
Classroom Of Elite : Multiverse Chat Group

A genius teenager born with a sick body dies and is reborn in the Classroom Of Elite world. His life changes not when he is reborn, but when he receives an invite from a day-size chat group. Main World: Classroom Of Elite Disclaimer: Other than my OCs, I don’t own any character. I don’t own the cover. If the original creator wants me to take it down, please contact me through email and I will be happy to do so. Thank you.

Daoist9sLu8Q · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chat Group Invitation

A smile formed on Ren's face as he read the letter in his hand.

"I did it, I got into class D; who would have thought that getting into class D could be harder than getting into class A?" During the exam, Ren didn't know how many questions he had to get right to get into Class D.

He was afraid of accidentally doing well and entering other classes. It would be fine if he entered another class, but he thought that if he entered class D, he would have more fun. He took the letter and happily put it on the table.

"There's nothing to worry about now that I'm in school; it's time for daily practice," he said, walking towards the exit of the house.

Ren had many things in his old life that he couldn't do because he had a sick body. After being reborn, he decided to do whatever he wanted. He has been running every day in the woods near his house since he was a child.

At first, he thought he might get bored with time, but he never got bored of the pleasure of running in the woods. After finishing the 1-hour run, he returned home and entered the bathroom. After taking a shower, he walked over to the mirror in the bathroom and looked at his appearance.

"I guess I was rewarded with good genes as compensation for my old life," he said, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

In the mirror were a handsome young man with long, jet-black hair, deep blue eyes, and pale skin. He had a slightly muscular body due to his constant exercise. He was also 1.80 meters tall, quite tall for his age.

"I'm going to enjoy my life for about 2 months until high school starts," he said.

Upon entering his room, Ren relaxed and lay down on his bed. He looked next to him and saw the box sent by the school.

After opening the box, the school uniforms, books, and phones were found inside the box.

"The red uniform actually looks pretty cool," Ren said after looking at the red school uniform that came out of the box. He then picked up the phone sent by the school.

"This phone is very important; we will manage everything related to school with this phone; without this phone, you can't even buy food at school," Ren said, holding the phone in his hand.

"Can we use the phone before school starts?" Ren looked at the phone in his hand. He paused and picked up the phone. After examining the phone, he saw that he could not use any feature of the phone, and just as he was about to hang up, a notification came to him.

[Want to join the Dimensional Chat Group ?]

Ren muttered to himself as he stared at the notification, "Dimensional chat group; is it really an interdimensional group, or is someone kidding?"

Ren thought for a while and thought it wouldn't hurt him to accept. After looking at the notification again, he pressed the Accept button.

As soon as Ren pressed the accept button, a white light started coming out of the phone and the phone entered Ren's body.

"What's going on?" Ren said it in surprise.

Ren was shocked by this event; his phone suddenly went inside his body and he couldn't even react. After checking his body, Ren felt something change in his body. He felt that something that was not in his body before was there, like a part of it. He felt as if he could control it like any other limb, and with a thought, the phone appeared in his hand.

Ren muttered to himself, "The phone seems to have merged with me," he said, looking at his phone. He saw several notifications on the phone.

[Congratulations on joining the Dimensional Chat group.]

[Since you are the only member of the group, you have been appointed as the group admin.]

[Congratulations on being the admin! You can open the special gift package for the admin.]

As Ren read the last notice, he saw that the group had a gift for him and was excited. "I wonder what the gift would be for a group where we can chat across dimensions," he said to himself.