
A little talk about the other side 2

Vincent nodded and Koala smiled.

He turned his eyes to me and knelt.

"I seek permission to join your pack Alpha Jerome of the woodlands pack."

"I need to know what type of shifter you are before I grant you permission."

He nodded, "I'm a Sehirah" I hid my surprise well.

"This means you will need to feed at least once a week?"

"Yes." He answered.

"What do you feed on?"

I expected him to lie, but he didn't.

"I feed on humans, but I can also feed on animals, anything with a soul."

"The humans in this town are off limits,"

He nodded. "I accept you into my pack."

He smiled and Vincent visibly relaxed.

"Vincent." I called as everyone dispersed. "Call for a pack meeting, I want everybody present." I said.

Vincent nodded.

Someone touched my shoulder and an electricity zap went through me.

I knew who it was without even glancing back or breathing in their scent.

"Jerome." Danica called.

I didn't look back so she came to stand in my front. "Do you need help packing?"

She flinched. "I'm not going, I'm not abandoning my mate."

"Really?" I scoffed.

"Really." She said firmly. "I already claimed you, I'm the mate of the Alpha of woodlands pack and I'll try my best to be worthy of the title."

"We shall see." I walked past her, I was not going to believe anything she said, I am not giving myself hope then have it thrown back in my face, she couldn't have just come to a decision just like that. I wasn't going to get myself hurt again.


His words had cut me deep and I wasn't sure it could be healed.

Everything he had said was true, I was a coward. I didn't deserve to be called a Hikrata.

I wasn't a coward, I was going to accept my life and live it to the fullest, Jerome might not have faith in me anymore, he might think I'm not worth hus time, and even though if physically and mentally hurt to see him act like i didn't mean anything to him hurt more than I thought possible. I was going to prove to him, that I was a worthy mate, even if I was late to the epiphany that I needed him in my life. I wasn't going to give him up.


The pack looked tensed as I walked to my seat. I greeted My council members with a head nod and took my seat, I was wondering who the empty sit next to mine was for when I saw Danica walking towards me with a smile while the rest of the pack glared at her back.

She was wearing ripped fitted jeans and top a black top with the universal sign of fuck you drawn on the the front. A black jacket was tied to her waist.

I waited, confused and then realized what was happening when she took the seat next to mine.

Oh, this was part of her plan to assure me she was not going anywhere.

I didn't say anything to hut faces the pack instead.

I stood up and the hall quieted.

"They have been series of attack in the pack, and we know someone in the pack is helping or perhaps even involved in it.

"Now what I don't know is why someone would want revenge or have some sick twisted way of messing with girls to pass a message, but if that person is part of us, is present here, you better know this, the moment you're caught, will be the moment you would regret you ever existed or thought attacking my pack members."

I waited for the noose outbreak to quiet down before I talked again.

"There'll be a pack run this night, you are free to move around, but don't go anywhere alone, always be with at least two people or don't leave the house at all.

"Any questions?"

I regretted it the moment I asked.

"Have you claimed your mate?" One of Piper's friends asked. People snickered staring at Danica's neck, there wasn't a scar there so I knew what they were thinking, hut before I could talk, Danica beat me to it.

"Yes, I've claimed my mate." She moved fast, putting down my collar which I had pulled up to hide the mating mark in the first place.

They gasped when they saw the mark. "As you can see, he's been claimed and before you ask, no I can't be marked because of what I am.

"I'm the Alpha's mate," her eyes dared me to say otherwise. "So I know even if you don't respect me I'll work to earn your respect but if you don't like me because of whatever reasons you have harboured in your mind, you're free to think whatever you want, but I won't condone being purposefully disrespected, and believe me you would be punished for it, don't worry, it's not life threatening, you will leave, you will heal, but you will forever be reminded not to go against me by the scar the punishment will leave on your soul."

I sighed, so much for holding court.

When it was clear Danica had finished talking, someone asked another question.

"What about my birthday? Won't it be celebrated?"

I pointedly stared at josh's sister, I saw josh palm his face from the corner of my eye.

"When's your birthday, Gwen?" Her eyes lit up.

"Well, we'll see, won't we?."

She flipped her red hair, " that's not exactly an answer." She mumbled.

"We'll see Gwendolyn, or we'll have a small celebration in the hall."

"I guess that's better than nothing, at least I have assurance that it'll still be celebrated either way, but I still have a question though."

"Oh, please go ahead."

"What kind of shifter is the Alpha's mate?"

"Why don't you ask her." I faced Danica who had an amused smile.

Gwen gave her a pointed stare.

"If I told you now, it won't be a secret would it, and if it's not a secret it won't be gossiped about."