
More creation

Though I created my world,Xallem,and filled it with beings,I felt it was just not enough.

I channeled my energy again creating new races.The energy twisted around forming a small pack of goblins,their faces shining with smiles and hairs flowing thick and long(I felt sorry for the goblins because they were described as ugly ,bald headed and dimwitted creatures,so I made them relatively handsome and beautiful with hair and enough intelligence,though lower than an average human.)

I then created Orcs(I also felt sorry for them,so I made them like the goblins),Ogres,Their fangs gleaming and thier bodies packed with muscles,Oni's,thier horns sharp and intimidating,Dwarves,short but resilient creatures, Nature spirits,Elementals,and Fauns.

I spread these creatures over the continents of Ladei,Wisteria,Freesia,Zight and Cogia.

I then descended downwards into my world,Xallem.

The inhabitants,though newly created were settling in at a rapid pace,forming tribes and kingdoms,and using their magical abilities.

A s I descended, all my creation looked into the air staring at me.Then they all knelt ,prostrating before me.

"Now Yuris,what do I do"

(Speak to them master,establish your dominance over them and they will serve you making you a full fledged god)

Okay, here I go.

"My creations, I am your creator and god,Kylian and I have created this world for you to live and thrive in. I have also given you the ability to wield magic.Together,you will serve me and together you shall become the greatest world in the Void"

All creations stood and gave a loud cheer after my speech and then knelt and worshipped me.

Energy +150

(God's Blessing Unlocked)

I felt power from their worship and I decided to bless each and every one of them.

(Skill Restoration created -25 energy)

(God's Blessing activated-Skill Restoration given to all creations -100 energy)

All creations feeling the gift I gave them,thanked and worshipped me more.