
Cosmic Binding

Chaos reigned supreme. An inferno of death scorched the entire universe. Humans were brutally massacred. Deaths became a constant scene in this small world, gods and deities were engaged in a demented war which pulverized everything in its wake until nothing was left. Surges of impulses, tremors and earthquakes distorted the world. This battle was taking on another twist because both gods and deities were losing in the battle. Both parties were losing manpower, allies and even war resources which was a major influence to the battle at hand.  But then, the gods died... the deities were beyond destroyed. Their fate was sealed already to this battle.  All life forms were seemingly eradicated, except one daemon of Fate.  Ever since the battle between gods and deities, this daemon realized that humans were helpless, so in case such battle resumes again, there would be a way for humans to survive.  He then created a sphere of crackling purplish light which he called, ‘The Cosmic System.’ ... [Welcomed Nateai Luster to Cosmic System] • Activate Status • Levels Attained [0/10] • Innate Attributes: [Non] • Fated • Trials [First Trial] • Abilities [Non] Conquer the first Trial to unlock abilities. • Core [Dormant] • No Magical Collection to Boast of. • No Personal Indigene to stand by you. • Fragments: [0/1000]

Peterson_89 · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs


Nate got his hand on a Neptal Sequence. 

The machine bomb looked like a small skeletal frame coupon. 

It was glass-like and had several activate buttons that would start the explosion of the outward ring. 

Nate glared at the hordes that had made it past the first securities. 

Sounds of heavy railgun were heard pounding on the creatures but they kept coming in their numbers, shocking Nate out of his wits. 

Whatever number that dies, times ten of the same Undead would replace, making it even harder for the soldiers in question to keep up. 

The soldiers in the battle front were already obliterated. 

Some had Cosmo burning deep within their soul as it coagulated finding a special bond within them, but could not find any bond thereby turning the surviving solder into one of their kind.

Nate shivered discovering this. 

So the Supremos were searching for a partner for the Cosmic binding. Whoever lacks the true binding would forever be gone because the powers of evil will take over their mind, soul and body. 

Nate pocketed the Neptal Sequence and immediately dashed out. 

That minute, Timothy was also rushing out as he released a heavy tungsten metal at the advancing hordes and the mechanical bullets fired at the first advancers. 

For a while, the hordes were clear, giving the soldiers a chance to retreat. While those that were unable to retreat on time were immediately destroyed by the hordes of undead. 

Nate ignored the battle in front of him and dashed out from behind. 

He planned to attack from behind the creature so that they'd lose focus from the inside and turn around. 

The air was so loaded with tension that one could practically cut it with a knife. 

Nate ran off immediately and got out his ballistae. 

He shot rounds behind the creatures and then hid behind a large settlement to protect himself from being viewed as of yet. 

Inside the Company, Timothy was firing the siege engine at them, until it was no longer enough. 

Swarms gathered him at all sides. 

Soldiers came at them only to be brutally killed in an instance. 

The serenity of the cosmic power within them was beyond tremendous that even Timothy wondered what was so diabolical about such powers. 

They seemed intrinsic, surreal and most shocking, pure. 

They were pure, but were the cause of the most terrible evil of all times. 

If they caused evil, how on earth were they described as "Pure" 

Timothy used his hand to dodge an advancing undead, but many more were coming at him. 

He activated the siege engine, but suddenly the power capacity was immediately broken and destroyed. 

The powering siege engine sizzled and turned off. 

Even the metal was torn as though it was papers at the grasp of the undead. 

They were just too many. 

The next minute, he was bitten on the hand. 

He wore a metallic jacket, so the jacket only tore at the bite, but it didn't reach his skin. 

He then tried to dodge, he tried to struggle his way.

Another bite was all it took to flood Cosmo into his veins. 

"Ah! Goddammit..." 

Timothy jerked. But the hordes were still around him. 

Scarlet liquid was leaking from his bitten hand. 

The hordes were even ready to kill him, if not for the sudden bang that diverted their attention. 

Timothy, who just waited for the creatures to just deal the final blow and end his life, felt a sudden chill air pass him and he slowly opened his eyes. 

They were going somewhere else. 

Timothy's back crashed onto the wall, but remembering that he was already injected with floods of Cosmo had his eyes widening. 

He turned his back on the battle and dashed into his safe compartments. 

After imputing his security code, the door slides open and closes again after he enters it. 

In front of him was a tight sleeping pod. 

Without wasting any time, he activated the pod and slid into it. 

Then securing it with a unified field. 

One thing that ran through him was that:

He would die. 

He would not survive the flood of Cosmo. 

Probably, the Cosmo would not find solace in his soul and then it would turn him into an Undead just as it had done with all the Soldiers. 

His breathing was labored as he glared at the scarlet glow emanating his whole body and mostly from the bitten area. 

Meanwhile, a whole lot of Undead surrounded Nate. 

His glassy black eyes filled with determination. 

He seemed ready to handle these creatures no matter what. 

First, he must be sure that it was all of them that had surrounded him, and to do that; he suffixed the place in brilliant energy that the undead couldn't resist. 

He immediately set the Neptal Sequence to explode in three minutes and while trying to dodge an onslaught, he pinned it to one of the creature's scaly body. 

Most of his thoughts now were on how he would escape. 

The time was not waiting for him, the count down was mere minutes away. 

Immediately he jumped, using the shoulder of one undead as a boost, he held the branch of a tree upwards. 

The undead began to claw at the tree, pulling out chunks after chunks, promising to cut down the tree in mere seconds. 

Nate quickly jumped, rolling a few meters away on the ground from the advancing hordes. 

Then he started to sprint off. 

And making sure that they chased after him, he occasionally turned and shot at them, increasing their bloodlust and malevolence. 

Suddenly, the earth tore up. 

Sands and rocks shattering to bits. 

Blood and bones shattering. 

The impact sent Nate reeling, his skin peeled. 

An undead was pushed towards him in the aftermath of the incensing and it nonetheless bit him causing Nate to curse. 

That instant, he tore the already tearing creature's neck off its body. 

The earth rumbled, trees falling. 

Locomotives were turned upside down, some cut up in explosion at the impact of the Neptal Sequence. 

Nate was lucky to have sprinted that far if not, he should have been a martyr or a hero or a legend if that's how you put it.