
Family heirloom


The moment the meeting was over, Some people came to meet Danica telling her how they were sorry about the way they treated her and how happy they were that their alpha finally had a mate.

Danica gave them a charming smile even though I could see she was trying not to say something offending behind the smile.

"Oh, is that the necklace?" One of them asked.

"I'm sorry?" Danica answered.

"I mean is that the necklace that had been passed down from generations, it's given to the mates of the Alpha's."

"Of course." Danica preened. "It was a surprise I wasn't expecting, we had just finished with an activity we had on the bed when I just felt something cold on my neck."

They giggled. While I frowned, I had definitely not given Danica the necklace and how the hell did she find it.

The necklace was decorated with very small pieces of blue diamond, it was designed to look like a choker. then a single chain of silver went down in the middle.

But overall, I was happy to see it on her neck, I was satisfied and overwhelmed at the same time, my mom had worn the necklace before Danica, I wondered how my father felt when he put the necklace on my mother.

I scowled suddenly reminded again that I hadn't put the necklace on Danica or told her anything about it.

The moment the girls left I approached Danica.

"Doesn't it look pretty on me?" She asked.

"It does....it doesn't— that's not the point, I didn't give you the necklace, how did you find it?"

"Well, you see, as I was rummaging our room—" oh, now it was 'our room'.

"—I suddenly saw it, imagine my surprise, such a beautiful thing, just laying there, in a box, looking utterly usele... unused, so I decided to use it, would you imagine the look on my face and the rapid beating of my heart when I found out from Vincent that it was going to be mine?"

"I concur he told you it was going to belong to my mate and nobody else?"

"Why, yes." She grinned. "So since I'm your mate..." She trailed off.

"Oh, now you're my mate?"

"Wasn't I clear enough?" She frowned like I was sounding ridiculous.

"So you aren't scared anymore? You aren't scared that someone is going to come for you and use me against you?"

Her eyes Darkened, "I'm still scared, but I won't let my fear hold me back anymore." She looked away from me and then looked back, staring into my eyes. "Being away from you sounded and felt more scary."

Her voice sounded hoarse

I shuddered, I wanted to kiss her so badly, just the feel of her lips against mine, but no, I was going to stand my ground, I was going to prove my point. I am the Alpha.


I watched my pack members shift, and I gritted my teeth at the sound of bones cracking.

The teenagers and kids that remained humans whimper, yeah, I felt the same way the first time.

some wolves were black, some were a mixture of white and black, and some were plain white, while some were grey.

I looked at Vincent as he shifted to a big grey wolf. Koala bent down chuckling as he ran his hand through his fur, Vincent licked his face.

"Ew." Koala pushed his head away.

I sighed, they looked so happy, I averted my gaze when I caught Danica looking at me.

Danica smiled and started taking off her clothes, I swallowed quickly looking away before I did something I'd later regret. I wondered why she bothered removing her clothes when she didn't remove it when she fought with Piper.

I heard gasps and turned back to look. Danica had shifted into a snow leopard.

I admired her silky fur as she came towards me like she was gliding, when she reached my front. She nudged me with her paw. I snorted and she did it again.

I got the message, she wanted me to shift.

I took of my clothes and she shifted into a black wolf with patches of white on my tail.

The leopard licked my face and tried to shove it's nose in my neck while I also tried to the same thing and we ended up bumping our heads together.


We howled in joy as we ran through the forest, preying on animals and chasing ourselves. I felt free, happy and overjoyed as I chased Danica who had shifted yet again to a jaguar.

I wondered how many animals she could shift into , and I knew if I asked her she wouldn't tell me.

But it still hurt, her not trusting me enough to tell me personal things about her hurt me.

But I was going to live in the moment.

I came to a halt when someone howled in pain. The jaguar also stopped, turning back to face me, I barked, telling her to follow me as I ran towards the howl of pain.

I could see Vincent and Koala also running towards it and some other pack members

We followed the sound until we ended up in my back yard, I shifted immediately and so did the others.

I felt fear, was another person attacked, but we were all together, everybody apart from the humans were supposed to be at the pack run, the only people I could think of who would be at home was Tara and her master.

I rushed towards the gate and stopped. Tara was in a staring contest— with a a wolf I recognized clearly — while the wolf howled in pain.

I was confused, Tara wasn't doing anything to the wolf, only staring and the wolf just sat there, brown eyes staring back.

"Tara no!" Koala shouted, running towards Tara. "Tara snap out of it."

"Diana, Diana, where's Diana?" Koala looked around before looking back at Tara.

I went to do something when Koala stopped me.

"No, don't touch them, one wrong move and it'll all be over."