
Cecilia is Alive

"what's she doing to him?" I used my alpha voice and Koala whimpered. "Tell me!"

"Jerome!" Vincent shouted. I felt his hands on my back before I saw him.

"Relax, he'll explain." He soothed.

I exhaled and inhaled to calm myself down.


"She's a dreamer."

"What type of dreamer?"

He sighed, "I don't know if I can trust the people here."

I looked around, and sure enough, they were pack members and My enforcers present.

"Let's take this inside, The pack run is over, the pack enforcers should make sure everyone gets home safely."

"What should we do with them?" I asked Koala, staring at Tara.

"Leave them like that, when she wears herself out she'll faint, or they'll both faint."

"Vincent will stay with them."


"Tell me, what kind of dreamer she is."

He sighed, "you know, I really think she should be the one to decide if she wants people knowing her secrets."

"Well, she currently has one of my pack members in a trance, and I don't fucking know what she's doing to her!."

He whimpered.

"She can see memories, she can make you relive a memory again and again, she can also plant a memory, like the way Thanos did with Danica."

Danica flinches at the mention of Thanos

"How can we stop it?" I asked, a bit on the edge, I didn't like not feeling safe in my house.

"You see that's the problem, we can't stop it, if we did, it'll damage the brain of the person she's using her powers on because she finished prematurely."


"I don't know why she could have done it, what was she even doing out? She and Diana were supposed to leave an hour ago." Koala says, pacing around the living room.

Vincent came running in, "they've stopped, and the wolf is Hailey."

"Oh my." Danica gasped rushing towards the exit. We followed suit.


"Oh." We gasped at the sight before us.

Hailey was laying on the ground naked and Tara was lying on top of her mauling her mouth.

Danica grinned, while Koala looked sheepish.

"You think they are mates?" Vincent asked.

"Sure, what does it look like to you?" I said back. "If they were mates, did they need the posturing?"

"I guess it happened coincidentally, but what was Hailey doing here?" Vincent asked.

Yeah, I thought, what was she doing here when she was supposed to be in the pack run with us?.

I think they noticed they had audience because Hailey suddenly gasped, her eyes widening, Tara simply rolled her eyes.

"Ever heard of the word privacy?" Tara asked, making Hailey blush.

They both stood up from the ground.

"I think you need to call for a meeting Alpha, We've got some news."

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"It's important Alpha."

I sighed.


"Please don't say anything until I've finished.

you see, Hailey came here looking for you to tell you about what she remembered the day she was attacked. when she got sidetracked by you, you told her not to worry, that you already knew about what she was going to tell you, and you were working on finding the culprit. And when she turns back around to get to the pack run, she completely forgets meeting you and also forgets what she told you. On her way to the pack run she suddenly inhales a silvery dust, seconds later she gets an overwhelming feeling to talk to you, to see you, she then turns back again, but when she reached, everyone was gone. me thinking she was a threat reacted the only way I could think of.

"And I'm glad I reacted the way I did, because I saw it all in her memory."

I waited a moment, and when I was sure she wasn't going to say anything again, I talked.

"I didn't see Hailey anywhere, so how could she have seen me?"

"Glamour." Octavian whispered.

"And after she thought she talked to you, her memory suddenly goes." Josh added.

"But who would have glamour their self so she thinks she talked to me.?" I asked, "and why did a dust flying into her nose compel her to see me?"

Danica paled, she turned white. I was scared for a moment before seeing that Koala had also turned white.

"Mother." They both whispered.

"It can't be!" Danica whispered, "It just can't be."

"But it could be though, what do you remember about the day she died, did you see her body?"

"No...but...but Thanos did something, after she got hit she turned to a sort of silvery dust that got sucked into a wrist watch—wrist band Thanos wore."

"So she's still alive, just not in a conscious entity?"