obviously didn't fear them, causing them to inexplicably feel nervous. They were used to facing hate and scorn whether it was inside or outside of the sect.

It was strange that the lack of such a feeling – that many of them had wished for – caused them to feel like their hands were tied.

They knew who this was. It was the youngest ever array master that brought their sect glory and pride. Even if they lived under a rock, they would have known who he was. But why had he appeared here? Where the Sins had been directed to come by the sect master?

Alec, seeing that the attention was focused on him, spoke up. "The sect master has passed orders to me to create a new group within the sect called the Inspectres, henceforth known as Spectres."

There was a brief moment of chaos when the room exploded into noise. Some of them glared at Alec, while the others frowned and looked around the room.

The temperature in the room dropped lower at the chaos that enveloped the room, this time evident enough that the Sins noticed it immediately, silencing them.

"I will not ask for your acceptance immediately, but do know that by the sect master's orders, it is compulsory for all Sins that join the sect to be admitted into this new division. While it may not sit right with you now, I hope that you will cooperate with me. Unfortunately, I am the only one who is available to lead the group."

Actually, that last part was a lie. Should Alec not have wanted to, he would have been able to pass off the master seal to someone else to use, but he did not trust any other person to do the job and treat the Sins impartially and without prior judgement without using them to their benefit.

"Upon admittance into the group, each one of you are required to wear a seal that I have crafted. Rest assured, the seal will not hurt you, but it is able to stop you from using magic should you act out.

"My policy is that any disputes within the division are encouraged to be resolved with sparring. However, after the sparring is concluded, you are not allowed to continue with a follow up for whatever slights you might have perceived from the other."

Alec deliberately did not mention that there were other functions to the seal. He would tell them after they had it painted on.

"Who's first?" Alec said calmly, as if he couldn't see the glares from the room.

Top 50: 4 bonus chapters

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Thank you Reviewer #31 Su_Machuk and Reviewer #32 Becky_penn!

I will henceforth release a bonus chapter every 10th review as according to Su_Machuk's suggestions :)

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