
Crossing Over: Chronicles of DXD

This is fan fiction---- When Sesa woke up he found himself in a new world. To be precise, it is the inner realm of what he thought to be a sacred gear. Boy, was he surprised to hear the words sacred gear, cause you know what that means? When he left his gear's world and entered the actual one, that's when his journey began crossing over 'DxD' and find a way back from where he came.... And create a harem along the way, beginning with her!!! Will post on royalroad.com

Sesa_Naga · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Underground Base

Here I am.


Woah! I felt the earth beneath my feet shake. What was going on outside? No idea, Serafall Leaviathan, a Satan must be really giving those Vatican guys a run for their money.

What can I, Sesa Purusa, say about it. It was the Vatican that held a witch prisoner. Now help was on the way to set her free.

Right now, I'm playing the part of a security guard here in this building. A few minutes after arriving another group brought in more wounded.

"SSSS," I inhaled. I have to give her praise, that pink Satan ranger, she's really powerful. If she's this powerful, I can't imagine how powerful Ajuka or Sirzech's is since they both are called super devils.

"Ma'am, here's your cup back. I think those comrades are going to need your precious water," I said, returning the empty cup.

"Yes. May god be with them in this trying time"

The nun quickly left my side, having her leave me without suspicion was the best play I made right now. Now that she's gone, I'm left to my own devices.



Like this, not being in the center of attention, I blended into the environment inside the hall. I moved from where I stood and shifted to another area close to another exit. It is further away from the one I entered.

Since all doorways in this hall are opened, I doubt anyone will would care if I left. Just before walking through, I leave a blue spell circle on the wall. This was a special spell, surveillance. One of the few I got from Reya's crash course. This will keep me aware of anything that would bring a negative result to my mission.

On the outside of the hall entrance, I seem to have come to some kind of corridor. In front of me is a wall reaching my waist in height and jumping over will land me outside of this castle structure. Instead of going out, my hand shot upwards. Again I cast a spell for surveillance. This is my first time making use of this magic trick, so how well it works is beyond me.

I cast another kind of spell, it was the kind that was used on me when I first first met Reya this morning. Communication spell.

"Man! I really did just meet this girl this morning and so much has happened already."

It was unbelievable to me. On the other hand, coming to this world itself is unbelievable.

A tiny magic circle hovers right before my ear. I connected to Serafall and Reya Kusaka simultaneously.



Ah, it felt good having girls call out to me. I replied, "I'm in. Reya link your tracking coordinates to me, I'll find your grandmother."

"Okay, I'm starting now."


Hey, Ses-chan, there's no need for me to stop. I don't mind blowing heavens finest out of the human world"

"Oh, sure," I replied to Serafall as I wait for Reya. "Remember to take care... Otherwise, Sona will be sad."

"Ha, what can these feather worshippers do? I can make Gabriel's titties disappear," Satan said sarcastically.

I was left speechless there but hell, she has the power to back up her boast. Speaking of which, it appears I've unknowingly reached my limited in power ups. I can't 'Boost' anymore. This will have to remain a trump card for the time being.


Out of nowhere, I suddenly felt a pull in my consciousness. It was like I was being called over. It was telling me to head to a certain direction but another direction was pulling me over as well.

Reya quickly spoke, "Sesa, I've linked you to grandma and I."

"Okay, got it!"

I understand the link. One side was Reya and the other was her grandmother.


Someone was coming behind me, rather, from inside the hall. I swiftly jumped over the wall. I didn't land on the ground outside, instead drew out my wings and flew up. Of course, I didn't use my devil wings. Two black feathered wings appeared on my back, allowing me to escape being seen.

I didn't dare use my devil wings. This was a church, a holy environment. Not only would I be against the heavens, I'm sure they would be alerted of devil presence as well. Although 'Concealment' will definitely hide me but it's better to be safe than sorry.

(Why didn't the surveillance tell us anything?) Second Sesa questioned.

Ddraig said, (You probably have to monitor it in order to know what's going on.)

"Probably." I said.

I followed up by casting Ajuka's specialty, Kankara Formula. Using it to bend the worlds laws was a piece of cake. I used Kankara Formula on myself and bent the law of gravity. It's influence paled speedily.

I planted the soles of my shoes against the wall, making me stand perpendicular. The feeling was awkward, My brain had adjust to me standing on a vertical platform.

The wings on my back disappeared. Now I had to focus on finding the witch. The communication spell still played by my ear, I had let it run otherwise my connection with Reya will get cut. That in turn will cut my connection to her grandmother.

"Lets see," I determined, "I have to go this way."

I ran towards the back of the building. Running on the wall, the noisy battle was left behind.

I followed the tug of the witch's location, it was at the back of this castle-like structure.

Ddraig said, (At back of the building, it appears to be too simple.)

(We know that, we know that. What do you take us for?) S.Sesa stated.

Could it be a trap?

I don't really think that would be the case. Regardless, I have to go there anyway. I rushed over, trying to be quiet as possible. While running, the mumbling of words reached my ears. It would seem that there are some church people around and are casual about the battle at the front. I wizzed passed them without any hindrance.

The closer I got to the rear end of the property, the tug of the grandma witch's location differed. It no longer just at the back, it seemed I was being indicated to go downwards.

When I reached the back, it was confirmed. The witch's location was somewhere underground. This was easy to confirm as I was close to ground level, but how do I go underground?


The piercing effect that ignores defence activated, The eyes in my sockets had a sudden surge in quality. With the help of 'Penetrate' the expectation I had revealed itself. I stared at the ground below me, the soil became clear and a walk way became visible.

"So there really is something down there."

thanks for reading

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