

Skill Blessing created -125 energy)

(God's Blessing activated-Skill Blessing given to all creations -100 energy)

They fell to their knees and I felt their prayers,their love and gratitude.

"You are welcome my children,I love you all.I want to help you,and guide you.You will learn how to use your skills and abilities.You will learn how to use the energy to better yourself,your species,your families and the world you inhabit."

All my creations cried in happiness at my kind words,and I was filled with their love and adoration.

"But you must know one thing. You will follow the rules I set for you.You must listen to the council,they are the people I created and govern all the creatures in the world.You must not kill,for that is the worst of crimes.You must respect others,be loyal to each other and to me.The best gift I can give you is to teach you how to use magic,so we shall begin.All of you come with me"

My creations got up from their knees,looking excited and happy.

As I walked with my creations through Xallem,all creatures followed behind me,curious about my domain.

My creations,families and tribes began to talk amongst themselves.

"Is he really our God?"

"He must be,I mean,look at him"

"What do you think he'll do first?"

"Well,if I were a god,I would make them go to bed,then wake them up bright and early"

"Ha ha,that's funny,he'll probably make them do hard labor,or worse,make them do chores"

"Nah,I bet he'll make them do something important for him"

"Or maybe he'll take away our magical ability,and make us all stupid!"

"Shut up"

I heard all the comments as I walked on.

(Humans are always talking about others behind their back aren't they)

(Yeah,but at least we aren't blindly following anyone )

(I suppose you're right)


All creatures shut their mouths as I spoke.

"I can hear everything you say and I can see every word you speak. You have all been blessed with magical abilities and that is why you are able to speak,see and hear things.I will not take it away from you,but I will punish anyone who does not listen to their elders or fellow creations.Understood"

All creatures said yes,their heads hung low in fear and embarrassment.

"Yes master"

"Yes God"

"Yes Kylian"

"That is correct,my name is Kylian.We will be working together to build the world and make it better.I will help you and teach you,but you must also learn from me.I am the creator of this world and I am the one who gave you your abilities.You must respect your elders,listen to your family,work hard,be loyal to me,and most of all,be good to each other."

All creations nodded in agreement,still embarrassed by their foolishness.

"Good,I am glad to hear it.Now let's go,we will get started on your lessons today.You have magical abilities,but that doesn't mean you can't improve yourself.Each and everyone of you have different talents.I will help you discover what they are,and make you the best you can be."

My creations were happy to hear me say that.I will do everything I can for them,and make sure they grow strong.