
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 20: Tame the tiger

In the gloomy dark dungeon, stunned out of my mind, I could never have imagined that I would see a freaking Disney animal in front of my eyes.

I tried appraising it but no info came out I could only see a large galaxy thread spinning inside of the tiger "This could mean one thing this guy is too powerful, it's not an ordinary low-level beast, but even Slith doesn't have threads as dense as this guy, then it could only mean one thing," I sucked a breath of cold air.

This tiger actually might want to be here, but what are his motives for letting himself be captured.

"Slith that useless piece of trash actually sent such a powerful beast down here on purpose no wonder he looked scared of it, to think I wanted to tame this tiger with snake meat," I thought.

The tiger made eye contact with me, "A dwarf!? ``It's been a long time since I saw one of you," he said lazily, staring at me, while he laid down on the floor.

"Since we are both prisoners here, oh! Great beast, why not lend me some of your fire to forge something to escape with, and of course it won't be used for free," I said with a smile and a flattering tone.

Hearing my plead caused the eyebrows of the tiger to twitch involuntarily, "Dumb-ass kid watch your mouth I am a great saint beast, not a furnace for your stupid smithing works, if you don't want to die just shut your mouth" said the tiger, with a frown that clearly showed how offended it was by me asking for his fire.

"Damn it just like I thought this guy happens to hate giving out his fire," I thought but still I could not let my plans to escape this place go to ruin and so I activated more courage.

Otherworldly will: -5 spirit energy

"Please understand I'm only looking for a way to escape this place Mr. Saint tiger, And I did say it won't be free. How about this! Do you think you can find it your saintly heart to show some mercy and help a lad out, in future maybe I can forge something for you," I said, with a pitiful expression like a baby who did something naughty but still acting cute to get what I want, and with this 13-year-old features it surely must workout?

The tiger sized me up with its golden eyes and mumbled, "Hmph! you have an exceptional willpower to be able to pull an act like that in front of me boy, and out of that recognition I decided to let you get a chance then," said the Tiger as it got up and strided towards my cage lazily and sat down.

"But first I want us to make a blood contract seal, and if you fail what I ask of you, I will immediately kill you," Said the Orange black striped tiger as a horrifying black miasma of killing intent visibly exuded from its fur.

I swallowed a marble of saliva down my throat gazing at the tiger as my hair stood up, "If having to become a god builder means to sign a deal with a beast devil then I will do it, I need those flames," I thought as I nodded my head at the tiger showing my approval to his proposal.

A glint of delight appeared on its golden eyes as it smirked "Good, looks like you are a daring and decisive boy, I like a character like yours," Said the Tiger

The tiger made a beckoning gesture with his claw, protruding from his giant paw, which compelled me to walk forward nervously but thanks to my otherworldly will skill I managed to resist the pressure by a little.

Then it put its nose through the cage bars,


Inhaling a deep whiff of my body scent the tiger then opened its eyes wide out of surprise, followed by raising a confused brow "The power of the ice attribute!? And something else I don't know of, why are you a blacksmith but an ice user? So peculiar, but you do know that Ice and fire cannot mix together or else that person will die but the other attribute inside you poses some heaven-defying feature?" Said the tiger

I then tilted my head, "The system is builder orientated. I assumed it would be okay if I had some flame-powered tools like some blowtorches and stuff so it's no big deal, and another attribute? Must be the unranked white flame inside of me that I have tried conjuring out but It won't come out and instead just stubbornly remains in my mind realm. He must be talking about that attribute" I thought.

"It's okay it's no big deal I will just be using tools that will harness your fire and not absorb it" I said with a smile.

"Tools that control fire, an interesting fellow you are," Said the tiger

"But can you show me your ice power? It's been a long time since I saw ice power from the outside ever since the conditions of Afreya are no longer favorable to certain types of weather," said the tiger, with a sad look.

"Sorry I can't due to my power being locked right now," I said, scratching my head, I had failed the godhood mission I had causing some of my skills to be locked by the system.

" Must be the collar I presume?" Said the tiger as he shook his head, with an understanding tone.

"Okay then forget it. To make the contract you will agree to help me solve some minor problems I have and if you solve it I will bring you to a place not too far from here to not only help you with flames to forge, but you might get a chance to actually wield some flame power of your own," Said the Tiger proudly.

I could not believe what I just heard as I paused and blinked momentarily. Dazed by what the tiger just said.

"Y-You mean I will be able to wield flame power too?" I asked loudly.

The Tiger nodded, "You might die but not to worry I trust my sense of smell, something heaven-defying and special is inside of you which is also some kind of flame power, that is why I am offering you this deal but if you don't like it you can just name something else you want."

"Flame power I knew he was talking about the white little flame, Damn! he could even sense something only located in my mind realm, just how powerful is this tiger," I thought, inwardly shocked that some things cannot be hidden from absolute power.

"Okay let's begin then, stretch out an arm towards me," said the tiger, like an old master.

Extending my arm, the tiger then pricked my thumb with his sharp golden claw and he proceeded to lick it with his tongue and created a red blood tattoo to glow on top of his tongue that appeared like a Celtic maze sign.

I tilted my head, "The fourth tunnel, that is where you come from? And the mission, what is it?" I said, after noticing I just signed a contract without even knowing the mission I had to do for the tiger, for me to get a flame, "Guess I was too excited, I need to be more patient next time." I thought scolding myself for being too rash.

"I want a blue scroll," said the tiger

"Blue scroll?" I said with a raised eyebrow.