
Chapter Nineteen.

Elena's POV.

The drive took forty minutes, I knew because I was checking my phone every two seconds.

Finally after ages of clenching and unclenching my hands out of nervousness, the limousine finally pulled over. 

There was a long line of assorted cars and limos and a long red carpet was laid for the people to work on, the media and press people  were each holding their various devices, interviewing or asking celebrities questions  about the latest scandals and what have you.

"When you step out if this vehicle, you are leaving the old you behind to become a bigger, bolder person, you can no longer stay in the shadows,this is and will always be your new reality." She said, sounding poetic and dramatic but looking intent and serious.

I braced myself, held my breath, released and then repeated the whole procedure all over again. My eyes watered, but this time I held back the tears, I definitely did not want to appear on the headlines tomorrow as the celebrity who came to her own welcome party with smudged make up, that would have been a huge fail and probably a legacy which will stain me, so I held back the tears with as much willpower that I had inside me.

"Are you ready"   she asked looking at me as if she would tell the driver to take us right back if my answer turned out to be no.

"I am ready, for this and for what is to come" I replied, to myself rather than to her, I really needed the morale boost.

"Good then, I wish you the best of luck, I will make sure to be by your side as much as I can, but I might not be around at every minute, so watch out and keep your eyes peeled, some people may get high and decide to play some pranks, make sure you observe your sorroundings and the countenances of the people around you, Especially the other new signees, some people don't just like competition and may want to eliminated any that would seem to obstruct their path". 

I nodded obediently and replied " yes , I will do just that, I just have one question" I said breathily.

"What is it" she asked.

"WillHebethere" I said in one breath and watched her take a deep breath herself.

"Ummm.. where do I start,  okay it's obvious nerves are eating you up, and that is very normal, but please try to  speak well so that I can be able to comprehend what you are saying and answer accordingly" she stressed sympathetically.

She  didn't look sympathetic though, rather she looked like she was amused by my blunders.

" I asked if HE would be here" I repeated, not wanting her to see that her teasing got to me.

"That's much better,  okay so the answer to your question is Yes, he will be here, although this is the first time he has accepted to attend the welcome party and I don't think I need to guess why" she bumped her shoulder to mine and wiggled her eyebrows like the lovestruck gossip  that she is.

"Please stop with your behavior right this instant, you don't seem to find my situation serious" I said.

"Maybe that's because it is NOT as serious as you think it to be ."

"Okay so what are we waiting for let's go and enjoy our night like never before" I whooped, flailing my arms nearly hitting her square in the face.

"Keep your voice down and behave in a woman like nature, you may end up  bursting the seams of your dress with so much enthusiasm and excitement"

"Okay, remember the steps you were taught on how to gracefully alight from a car" she asked.

"I definitely remember" I assured.

"Okay, I'll go first" she concluded and stepped out of the limo  like we had practiced.

When she was finally out of the car, it was now my turn to come down, so I put one long leg out of the limo and followed suit with the second, hoisting myself out of thee limo gracefully, the first thing that met my eyes were the flashing lights of cameras, I felt so uncomfortable that I wanted to cover my face with my hands, but I had been forewarned about that,so instead, I flashed a bright smile to the cameras and did a little wave, then felt so awkward that I dropped my hand immediately. I ascended the red carpet where Katie was waiting for me.We linked our hands together and made our way up.

We entered a large hall and a hush suddenly fell everywhere, I wanted to dig up the ground and bury myself six feet under.

Katie had a constant smile on her face and her emulated her, only that mine was edgy and stressed, I sincerely hoped that nobody would notice that I was struggling to keep my smile in place.

Katie steered me to the place designated for us and I sat next to a brunette girl who wore a cool dress that had straps and ropes all over, 'well her stylist really did take their job seriously to have been able to secure all those straps and ropes in their rightful place' I thought to myself.

""Uhm, hello" I said to her, intent on starting a conversation.

She turned to me,seized me from my head to my toes and then hissed viciously.

Well, rude much, I would definitely stay away from her the rest of the night. I vowed.

The event started a while ago, I had been fashionably late, but there was someone else that was much later than I was.

A deafening silence filled the room and I wondered what was going on, until Katie who was sitting beside me whispered in my ear, I turned to see him, the one and only Lorenzo, walking in all his glory towards the stage.

My heart was beating with a fast rythm inside my rib cage, this man was definitely handsome, if he was not a god, then he must have been sculpted by one, he wore a black tuxedo and his hair looked as if he had ran his hands through it several times.

People were murmuring  and whispering to each other and some people were bold enough to point at him, I turned to see the girl that was sitting beside me, she looked as if she was about to faint and she was fanning herself with her hands, it all looked so dramatic but I could understand jy she felt, probably because I felt almost like that.

My heart was hulahooping and something inside my belly was probably using my intestines as skipping ropes, I was squirming in my seat and I felt so uneasy.

"He is so handsome". Socialite one commented.

"I wonder why he is attending today's welcome party" Another chipped in.

"Is there any one special among the new signees, that could be the reason for his attendance today" one speculated and I held my breath for what would come next.

"If that were to be the case it would be Hazel, she is the most popular among them" Another voice joined in.

"I heard that she came from upstar Entertainment, she is definitely a popular model" Someone said.

It had now become a full blown discussion and the topic had Changed from the CEO to the new signees and there was a lot of comparison, exactly what Jace had warned me about."

I smiled to myself,it could not be helped.

"And what about Elena,she is a content creator from YouTube, her parents are said to be foreigners but they are dead, I think I like her a tad bit" one commented.

"Elena she has the most dazzling I smile, I wish she is not one of those people who charm males with their looks but end up having nothing to offer" another one answered.

"Well listen up everybody" A voice boomed through the whole hall. It was the COO of LSC Entertainment, Katie had shown me his picture before." He thundered and a lot of cheers erupted in the hall.

"We are going to have a jolly good time with our dancing shoes so make sure that they are at the ready"

"And immediately after that, we are going to have a thank you speech from one of the beautiful new signees, but who that would be, we don't know, so this box, has the names of all the signees,and our guest of honor will do us the honor of choosing a card from the box which bears the name of the lucky signee".

My heart was beating fast.

He came up to the stage, picked a card from the box and then spoke into the microphone.

"The name of the person that will give us the thank you speech on behalf of all the signees..is.. Ms Elena Young" He proclaimed.

I just knew this would happen.

Author's Note:

Kay guys.this was for you, hope you enjoyed it. The night is still young, what do you think will happen to Elena. Share your thoughts with me on Twitter @cancerzodiac9 I promise to reply. Bye for now🥰🥰♥️♥️