
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs


Listening to the tiger that sat down on its behind gazing at me on the other side of the bone bars I opened my mouth once more,

"A blue scroll as in a blueprint?" I asked

"Yes that is right, you see I accidentally let someone steal a scroll that I was guarding while I was uh..ahem! Anyway, I need to find that scroll immediately before it is gone forever," He said, and what followed next was an awkward silence.

"This dude was probably asleep on the job and now is paying the price," I thought, inwardly laughing at the tiger's embarrassed face.

"Okay then I think I can help you, but do you want it for yourself or does it belong to someone else?" I said

The tiger sighed out loud, "Actually it was a scroll that was handed to me by an old Friend of mine who has now long passed, he needed a favor so he gave me a scroll to compensate me for the troubles he was putting me on" said the tiger with a face filled with reminiscing.

I gazed intently at the beast, " Then you saw the contents that were inside, yes?" I asked

" Of course I did! It was a beast treasure that I wanted to be forged and to wield for myself in the future to be able to beat the crap out of other beasts at the woodlands of Afreya and also it was an extravagant residence treasure blueprint that could have helped me a lot for what I'm about to do, once I get out of Terra," Said the tiger, with an icy glint in its golden eyes.

Its gaze got colder and more ruthless as if it was remembering a dark past.

"Power residence, huh! Looks like these things are more important than I thought and this Friend of yours must have wanted you to do a really massive favor for them. If it meant hiring a strong beast like yourself." I said with wide eyes surprised and both terrified of what kind of task would need such a powerful beast as a guard.

"But aren't beasts not affected by the chaotic origin energy outside of Afreya?" I said puzzled as to why a beast would need a residence when it has a core capable of filtering the chaotic origin energy without any external help.

"Wrong! We are affected but differently, if you had to live in a place full of Corpses would you feel comfortable even though it won't kill you, that is how we beasts feel and also the residences of beasts are entirely different from you demons and humans when it comes to the functionality. We generally use them for battle," he said excitedly.

"A battle using houses sounds interesting, Well then I think I can help," I said.

The tiger raised an eyebrow from surprise, " Really have you seen the scroll somewhere before, I don't think I told you the location of the scroll" Said the tiger, with wide eyes.

"Yes, you haven't told me a thing but do you know exactly where it is then?" I said with a smile.

The tiger then shook its head and an annoyed frown appeared on its face, "The bastard has hidden all traces of my scroll but I am sure it is here in this little kingdom city." He said with grit teeth then looked back at me, "Well have you got a clue of where the scroll is at now?"

I shook my head, " No I haven't got a single clue" I said smiling mysteriously.

"Huh!? Little dwarf, I might not really hate your demon kind like the others but you have to know I hate those who play with my feelings'' Said the tiger with an angry chilling gaze it's golden eyes creased up into an unsightly look, Clearly a beast ready to pounce on me to devour my flesh.

I managed to keep my composure in front of its pressure as I waved my hands as a way of defense, my clothes and hair becoming disheveled from the wind blowing from the tiger's nose.

"Look I'm not playing with you, I am very good at thinking up of good ideas if you can tell me what sort of function this power residence has and all of its details then I can surely think up of a way to make a new blueprint for you and possibly an even better one than the one that got stolen,

Just tell me what you want it to have, let me get some information from you and then I can transfer the knowledge to your head and then if you are satisfied take me to the place of flames That I can inherit," I said, giving the tiger another solution to his problem as long as I use my skill, maybe the system can help me make a blueprint, As I need to test out its limits.

" Look do you have anything to lose let's just do it,"

"Hmm! Okay fine," said the tiger.

"Great," I said with beaming eyes then activated

Q & A Skill: No cost skill

"Tell me exactly what your power is"

The tiger looked at me suspiciously but then nodded, "I am a user of the divine flame who is also a descendant of the great flaming tiger emperor born from the highest peak Heavens volcano,"

"I am the beast Saint Leo, I have a hundred wives and some beautiful daughters, I like eating meat cooked not raw..also" blabbered the tiger.

"HEY! Focus please," I said, with wide eyes baffled at how this tiger can be so carefree and get so absorbed In himself to actually forget the important topic.

"Such a narcissist," I thought

"Okay tell me your cultivation level?" I asked

The tiger Leo yawned and spoke casually " Peak of Saint realm"

"Wait!? What!? The hell!" I screamed out loud.

"So this guy is that powerful, which means the blueprint for his power residence must be pretty amazing, and for his friend to be able to get him here with only the scroll means it was going to boost his power to an unbelievable level." I thought.

The Reason I am doing such a risky gamble of making a blueprint above my level is to test out if the system will allow it, and also I have an unexplainable urge to challenge the system deep in my heart since back at the battle with the Molens to make the Avarian winged armor I had to be at the mortal release stage to have a blueprint be given to me by the system,

But I need to know if making a blueprint above my level what kind of reaction will the system have in my attempt.

After collecting the needed data I breathed out and concentrated as I waited for the information to be compiled by the system to see if it could come up with a design"

*Compiling Data*

After ten minutes the tiger Leo became a little impatient, "Hey! is it going to take that long for you, Really creating a blueprint of such a caliber I don't think you will be able to handle it that stuff normally take days for a master scribe to make, why don't you just help me find the stolen one as soon as you can escape this place?" Said Leo.


*Information collected and compiled would you like to use the skill Blueprint generator risks will be present*

"Oh! my goodness I can't believe this system can help compile a blueprint of such a caliber and strength," I thought inwardly


Damn it let's gamble and see if it will make something, "YES"

*Skill activated blueprint generator*

Not even a moment passed and a sharp pain hit my head "Aaa! this fucking hurts," I yelled

The pain in my brain started again like a cogwheel being turned and it was much worse this time and the spirit power in me was getting sucked like a vacuum but, I had no choice if I wanted to get out of Terra in a hurry.

Spirit Energy: - 33 has been used




A warm sweet liquid flowed down my nose, "Hey! Boy, are you bleeding? What is going on with you right now," Said Leo

Lightly brushing my nose with my fingertips I saw red blood on my hands, and the pain in my brain continued to Increase, "Well this is a stupid idea I just did!" I said, so much for a system that doesn't give out what I want.

My vision became blurry red, as I saw my whole world slowdown the pain in my head increased as it seemed never-ending, "I don't know why I thought that generating a blueprint for a saint level beast would be easy, while I'm still in the early stages of mortal release even though this system can do it, it doesn't mean I can handle it,



If I survive this shit, I'm never going to be this rash and impulsive just because I have a little edge over others, I'm no god yet" I thought as the pain in my brain worsened.

My ears felt like a hose pipe as I felt wet substances gush out them, my whole body became paralyzed as I could not scream or grit my teeth anymore, "Shit am I going to die like this without having become a god builder like I wanted."


Spirit energy depleted: 0


"Damn it I'm a goner," I thought as my breathing became heavy, my brain slowed down, and my senses became numb.

"HM! Looks like you overestimated yourself little boy I sense your spirit energy veins have nothing left but continue absorbing your vitality you will die soon, I don't know what you were trying to do to make this old tiger have his scroll back but I will help you out so can't die," said the tiger as I felt a gust of energy enter my head.

Like a powerful wind full of energy the pain in my head subsided back to normal gradually as I felt a rich hot fiery wind enter my nose, ears, and mouth as I breathed, and this all revitalized and energized my weak body.


While feeling relieved the white flame in my mind realm appeared and started to dance and tremble frantically, and began blazing wildly "Huh!"