
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Spectre Base

Taking the chance, Alec walked slowly towards the Spectre base instead of hurrying over. He hadn't yet gotten a chance to look at the onslaught of notifications that the sect master had triggered earlier on since he didn't want to make any suspicious actions.

Looking at it now, the Faction Tab had finally been upgraded, and his System Authority had finally, finally, after all these years, increased.

Previously, he'd thought that his System Authority would increase if he increased his magic authority, but when he had reached the foundation rank without anything happening, he was briefly stumped.

So, it had to do with the number of Main Characters that he had 'collected'?

Looking into the Faction Tab, the page was blank and only had a single '+' at the top right corner.

Alec clicked it, and another screen popped up.

[Create Faction?]

[Yes | No]

Alec clicked 'yes'.

[Faction Name?]

Faction name?? Alec shrugged and said 'Spectre', failing to come up with anything at the moment.

[Faction Name 'Spectre' confirm?]

[Yes | No]

Alec clicked 'yes' again, impatient.

The previous screens disappeared, leaving only a single screen left behind.

The screen automatically designated the 'Heavenly Ascensions Sect' under his faction, setting it as the base, as well as placing all the Main Characters that he had so far under his name.

Alec's eyebrows shot up. He still didn't have an inkling what was happening.

Why did he need a faction in the first place?

He had a bad feeling seeing this turn of events. Were they going to be attacked or something?

When he checked over the Main Character Page that now included Dorian's name, he saw that the [Plot Route] under each person's name had been unlocked.

While Alec wanted to desperately check it right now, Dorian had implied that the Sins were all already there waiting for him, so he couldn't take too long a time if he wanted to make a decent first impression – on the ones that he hadn't met, anyway.

The twelve that he'd taken care of the past few years should not have too large a problem accepting him as their leader. Alec liked to think that they got along reasonably well, and Dominique always stared at him with those uncomfortably shining eyes.

The Spectre base wasn't on another peak like he'd thought it would be, but instead in a separate space that held the lingering feeling of the sect master's magic.

Alec frowned slightly, but then his furrowed brows loosened. It wasn't that the sect master was an Awakening type, but rather, it had been passed through various hands before finally falling into his.

It was located near the common joint path where the various peaks crossed paths, but if they didn't have permission to enter the space, then they weren't able to enter it even 'accidentally'.

Alec instructed Bunbun to try, and the result was that the bunny appeared as if he had passed behind a building and disappeared in thin sight. The effect was very natural, and even if there was more than one person who entered at the same time, those that tried to look were unable to find any traces.

Alec stepped into the Spectre's base with Fenrir still on his shoulder.


Inside the space where the Spectre's base was designated, there were thirty-six Sins that lounged around inside. Thirty-six seemed like a pitiful number, especially when they considered that the sect was practically saturated in a number of Brights and Chers. There was also a decent number of Everys in the outer disciple section.

So, yes, thirty-six seemed pitiful, but when you considered the Sins' volatile and destructive nature, as well as how society seemed to shun them for no reason, their sect already held quite a number of them.

Many Sins didn't make it past childhood for many reasons – each more brutal than the last.

Some of the Sins chatted in groups, while others were alone.

"Just what do you think we're all gathered here for?"

There was a series of shrugs from the surrounding Sins.

"You don't think the sect has finally decided we're too much trouble to keep around, do you?"

The words had been something that they had plaguing their minds. Once spoken, they could not be taken back.

Those were words that they'd been keeping close to their chest, almost as if speaking it aloud would cause it to come true.

Though the way the sect treated them was still discriminatory, they had been allowed to take off the black bands that marked them as Sins to the outside world, and the people that lived here weren't overly hostile. At most, they would be ignored, but they still had friends amongst the other Sins.

The person that spoke had been speared with more than one glare, and the mood in the space sunk.

After all, what else could it be?

They were here, trapped within a space that they couldn't seem to get out of – and they had tried before they finally stopped – deeming it a waste of time.

There was a snort that echoed in the air, and more than one head turned towards the source of the sound.

Rosabel flipped her hair over her shoulder, rolling her eyes at them. "Lighten up already. As if we'll all be killed in such a rough and ungraceful manner. If you've already forgotten, we have daddy's boy Dominique here. There's no way we're dying today."

There was a short silence as Yuki facepalmed, already anticipating Dominique's reaction to Rosabel's words.

She always tried to get a rise out of the other Sin but mostly didn't succeed. The only time she got a reaction was when she mentioned his name and his father's name in the same sentence.

Wait, no. That was before.

Now, there was now a new category that existed that could unfailingly get a rise out of Dominique, but since she liked him as well, Rosabel never said anything about him other than that first time.

Yuki still didn't know what Alec did that made Alec occupy such a large part in Dominique's heart and wondered if that one time Alec and Dominique had… Err. Yuki hastily tried to bleach his mind from the filthy thoughts, waving them away.

Sure enough, there was a whoosh of air as Rosabel just barely dodged Dominique's furious kick. Dominique's face radiated an intense look of coldness and anger, something different from his usual indifference.

If looks could kill, Rosabel would have already been six feet under or deeper. Dominique looked like he wanted to peel off the flesh from Rosabel's bones.

Rosabel laughed, her voice high and light. The look in her eyes contradicted the feeling that her laugh gave off. They were filled with fire and a desire to fight!

The two Sins rapidly exchanged a series of blows as the others spectated, some laughing and cheering.

It was all in good fun since they knew that Dominique wouldn't really hurt her irreparably or kill her, and neither would Rosabel use her entire strength in a friendly spar with someone from their sect.

They were friends of sorts – strange, warped friends, but friends, nonetheless. Yuki couldn't even begin to comprehend their friendship on the best of days, and he was the closest with Rosabel out of everyone.

Sometimes, her actions confused herself as well, but Yuki couldn't fault her there. Most of the Sins were emotionally repressed idiots.

Yuki used to think that she had a minor crush on Dominique, but he'd been laughed out of the room when she'd heard his theory.

Instead, nowadays, Yuki leaned towards the theory that she was indeed trying to be better friends with him, but she maintained that they only ever got to know someone better through violence, where one's true nature was expressed.

It was to this scene that Alec entered the base. No one seemed to notice that he had appeared, other than a pair of purple eyes, who had been uninterested in the fight between Dominique and Rosabel.

His smile instantly went frosty.

Top 50: 4 bonus chapters!

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Thank you Reviewer #28 Alya_Melancholia, Reviewer #29 PandaLover00 Reviewer #30 Pksr! ^_^

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