
Crossing Over: Chronicles of DXD

This is fan fiction---- When Sesa woke up he found himself in a new world. To be precise, it is the inner realm of what he thought to be a sacred gear. Boy, was he surprised to hear the words sacred gear, cause you know what that means? When he left his gear's world and entered the actual one, that's when his journey began crossing over 'DxD' and find a way back from where he came.... And create a harem along the way, beginning with her!!! Will post on royalroad.com

Sesa_Naga · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs

Ancient Magnetic Prism

Here I am at the back of the Vatican building. Serafall has the exorcists occupied at the front.

Using the power of 'Penetrate' on my eyes made it possible for me to see through the ground. That's how I found this secret basement. An underground passageway was right here in the dirt, looking ahead and examining base below ground, I found this place to be quite complicated.

How should I enter? Can I use teleport?


(What.. is it?)

"Would I be able to teleport myself inside?"

Ddraig remained silent for a little bit, he afterwards said, (That should be obvious.)

S.Sesa questioned, (What if something blocks us?)

(I see nothing of consequence. As far as I can tell, this place underground has no magical barrier.) Ddraig answered.

"I'm going in then."

I prepare to teleport myself. As a precaution, I invoke 'Kankara Formula' to test out the situation. Nothing is stopping me from going inside from what I gather. The teleportation magic circle manifests under my feet, a blinding light covers me.

When I'm able to see again, I'm in the passageway that I've seen from above.

"Woa-" I block my mouth quickly, cupping it so that I can avoid making unnecessary noise. I don't want to attract attention to myself but what surprised me was, the tug in my consciousness became stronger. Reya's grandma is closer.

With a little bit effort I, Sesa, would be able to complete this mission and go back home.

Now that I'm here, I look up and down the passageway, I even let out my sensory abilities spread.

It seems to be dead here, I thought.

I head down the passageway, that's the only way for me to go. Going the opposite direction will take me further away from the target.

'Penetrate' is still active in my eyes, while moving I check for anything behind the walls.

(It's so empty here,) said S.Sesa.

I have to agree, no life is anywhere here. Perhaps they are all watching a magical show with Sona's sister.

Passing a few rooms of no importance, I finally found a door leading to a floor lower than the one I'm on.

I face palmed myself. What was I thinking? I could've seen the floor below and appeared down there.

Urgh, no matter. I'll just head down the stairs.

I close the door behind me and stop for a second. I feel like I'm rushing, I breath in and out deeply to calm my mind.

In the next moment, I started walking down the stairs.

"Haa... Oh baby... Haa.. Haa... AWW!"

"What's that," I whispered.

(Sounds like and animal, a puppy maybe.) Ddraig stated

(Since when do puppies say 'Oh baby', I definitely heard those words. You heard it, right Sesa.) S.Sesa added.

"I heard it"



Something was going on close by. I took extra precaution, trying to be silent as I got closer. I moved down the stairs, the noise was getting more clear. When I was close to getting to the next platform I finally spotted the noise makers through the wall.

"F%$# me baby, ohhhh!"

I exclaimed, "What the..."

I'm astonished, magnificently. One guy dressed like a priest was giving it and the one receiving it was a nun. Couldn't they have gotten a room?

The nun had her forearm pressed against the wall, she was almost bent into a right angle with her facing down. Twisting her body, she tried to look behind at the man that was at her back. The lady's other arm squeezed her naked buttocks while the man slammed his hips against her.

S.Sesa muttered, "Interesting, very interesting. What does she get from looking back? It's too awkward for her to see the guys face and its not like she see the 'D'.

"Lets leave that as it is and quickly find the witch," I said.

Although I said that, I still have to pass them to get to the lower floor but...

S.Sesa started, (I think we should say, hi.)

I shook my head, I've gotten comfortable with associating with the very first people I met upon arriving to this world. I feel I should offer my own tribute to the trio.

I call my black feathered wings out, using it to stay close to the ceiling. Successfully moving to the opposite side and away from the nun's vision, I land somewhere behind the lusty couple.

I pull out my smartphone.

(Hehehe, time to take out pictures.)

Second Sesa laughed it out while I thumbed the device, opening up the camera app.


Hiding behind the dude, I crouched. Lifting my palm up in greeting and separating my fingers to shape the alien hand sign

Seeing that the nun struggled to keep her head faced back, this was chance that fate left to me. Swiftly poking my alien greeting hand sign and showing my face camouflaged as something indescribable, I came into the nun's view.

I mimed the words, 'I come in peace'.


The nun screamed in absolute shock, she got caught doing the naughty. But more than that, what she saw must have been the most horrendous thing in her life. Her eyes rolled upwards and all strength that her body had was lost.

Click click click!

I completed my photoshoot.


Heh, the priest started his own rant after the nun screamed, I guess that's best enjoyment he has ever had.

When nun fell to floor unconscious, the priest stumbled forward almost losing his balance. Now that's over, I let my demonic power permeated the area. The man with his pants down shuddered.

"Sleep!" I commanded. Pulling the priest into suggestive hypnosis.

The priest went into a trance, standing there with his pants down while the nun remained passed out. I on the other hand, am checking the results of my photography.

This should be worth well for the pervert trio, I thought.

Placing the phone back into my pants pocket, I carry on to the lower floor. I don't head out when I find the door, I stay inside and observe the situation on the other side through the solid surface. It was totally different from the one above.

The upper floor had many corridors and rooms and felt congested. Here, on this floor, had a more open space. At the other end from myself, I found elevator doors, Naturally, that would be the proper entrance to this place.

I didn't find anyone here, it was just as dead as the floor above. I snuck in through the door, the pull in my conscious became a lot more powerful.

"Reya's grandma is somewhere in this room," I whispered to no one in particular. I immediately head straight for the witch grandma.

Along the way, passing door after door. Everything that is inside those rooms is revealed to my eyes. 'Penetrate' succeeding every time.

Some of these rooms were empty, others had captives within. It wasn't just devils here, youkai and such beings were here too. I didn't have to figure out who's species is who, Ddraig was knowledgeable in this regard.

In one room I saw a giant-like being. Appearing like a centaur, upper body humanoid and lower body like that of a four-legged hideous beast. It was well restrained, chains tied the devil down, preventing the centaur-like creature from doing anything.

"Doesn't that look familiar?" I asked, the feeling of familiarity invaded my personal space.

(That is something that I can recall from your memories.)

I continued forward, in another room, I found a little guy bound inside. Short in height with brown and reddish skin, the little man reminded me of those short green things called goblins. This prisoner look to be of the same kind, only older.

The goblin was suspended in mid air, he was held up by chains as well. I guessed those chains have some significant value but I didn't know any better.

Out of nowhere, the goblin shot me an ugly stare. He was looking me straight in the eyes. My head jerked back, I was scared by the action. If I hadn't remembered that a wall was blocking us, I would've thought it could really see me.

I stopped walking, I faced the prisoned shorty and used both my hands to flip the bird on him. I turned back to find the prisoned witch.

I went on swiftly, coming to a peculiar place.

"This must be the place."

I say that because I can see through the wall. It had a greater difference from the other rooms and restraining method was different but the tug in my consciousness lead me to this place.

(No way!) Ddraig was astonished.

"What's up with you?"

(What you see on the other side of the wall, that is the Magnetic prism of the ancients)

"The ancients?"

(The Gods of yore or commonly known term, the Ancient Gods. At the time I was just a youngling.)

(Hoh! You actually had a childhood.) S.Sesa cut in.

(Of course, I-)

"What does this have to do with magnetic prism?"

Ddraig said, (It is said, the Divine Magnetic prism was created by the ancient Gods. With enough power, it can even seal a god. Sesa, you must take this item no matter what.)

"If it's that good, then why not, but I don't know how?"


Sesa_Nagacreators' thoughts