
Cosmic Binding

Chaos reigned supreme. An inferno of death scorched the entire universe. Humans were brutally massacred. Deaths became a constant scene in this small world, gods and deities were engaged in a demented war which pulverized everything in its wake until nothing was left. Surges of impulses, tremors and earthquakes distorted the world. This battle was taking on another twist because both gods and deities were losing in the battle. Both parties were losing manpower, allies and even war resources which was a major influence to the battle at hand.  But then, the gods died... the deities were beyond destroyed. Their fate was sealed already to this battle.  All life forms were seemingly eradicated, except one daemon of Fate.  Ever since the battle between gods and deities, this daemon realized that humans were helpless, so in case such battle resumes again, there would be a way for humans to survive.  He then created a sphere of crackling purplish light which he called, ‘The Cosmic System.’ ... [Welcomed Nateai Luster to Cosmic System] • Activate Status • Levels Attained [0/10] • Innate Attributes: [Non] • Fated • Trials [First Trial] • Abilities [Non] Conquer the first Trial to unlock abilities. • Core [Dormant] • No Magical Collection to Boast of. • No Personal Indigene to stand by you. • Fragments: [0/1000]

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


Nate struggled to get up from his position.

After the explosion of the Neptal sequence, a lot of things had been destroyed.

Buildings, vehicle, factories even machineries that were been transported from the Innregion to Kursk-Villa were beyond destroyed.

Smell of burnt bodies waft the air and Nate tried to stand up.

But immediately, he remembered that he was bitten by the damned Undead.

Nate's heart raced at the sudden thought of death. His expression, a mixture of fear and frustration.

His mind began to calculate.

How on earth had that undead been tossed towards him.

The fact still remained that, the creature, launched his way was even on the verge of death.

But still, it bit on Nate.

Now what would happen to him?

Nate glared at his wrist where the evidence of the bite was taking place.

Scarlet light was escaping from his hands.

His vision was becoming slow and blurry.

His mind was becoming numb as though something else was invading it.

"Ah geez, here comes the darkness!"

Nate cursed with an awful grimace.

"So I will end up becoming what I despise? No way!"

Nate rubbed his head and got out a small dagger.

And after much consideration, he immediately plunged it into his chest as a terrible pain welcomed his spirit and soul.

He cannot be the birth of another undead into the waking world no way. So the best part was to die away with the creature growing within him.


Nate didn't die, something that stunned Nate himself.

Normally, when a blade had been plunged into one's heart, it's death that is supposed to follow suite, but it was pain instead.

A blinding pain that felt never-ending.

Instead of death, something else was making it's nest right within him.

Nate's vision suddenly sharpened.

His eyes was getting a lot sharper than the normal.

Nate just sat there wondering what was happening.


[Welcomed Nateai Luster to Cosmic System]

• Activate Status

• Levels Attained [0/10]

• Innate Attributes: [Non]

• Fated

• Trials [First Trial]

• Abilities [Non] Conquer the first Trial to unlock abilities.

• Core [Dormant]

• No Magical Collection to Boast of.

• No Personal Indigene to stand by you.

• Fragments: [0/1000]

Nate blinked at the sight before him.

He was still alive, but different.

His body was glowing in intense scarlet, the Cosmo within him, extremely potent.

Nate scrambled to get up.

An intense fatigue flooded his sense of reasoning, but he managed to get it behind his mind.

Walking back, the scenery of littered bodies welcomed his view.

Bodies of the Undead we're mangled and twisted beyond recognition.

The Undead was a unique creature created by Supremos or the Cosmo itself, but Nate was not ready to know if these creatures were from Supremos or Cosmo.

He wanted to find out if the Company, Technological Laboratory was still standing.

Fair enough, it still stood.

But seems like the hordes had done enough damage to the structure.

A lot of lives were destroyed, it left a few people surviving the Cosmic invasion into their soul. While some died of it's invasion.

The space invented robots we're brutally obliterated, leaving only but few which returned with broken arms, malfunctioning systems or even broken record or memory magnification.

The Scientists lead the robots in for repair while Paramedics appeared to treat the remaining soldiers that were wounded by the battle or bitten.

Actually, once a Cosmo binds with one's soul, the area been bitten would heal itself as one of it's magical properties related to Cosmic regeneration.

So Nate's injuries seemed to have healed, which of course stunned the young man.

Nate's footstep was brisk.

"Where's Timothy?"

He asked a Security by the wall, fearing that Timothy had been killed.

The security in question had no clue which made Nate's frustration to kick in.

Timothy was his best friend.

The only friend he had ever made since being a part of the Technological Laboratory.

Timothy Hades and Nate used to live together with their both parents.

Both families had this strong bind together that they did almost everything with each other. While Nate had a sister, Timothy had a brother.

Timothy's brother was also friends with Nate's sister. Andy and Jesse.

But one faithful day, on their way back from the cinema, the car in which they all rode had a very fatal accident.

The accident had shattered both Nate and Timothy that when they were called to identify the bodies, it was their both parents.

And surprisingly, their younger siblings were gone.

Nate understood one thing, either they had been kidnapped or adopted into another family, but Nate had this burning resolve to find his siblings.

Now Timothy remained his only family, if he dies too, he wouldn't know how to handle it.

Then, another thought rushed through Nate.

Timothy had a private booth.

So he walked to the place.

Typing in the code, the door immediately slides open and Nate halted in place seeing Timothy.


Timothy sharply turned and saw Nate, but his eyes felt hollow.

Luck was actually on Timothy's side, the Cosmo had actually bond with his soul, and now he was slowly drifting over to the Nightmare.

Trials were vaguely known as Nightmare and why is because trials were bound to be filled with an unimaginable horror that one wouldn't be able to endure.

Nate ran over to Timothy's body that lay on the sleeping pod.

"Tim... Tim... listen to me, survive the Nightmare, are you listening to me!!"

Nate found himself screaming, but Timothy who's body was falling asleep had his eyes dimly closing.

But with Nate's voice, his eyes would twitch slightly, but his body had long reached it's limit to be awake.

"Timothy, you have to fight to live. You have to conquer the trial... goddammit he isn't hearing me." Nate finally realized.

Even with Timothy's slightly opened eyes, his five senses were already blacked out.

Nate immediately closed the sleeping pod and stumbled to carry himself due to the weight of fatigue been loaded on him.

Nate immediately walked to his own private booth securing it with a code and marching over to his own sleeping pod.

These sleeping pods were inserted into each booths because, they've done several tests that warranted one to visit other realms for the test to complete.

These sleeping pod was actually a channel.

A person can actually stay a year in it without their bodies been destroyed, because the pods were built to preserve bodies. Depending on it's longevity and arduous capacity though.

Nate lay in the pod, closing it's lid and then finally, the darkness consumed him whole.

The next thing that Assaulted Nate's hearing was a certain magnetic voice.

[Welcome Aspirant to the First Trial]