
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 22: Eating Divine flames like candy

*Blueprint failed to generate please try again when cultivation level is omega body middle stage. Attempting to make a blueprint 3 realms above your cultivation and job rank will lead to severe consequences if attempted unprepared. System Lesson always be prepared and never gamble with creating blueprints*

"Damn why not tell me this before letting me do it, or are you teaching me the hard way system?" I screamed in my mind my ethereal body transparent while floating, in the dark void space of my mind realm.


*Attribute: White flame(!??) unknown class is acting on its own*

The matchstick-sized flame appeared between my brows and began expanding in size covering the whole space surrounding my mind realm and started endlessly absorbing the fire spirit energy transferred by Leo into itself like a hungry beast that just saw a delicious meal after a long time.

"What is this guy doing?" looking at the white Flame as it devoured the spirit energy, deposited by Leo who was trying to save my life. "I should think of a way to find that blue scroll of his and get to the place he said he will take me to," I thought, still floating with my ethereal body watching my whole mind realm turn into a white space similar to the white rooms in asylums.

AFTER 4 HRS it was still absorbing

"Oh! Looks like you have a greedy parasite inside your body" Said Leo

"I should burn it for you then."

Hearing that he wanted to burn what was inside of me I panicked, thinking inwardly, "No! You damn Saintly fart Tiger there is nothing to burn," This white flame even though it stayed in my mind realm and never got out no matter how many times I tried Summoning it. I have never sensed danger from it even though it holds a lot of secrets that I need to know of, but I know I need to get stronger in the future to see the secrets inside the flame.

Then my body temperature started to rise as this time a tyrannical fire entered my body and actually traveled inside my mind realm to the white flame, that also now devoured the orange flame-like candy as it visibly started to have a tinge of orange color like a nucleus inside of it.

And my energy returned back to me as my ethereal body became more opaque and the white flame continued to devour the tiger's flame at a faster pace growing in size and ferocity, similar to a wild forest fire.


A notification appeared

*Due to attempting to create something deemed impossible at your level the Creators white flame deems you worthy to awaken your second bloodline, Requirements to awaken the first OTHERWORLDLY DWARVEN HEAVENLY REBEL blood has been met*

Otherworldly Dwarven Heavenly rebel has awakened to 5% and the following

Title: Otherworldly genius rebel, Wielder of the hammer

Defense: 5 stat acquired

Bonus intelligence: increase by + 5 points due to title Otherworldly Genius rebel

Wilder of hammers gives easier control over other skills by the use of hammers.

Dormant skills are present inside your bloodline to awaken them attempt to forge against all odds and Dao of the heavens.



"What is this? My Dwarf bloodline has finally awakened but, why does it say I'm the first? And all these new skills like tetras,

Even though I liked that game because it helped relieve some of my boring office hours, does this system actually make skills according to my familiarity with some things back at my world," I thought

"T-This! is surely unprecedented. I didn't think you could awaken a bloodline, and I feel two of them inside of you now how is this possible!? To have two bloodlines must surely cause problems In the body but you seem fine, what is going on here? And why do I feel like I was a catalyst for your good fortune?" said Leo with an astonished tone.

The temperature in my body slowly went back to normal and my body felt better again thanks to Leo's fire energy and the white flame finished devouring the last strand of orange flames to make a white room then extended its flaming threads between the brows of my ethereal body.

Once it connected I was not thrust inside a memory like last time, but a silver light escaped from the flame creating a projection of a youth dressed in a clean white floating robe, with silver hair, milky cloudy eyes levitating cross-legged, and a smile appeared on his handsome long-nosed face and silver brows filled with a godly aura.

"Hello there, Otherworlder." Said the sage-like youth

"Seeing you here means I have succeeded in finding a suitable inheritor to stop the devour queen from destroying the realm of Afreya," he said

"Just why am I here? And who are you? And what inheritance," I said, puzzled and confused while gazing at the youth intently.

"You have been selected to be the one to stop the Devour Queen and her endless hive of Destros," Said the youth in a calm tone. And he continued

"Long ago I the apprentice god of creation and caretaker of this realm had been left by my master to look after his realm that we created together, but after he disappeared I inherited his title of god of creation, but due to his disappearance, his old enemies started to grow bolder,

I had managed to catch, kill and imprison some of them but since I am not the original some managed to escape and in a fit of rage they freed the terror of all living things and the true polar opposite to life itself the Devour queen," said the sage-like youth in a grave tone his hands trembling but he then tightly balled them up, to forcefully stop them.

This queen apparently released a swarm of her hives to all Corners of the universe after discovering the original god's disappearance and after being freed searched and found the disciple who now held the god of creation title.

They had fought for a long time and when the new creation god was at deaths door a miracle happened causing the devour queen to become severely injured by a flame given to him by his old master.

Hearing this I looked up towards the white flame that was projecting the image of the youth.

"I had hoped to create more of this flame power that my master left with me by cultivating it but alas I was too far off in my path to switch to the path my master was on, so I had decided to find a suitable inheritor for my master's powers but the requirements were near impossible for the souls of this universe prompting me to sacrifice myself to summon a soul from another world." He said, looking at me with a playful envious look.

"After deciding this and realizing that without my presence the queen would have no one to stop her, since I and master were gone I had no choice but to seek a way to make it easier to guide you to the path of creation at a faster but stable pace for you to reach the wanted standard power of godhood before she heals her injuries."

Opening my eyes wide, "The system"

"After summoning your soul here and studying your mind I had made it so the system will be as familiar as possible to make it easier for you to learn the path of Creation and even though I failed in understanding a soul from another world the system can update itself and improve itself to make you a god faster.

But alas making this in a hurry after I had summoned your soul has led to me overlooking a flaw in my creation of an external power awakening your own bloodline early, which will also put you in danger since if you are in close proximity with one of the queens Destros servants they will now faintly detect the power of the Creation flame inside of you," he said shaking his head while sighing.

This is very bad Leo, that bastard tiger has caused me to be an easy target now.

Seeing my worried face the sage smiled and beckoned me with his hand as my ethereal body floated to him.

"She has taken over part of the heavenly dao of this universe, has cursed all bloodline races involved In the path of Creation a perfect example are the dwarfs, but failed to curse my master's bloodline kin the dragons,"

Tapping my chest he then smiled, "Your heart contains the bloodline of your own Creation power thanks to the master's flame of Creation which is only a white flame now with the ice element as the only one left of many. But continue feeding it and you will unleash more attributes in the future like space, gravity, even time. You have also inherited a body with the bloodline of his kin the dragons,

But no worries as long as you grow more powerful I believe all your powers will Awaken the flame of Creation to its former glory once more holding all attributes. But the only flaw is these two bloodlines of yours, might cause a problem in the future since the white flame is not strong enough yet to hold all things together harmoniously," he said.

I panicked, "What problem,"

I might post irregularly but this story will never be HIATUS, insert Naruto voice, "BELIEVE IT" Lol

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