
Serial Evolution

I led my creations to a large room.It was huge,and all of us fit inside.

"Now,you will each take a seat in a circle around me.This way I will be able to teach all of you at once.You will take turns coming forward and I will tell you what you must do.Does anyone have any questions?"

All creatures said no.

"Very good,now sit down"

My creations took their seats and waited for me to begin.

"Now,let's start.Your magical ability is only just beginning,but it has already given you something.What is it?"

One of the orcs stood and bowed before speaking.

"Master,I have been gifted with a powerful weapon.I am the first born of my tribe and my tribe has been blessed with these weapons.I was told by my mother that the weapon I wield,is called a sword,and that it can cut anything,as long as it is sharp enough.I believe this is what you are talking about."

"That's correct,your sword is a weapon.Now tell me,what other weapons do you have?"

The orc went back to his seat.

"We are gifted with bows,shields and axes.We were given these weapons to protect ourselves and each other"

I smiled at the orc.

"Good,this is good news.A good weapon is a precious thing,it is an instrument,and it can help you when you need it most.That is why I created these weapons,because I wanted them to be used by my creations.They were created to give you strength and to protect you when you are weak.You may not always need a weapon,but it will help you when you are in danger or in the heat of the moment.Your bow will give you an advantage over your foes,as you will be able to use it from afar.Your axes,shields and swords are also powerful,for they can help you in any situation.With them,you will be able to cut down your enemies with ease and survive any fight.This is good news for you,for your enemy will not have a chance to strike back."

All my creations were amazed at my words,their eyes wide with happiness and surprise.

"We will be practicing with these weapons today,but before we begin,I have a gift for all of you."

I stood up from my chair and began to chant.

"My creations,from now on,you are the strongest of all creation.You are the ones who will lead and protect.You have all been blessed with magical abilities,but that doesn't mean you can't become stronger,you can.With the strength I have given you,you are the mightiest,strongest and most powerful creatures to exist in this world.And from now on,you will be known as the Goblin,Orc and Ogre.For they are the most dangerous and intelligent beings to walk this world.From now on,you will be known as Goblin Warriors,Orc Paladins and Ogre Slayers.Know this,you will grow strong and powerful.Know that you are the strongest beings in this world."

All my creations cheered as my blessing flowed through them,changing their forms.

Goblin Warriors had their muscles enlarged,their limbs becoming longer and more defined.They also gained sharp fangs and claws,as well as fur.They wore a light green cloak and had a silver sword and shield.Their muscles were made for battle and they were able to fight multiple foes at once,though they were slower than most creatures.

Goblin Paladins were taller than most,but shorter than Goblin Warriors,they had slightly longer claws and fangs,as well as sharper nails and more defined muscles.They also had a longer reach with their weapons,as well as greater strength and speed.Their cloaks were different colors,pale green for those who had not yet been born,and dark green for those who were of age.They had silver armor and wielded a shield and a silver longsword.They were less agile than their Paladin brethren,but still were able to handle multiple foes.

Ogre Slayers were much taller,as well as broader and more muscular than all the others.Their limbs were much more defined and they were faster than other Ogre Slayers,though they were still slower than the average Orc or Goblin.Their cloaks were red and their weapons were giant war hammers,as well as axes.They were able to overpower many enemies at once and could defeat them with one hit.

My creations were proud of their new abilities and all stood tall,smiling and confident.

"Now for you dragons,I said looking at Telx,the first dragon I created,I know that you do not have weapons,so I will make you the guardians of the land.You will be able to protect the land and the creatures inhabiting it.I will give you magical abilities,as well as weapons so you may protect your charges.This is also a part of your responsibility as well as your job.Now come up here and show me your abilities "

The dragon bowed and stepped forward,walking to my side.

"Show me what you are capable of"

The dragon began to glow and I felt the energy flow into her.