
Brother's Journey: A Twilight Fan-Tale

An AU Twilight fan-fiction about the journey of Alice Cullen's biological elder brother and how he finds his little sister after he lost her. This is my first fanfiction so please be gentle. I am not a huge fan of twilight but inspiration struck and I want to work on this. this will be an OC x Rosalie Emmett will be paired with female Edward (i.e. Edythe) who will be Edward's twin sister both of whom are turned by Carlisle when they nearly died of the Spanish Flu. Any comments would be tremendously appreciated. I know some people may be upset with the oc appearance im going with because he isn't going to be turned into a vampire when he is super young like the rest of them.

I_Am_Zeron · Phim ảnh
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Meeting the Cullens Pt. 2

{Bella's POV}

I am tense beyond belief. Another fucking vampire I do not know the intentions of. I have no idea who this man is. He is obviously a vampire but he is the first that I have seen that looks old. He has no wrinkles anywhere on his face but his slicked-back dark brown, nearly black, hair with a smattering of gray on the sides leading down to mostly gray chops and a full mustache-beard combo that gets darker the closer to his mouth it goes. He is quite obviously an older man. His eyes are also gold just like the Cullens which causes me to relax slightly as he probably isn't here to eat me. Then he lifts his hand towards the wolves in a peaceful gesture and opens his mouth to speak. Out of his bearded mouth comes a vague European accent which is somewhere between German, English, and even a faint Southern lilt not like Emmett's but more like Alice's.

"Done? Truly? Without going over the most important lesson in preparing for battle?" He asks softly gazing directly toward Jasper as though he is the commander of a rag-tag bunch of soldiers. There is something in his eyes though, a cold determination. I shudder slightly not knowing what the future holds but knowing that this man is certainly going to be involved.

{Edward's POV}

As soon as the vampire lands on the ground with a large crash I try to pry into his mind. It is difficult but not impossible, however, what I hear once I listen is strange. He is not thinking in English. Which means he knows that I can read his mind, this worries me even more as he clearly knows who we are and was able to hide himself from us for who knows how long. What does he want? Is this the man from Alice's visions? I gaze at Alice and she has a small smile on her face, her mind shows that yes, this is indeed the man she has been waiting for. I will try to keep an open mind but I ready myself to grab Bella and flee if necessary. 

"Done? Truly? Without going over the most important lesson in preparing for battle?" He opens his mouth and speaks with a faint accent that I can't really place but it is said in clear admonishment as though we are children playing games. I already don't like him.

{Rosalie's POV}

My first thought upon seeing this new vampire is that he is old. Maybe not actually old as Carlisle was born in the early 17th century and he looks almost as young as the rest of us. But just like Carlisle this man has a certain bearing, the way he stands, the way he just casually puts his hand up to the mutts to show he isn't a threat. Which he totally is. I mean the small crater that he made in the ground from that jump shows that he dropped from a significant height and he didn't damage himself at all. But he seems old. He has the bearing of an aristocrat just like Carlisle so he appears more. . . mature I think is the best term. That and the fact that his short slicked-back hair and impeccably well-groomed beard are graying on the sides. My second thought is that he is attractive. Most of the boys I've teased and let chase after me over the years were just that, boys. This is a man. Then he speaks and I find myself even more interested, his accent says that he is either European or someone who spent a great deal of time there. He is extraordinarily well dressed so I am guessing he is someone who spends a great deal of time and effort on crafting an image of how they want to be perceived. His tone and posture practically scream confidence; I'd say it was arrogance but something about him just makes me think confidence rather than arrogance.

"Done? Truly? Without going over the most important lesson in preparing for battle?" He questions like we are school children and he is pointing out exactly where we went wrong. I like it.

{Carlisle's POV}

The new vampire lands harshly from a height and with such force that he is more durable than most or he would have cracked his legs. He looks older from his coloring and bearing but his true age is impossible to determine. His golden irises are a notable and pleasant surprise as they indicate that he follows if not a similar philosophy to us then at least a diet. This is most likely Francis. The vampire from Alice's visions.

"Done? Truly? Without going over the most important lesson in preparing for battle?" He asks and his tone indicates that he is about to impart some important information to us. I move forward to speak but Jasper beats me to the punch and all eyes are locked between the two.

"Oh really? What is the most important lesson in your opinion?" Jasper taunts airily. Oh God, I hope he didn't just make a mistake.

{Jasper's POV}

"Done? Truly? Without going over the most important lesson in preparing for battle?" The newly arrived vampire asks haughtily. 

"Oh really? What is the most important lesson in your opinion?" I ask the arrogant newcomer. I was a soldier, both in life and in my after-life. To think that this man would just leap down from the skies like some kind of savior and deign to inform us of our shortcomings rubs me the wrong way. I begin to move a bit closer as a show of dominance to what is clearly a fellow soldier, I can tell by his posture that this man has seen combat regardless of his English Lit professor get-up. But then I feel a small hand on the crook of my elbow, I look back and see Alice holding onto me. She doesn't want me to start a conflict with this guy. Why? Did she have a vision? Wait. WAIT. Is this? I look back at the man and catch his eye darting to Alice and feel his emotions: Incredible pain, longing, love, guilt, hope, fear, anger. This guy is like a fucking rollercoaster ride of emotions and it makes me feel sick. I just now realize that I spoke without thinking, the wolves' frustration and eagerness to fight is getting to me. I need to relax.

But before I relax, I need to know who the hell this guy is. I am pretty sure now that this is the vampire from Alice's visions over the years but she doesn't seem to recognize him as all I feel from her is hope and a tiny bit of nervousness. How does he know Alice? And why doesn't she seem to know him? I wonder. . . could he have known her in her human life?

{Jacob's POV}

Fuck. Another Cold One. At least this vampire has gold eyes like the Cullens. Hopefully, that means that he isn't here to fight us or eat Bella like it seems this 'newborn' army wants to do. The fact that the Cullens still don't know who is behind this upcoming attack makes me resent them even more. It is because of them that Bella is in danger. Of course, their presence in Forks isn't all bad. The pack is larger than it has been in generations and the reservation is all the safer for it. I look toward Sam and he seems placated by the gesture the man gives so we aren't going to attack him. Yet, at least. Bella is clung to my neck and I am prepared to place myself in front of her if this stranger does anything. His hair says he was turned when he was a bit on the older side as opposed to the Cullens the oldest of which is Esme as she was 26 when she was turned and still somehow manages to look like a teenager with her hair done up like it is.

"Done? Truly? Without going over the most important lesson in preparing for battle?" He questions us like we are fools directing his annoyance toward both the Cullens and the Pack. As he seemingly questions our capabilities I take a better look at him and notice his clothes. He is wearing a fucking 3-piece tweed suit like some college professor. And he wants to lecture us about fighting vampires? US? We are Quileute spirit warriors. Fighting vampires is literally why we exist. The fact that we are currently in an alliance with a coven of vampires is not lost on me but still.

"Oh really? What is the most important lesson in your opinion?" Jasper pitches in in response to the newcomer as he steps forward as a show of dominance and a clear and present threat.

{Frank's POV}

"Oh really? What is the most important lesson in your opinion?" Jasper says to me. There is an arrogance to his speech that he didn't entirely intend as evident from the fact that Alice grabbed onto his arm to hold him back after he took a step toward me. He is no doubt being influenced by the tension of the situation. The wolves toward the rear of their formation are fidgeting in preparation for a fight, or is it frustration that they were about to be sent away without a fight? I do not know. Nevertheless, Jasper asked me a question. I am slightly miffed by his attitude but I was hoping at least one of them would ask me what the hell I was talking about. I thought it was going to be Carlisle judging from how he stepped forward just before Jasper spoke up, that and the fact that he is the leader of their coven. I answer his question before I lose myself in my musings on this strange gathering any more than I already have.

"Knowledge," I say back to him calmly. "Knowledge is the most important lesson you can learn about preparation."

Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and Edythe look slightly contemplative at this statement while a pair of wolves tilt their head slightly and their leader bares his teeth slightly. Jasper on the other hand looks at me a bit indignant, I did after all just state something that they will not entirely understand until I explain. Being cryptic is simply in my nature. I am a spy.

Relieving them of their lingering confusion at my enigmatic response, I explain "Yes, you have informed the wolves about the nature of the enemy. Yes, you have offered tips about combating a physically superior individual. Yet you only state the obvious. Don't let them touch you, focus on speed and agility, and never turn your back. This isn't an exhibition boxing match, this is the largest vampiric war in nearly half a century." 

"You know the nature of the enemy but you do not know their numbers. You know the purpose of their attack yet you lack knowledge of their leader. You do not trust each other yet are expecting to fight beside one another. As Sun Tzu said: If you know the enemy and

know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." I lectured at them with a stern but not overly arrogant or patronizing tone. I do not doubt that by the end of my little lecture, we will have gained at least something. Judging by the fact that over half of the vampires now look even more contemplative while the wolves have started glancing at each other often, I am getting somewhere. The leader of the pack has also stopped baring his teeth at me.

"You know neither yourselves nor the enemy. Thus you will lose and many will die. After all, once the enemy has defeated you do you think they will not celebrate by going on a slaughter throughout the town? This army is illegal by the laws of the Volturi. Word of their predation on the humans of Seattle HAS reached Volterra and, to avoid death, the leader of this army will no doubt flee once their objective is achieved," I elucidate them to the very real danger that the entire town is in as Bella pales and a few of the wolves now seem very anxious rubbing their paws against the dirt and openly staring at each other as if communicating. Edward, Edythe, and Carlisle are also seemingly holding a silent conversation, though, with the fact that two of them are telepaths, they may literally be holding a silent conversation. I imagine they are wondering about my connection to the Volturi or how I know that word of this army has reached Volterra.

I continue, " As Jasper said, these newborns have been created for a specific reason. I highly doubt that their creator cares enough about them to inform them of the fact that they are all currently marked for death by violating the law. This is who you are fighting, someone who is willing to throw away hundreds of lives like they mean nothing simply to kill you," as I point at Bella she backs up a step and it seems Edward and Jacob have taken that personally as Edward glares at me and Jacob bares his teeth.

I ignore them and continue prodding Bella so that she figures it out as the wolves will trust her faster than I as she is human.

"No old enmity nor rival coven would ever violate the laws of the Volturi so blatantly simply to kill a single human girl," I speak looking at Carlisle but continue pointing at Bella, then I look back to the human girl. "Think child, who wants you, specifically, dead. It is not the Volturi as they have given you the chance to become like us. It would not be one of the Cullen's enemies. Who HATES you?" 

Carlisle suddenly widens his eyes and breathes in sharply, it seems as though he has figured it out. Well, I should have expected that since you do not exist for over 300 years if you are stupid. Stupid vampires tend to die fast. Bella looks contemplative now, finally. I glance at each of my interlocutors, soon-to-be allies hopefully, to gauge their reactions as I wait for Bella to figure it out. I am fairly certain she will, she may be naive but she isn't stupid. It is ironic, she would probably make a fairly stable and adaptable vampire when she is turned.

The wolves look as nervous, frustrated, confused, or contemplative as always though it is certainly hard to tell since it is difficult to read facial cues from a fucking snout. It is simply all of them who are now slowly sharing glances and fidgeting around instead of just a few. Even their leader is staring at the dirt as if in deep concentration. Edythe and Edward have just now realized that Carlisle has figured it out and now have looks of realization on their faces. Jasper looks as though he has figured it out as well and a glance back at Edythe from him confirms that thought. Alice has a look of concern across her face, no doubt wondering why she hadn't seen whoever I was talking about in her vision. Esme seems content to wait until Bella figures it out as she is currently watching the wolves' reactions, it seems as though I've misjudged the vamp-mom's observational skills. I wonder if she noticed me watching them this past week. Emmett simply looks confused, I do not know if that is a testament to his intelligence or simply his straightforward personality.

Rosalie. Well, Rosalie looks as if she simply does not care at all about this conversation and is currently staring at my shoes. While they are not a recognizable make, they are handmade leather boots with thick rubber soles meant to gain traction in dirt. Whether she is admiring them or realizing that most of them are wearing sneakers and could have probably chosen better footwear is unknown to me but looking back at Bella it looks like she has figured it out.

Bella suddenly looks toward me with a light gasp and almost whispers, "Victoria," I smile at her and nod my head.

"If either of you would like to confirm," I look pointedly at Edward and Edythe. Edward nods his head while Edythe simply gives a light glare but I feel both of them in my mind. A light tingle at the back of my neck. I quickly close my eyes and think about when I was in Seattle spying on the slowly building army until I see the redheaded Victoria speaking with a young man.

Edward grimaces slightly while Edythe turns toward Carlisle and says with a nod "Yeah it's Victoria, she told Riley that she was leaving everything up to him and would reward him for killing Bella."

Alice's head suddenly pops up and with a look of revelation that quickly turns to anger says "That's why I can't see her! She isn't making any decisions, completely hands-off."

"Now that my value has been authenticated, are you willing to hear my advice?" I ask while slowly stretching my gaze across the entire group. The wolves look. . . excited? I can't even pretend to know anymore; I imagine they are just as likely to try to rip me apart as listen to my advice or God forbid, heed my commands. The Cullens certainly look ready to accept my advice. Jasper, in particular, looks mollified as he himself is a soldier and knows the value of good intelligence. He has realized that I am not lording some supposed tactical or strategic superiority over them and instead have actual intel on the enemy.

"Yes, any information you have about the army would be greatly appreciated," Carlisle said in a diplomatic but not insincere way with a genuine smile on his face.

{Carlisle's POV}

"Yes, any information you have would be greatly appreciated," I say finally relaxing and allowing myself to give this stranger at least of modicum of trust. I am still somewhat wary of his implication of having intimate knowledge about the affairs of the Volturi but I am certainly willing to at least listen to his information with an open mind. Any extra help we can get is appreciated because he is right. We do not know much about the newborns other than their more powerful nature and their nigh-uncontrollable bloodlust. We don't know their numbers, we don't know how they are going to attack, and we didn't know who their true leader was until now. Though thinking back on it, I am somewhat ashamed of myself for not having thought of it earlier.

"They number roughly 40. They are divided into two groups, the ones who have shown to be reliable and aggressive in following orders number a dozen. The others are passive, they don't care about competing in hunts and they don't care about fighting for dominance. They are traumatized by the change and their new natures so they will likely be much easier to destroy," the newcomer stated succinctly. He definitely will be a boon for us in this conflict if he has been observing them enough to learn about their personalities.

"The group you saw in your vision, the ones sharing Bella's scent?" He questions Alice who nods her head with a questioning gaze, "Those are the passive ones, they are nothing more than a distraction as Victoria already has her scent. She will lead those who are more aggressive herself while you all are distracted."

"So what advice would you offer us, Mr.?" I question him, genuinely wishing for some good advice as I now know we are more outnumbered than I thought as well as prompting him to tell us his name without seeming rude by just demanding it in the middle of a somewhat productive conversation.

"Frank. Frank Lockworth. I would recommend that you find an elevated field with hills on two sides. Draw out the newborns and run through them forcing them to turn their backs to the hills," He answers me while offering his advice for the location of the battle. "The wolves will be waiting on the other side of the hills and descend upon the newborns from the rear forcing them to fight on two fronts. To draw them to the field you should take some of Bella's clothing and bring it with you while Jacob, Edward, and I have Bella secluded away somewhere close but not within scent range of the newborns."

"Woah, wait. Why would you come with us? And how are you even invested in this in the first place?" Edward questions the newcomer once he says something about getting close to Bella. Sometimes I worry about my adopted son's obsession with the girl. I know most of the worrisome aspects will pass with time once she becomes a vampire but for now, it is still important to keep an eye on him.

"I am coming with you two to protect her because my proximity to her will allow me to surpass even the strength of the newborns. It is my 'special ability' as some refer to the gifts some of us are granted after our transition. As for why I am invested in this conflict in the first place? Well, I may not agree with the Volturi using their authority for their own gain but the laws they laid down are important for the safety of our kind. Victoria is a rogue vampire, she and this army must be destroyed," Frank says and I am inclined to agree with him. Many of the actions of the Volturi sicken me but they have kept us safe for a very long time. I am somewhat worried about this ability he mentioned but looking at the confident face of Alice I am open to trusting this man. 

I look back at Edward and think to him, "I think we should give him a chance, this is the man from Alice's vision. I don't think he means us or Bella any harm."

Edward nods back to me and I turn back to Frank, "Okay, that's a sound strategy. I am sure we can find a suitable location to host the battle. Would you accompany us back to our home to discuss some. . . other things?" I ask hoping to get some clearer answers out of him about the presence of the Volturi before they show up and cause trouble for my family.

Frank nods and says, "Certainly, whatever makes you feel more comfortable."

"Well then, if there is nothing else I think we are done for today," I turn to Jasper and he nods so I gaze towards the wolves and they turn and walk off. It seems that we have a plan.

This is probably the LONGEST oc dialogue I've ever written so please forgive me if I mess up tenses and it becomes somewhat awkward to read. I am trying this POV style stream of consciousness writing where the POV is in present tense but is thinking back on what the other characters have said as being in the past. I don't know, I may go back and edit it to all stay in one tense but I think most people get my meaning as English is my first language. If anyone would like to point out anything awkward or annoying please do so, any critique or criticism is welcome. This is both a small passion project of mine as well as an exercise in creative writing.

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