
Cloudy Memory

A story of a man named Koda who’s friend worked for what seemed like an ordinary testing site, actually hid some of the darkest secrets there were. mythical beings and deadly toxins. After a strange explosion Koda meets an unexpected friend. (Sorry if my chapters seem short. i’m coming up with this out of the blue. i would make it a comic but i don’t have the patience, but might if some people offered to help. i’m not good at motivation on too many drawings at once)

Shadowsoul38 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 ~ His pov

I'm not exactly sure what happened. I've been in a white room for as long as I can remember. But yesterday there was an explosion.. A loud thud at my door, and someone pulled all the wires off me. He had a funny set of brown ears. I feel like he should be familiar.. But I don't remember anyone. Nothing comes to mind when I try to think of the outside world.. I'll admit, it was boring in that room. No one ever came in. I think they only ever came in when I was asleep. But it's not like I could stay up. They gassed the room, and I would wake up later. The only times I remember someone coming in was when they were in a full white suit, giving me food.

But now i'm somewhere new. I forgot what it was like to speak, so I haven't yet. The guy with the brown wolf ears has been taking care of me, hiding me he says, in an apartment. It has a nice view i'll admit. He keeps telling me I need to go back home. That I don't belong here. I don't know what he means. This past day or two has been a daze for me. But he gave me a paper, with a building name, saying to go to this building when I am feeling fine. Or better at least.

I watch this window every day. I see someone a lot. He never looks up, so I can't say hi. But I see him pass every time. morning and night. He looks stressed.. But I don't recognize him. I've never seen him in a dream even.. I'll try to say hi on my way to the place on the paper. In the morning.. But for now, i'll sleep like this wolf-man keeps telling me to do. Seems like my best option, because I still get light headed when I stand.