
Complex of Time

What is time? Time is something humans can only dream to comprehend, but never truly manage to. Or is it? Join Samuel in uncovering the mysteries of time, and consequently the universe.

Abyss_of_Infinity · Kỳ huyễn
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65 Chs

Will a god emerge?

"Stop being so awed at my talent. Merling, where is she?"

"I have no idea, but a problem appeared and she left in a hurry, saying she will be back in a few minutes."

"And indeed, she is. Here she comes! The queen of bitches. Everyone, get on your knees and welcome her arrival."

To Samuel it had only been a few hours since he last saw her. Meaning he was still feeling wronged at being called a degenerate by a random stranger. This contradicts his feelings towards Merling however, as the time between their meetings was shorter. In all actuality it was the fact that a female was mean to him that made him angry. His anger towards Merling was temporary. It was always going to dissipate after his revenge, but his antisocial personality didn't allow him to forget about this unpleasant encounter with a girl. I mean… he is too cool and great to be desecrated like that.

"Wait, why are you so weak?"

An aura greater than even that of the Heavens itself erupted from Samuel, forcing everyone in the venue to their knees, making their bodies creak from the pressure, except for two. The cause of the pressure and the newly arrived 'queen of bitches'.

"Who are you, and why are you here?"

The voice of a mature woman emerged from the body. Her body looked the exact same as the last time he saw her, but her voice was way different.

"Boy, how did you see through my 'disguise'? My technique is powerful enough to fool the 'eyes of truth', much less some mortal."

"Wait, wait, wait. Two things. First, your essence suppresses that of the person you are possessing, meaning hers is very weak, making me analyze her body, thus exposing you. Second, you are here to find Mike Stary. Well, he might have changed his name after descending here, but you will know him as 'the immortal'."

"How can you possibly…"

"Let me stop you right there."

As he said that, a terrifying spatial distortion appeared around the two of them, forming a separate dimension.

"I can't have you send back information to your main body or someone else outside of here, as that would mean I could posture less. We can't have that, can we? So, I assume you are a powerful creature of the higher realm wanting to become truly immortal. This caused you to search far and wide for a way, yet you were unable to succeed in your endeavor. This went on until you heard of 'the immortal'. You engaged him in a discussion about immortality, but he refused to tell you anything, or you didn't believe what he said. As such, you decided to capture him to find his secrets by yourself. However, before you could capture him, he disappeared, leaving you to search the entire universe for him, leading you to this lower realm. You needed an object to project upon to descend as you do not belong to this realm, and the rules of the Heavens are not to be trifled with. You found the perfect vessel, 'her', and came here. I am 100% certain that this is the correct sequence of events. Your plan was perfect, as Mike is indeed here, but the execution was flawed. You choose one of five people who I would discover a fault with, leading to your projection being destroyed."

"Do you think that just because my cultivation is suppressed to this level, that it would be easy to kill it?"

"I 'know' it will be easy to kill it. Not only that, but you have also given me an excuse to kill this person I despise, sealing your fate. Now, you can be on your way. Bye-bye."

After Samuel uttered this last farewell, the 'young lady' disappeared from everyone's vision. Not because she managed to escape, but because she was erased from existence by Singularity. Singularity has become something fully different after his eyes evolved, allowing him far greater control over the skill. He could now create a singularity that covered the area he wanted to attack and have it close as soon as the desired effect had been achieved. Thus, creating the scene in front of everyone.

"Okay, that was mildly interesting. Merling I will be on my merry way now, and since I am preparing for a breakthrough it is unknown when I will emerge next. So, if I don't see you again, it was nice knowing you for the short period of time I did, if we do meet again, I'll see you later."

Vanishing as quickly as he appeared, Samuel returned to his cultivation chamber.

"Since I am about to break through and I don't know what effect this will bring, I'll create a pocket dimension where I won't bother anyone, and they can't bother me. Hopefully the phenomenon isn't too volatile, as my dimension won't be sturdy enough to withstand something like that. Whatever. It doesn't really matter. Time to break through to the True Cultivation stage."

A separate space covered the entire cultivation room as soon as he said this. Not long after, that iconic gray barrier emerged from seemingly nowhere, covering him. This barrier, in the trend observable from the two last breakthroughs, was even smaller than the last. It was not just smaller; its form was also greatly different. No more was the spherical shape; it was now formed like a person. Its size was way bigger than Samuel, but it was not unthinkable that in a few breakthroughs it would cover him perfectly. Obviously, he was not privy to this information as he passed out as soon as he finished the last part of his core. Samuel did not know what to expect from this period of 'hibernation', yet he remained optimistic. What if the change would allow him to move between realms or even move up to the higher realm? What if his time sphere improved even further and welcomed more of those items, allowing him to become even more overpowered? A man entered cultivation, but hopefully, a god would emerge from it.

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