
Chapter Eighteen_ D-Day.

Day seven(The day).


 My cheeks hurt from so much smiling, but I couldn't help it, my heart was overflowing with joy, so much so that I might actually be the most happy 23 year old on earth.

I had been so scared  and nervous about the shoot at the beginning and then Katie jumped in to help me get a grip on myself, three minutes to the shoot, Lorenzo called, wishing me the best of luck, telling me that he sincerely hoped  and believed I would do  just great  and then I knew I just couldn not let him down, this was my future and I would be very serious about it.

The shoot went well, in fact the shoot was superb, the crew and every other person involved in the shoot were very supportive and behaved with the utmost gentleness and love, I was moved beyond tears about how they cared for me so much, I had gotten to know a few of them from our frequent meetings and saw that they were really loveable people.

The end if the shoot threw me in a very deep well of nerves,y head was churning and swimming with questions of how it turned out, I was so nervous that I broke out in cold sweat and tears filled my eyes, I was glad that nobody noticed,my mind was finally put at ease when Katie declared that I had performed wonderfully and had acted out my roles with excellence, she told me that the ad was beyond amazing and she was beyond proud of my performance.

I smiled so much at that time and could not stop smiling till now, my mind was occupied with happy thoughts of how I am going to make a better life for myself and my mom and my children to come, I sincerely wished that Azalea could be with me at this point in time as she had always been there to support me through thick and thin, I questioned myself as to if I was that bad a friend to compromise my relationship with a long time friend, but I knew deep down that some relationships are not meant to be and as such one much chose their priorities wisely, as for me, my priorities right now were my mom and my future, which I had resolved to face with full force.

"You already look stunning madame, you will look exquisite at the end of the session" A short young lady of about my age, who was currently working on my legs complimented.

I was currently at the salon that Lorenzo had taken to, turns out it was really close to my apartment, I was having a glow up session with the beauticians, just like the first day.

"Well thank you, I feel refreshed already and please do not call me madam, Ms Elena will do" I answered, flashing her a sweet smile.

"Well Ms Elena, you are really nice, it's refreshing to see someone as rich as you being polite to her attendant" she replied.

If only she knew that she was in a better place than I had been two weeks ago.

"Oh, being wealthy does not mean being rude, one just has to understand this" I answered instead.

"Well that is true, but most rich people, like Ms Valerie behave with sheer meaness." She added, a furious glint in her eye.

"Oh does Ms Valerie come here often" I asked, the very mention of her name gave me goosebumps.

"Well she comes almost every day to get a new manicure and pedicure and have a spa." She replied.

"Oh really, did she come today" I asked, I was not in any way willing to run into her by chance here.

"Oh she left, right before you came in,you didn't run into her by any chance?" She enquired.

"No I did not" I replied.

"Well, good for you, you have a really good luck" she said.

"Is she really that bad?, I mean is she really so rude and mean". I said, voicing my insecurities.

"Yes, she is rude to anyone that does not have celebrity status, and rarely ever talks to the attendants, her assistant is just as evil or maybe even worse." She vented.

"Oh, that is really bad, you guys around here must really be going through a lot of stress, do other people come here for beauty sessions" I asked.

"Well, no, but once in a while Ms Valerie brings some of her friends to enjoy the luxury!". She exclaimed.

"And how do her friends behavior" I asked.

"Well, I have one word for you "bratty", that is how they behave, totally bratty and rude, her circle of friends were probably highschool bullies or something like that, because they totally exhibit that lifestyle". She said, enraged.

"Oh honey, that is really pitiful" I lamented.

"Well when you think about it, it really is pitiful, but you don't seem to be like them, you are  much more friendly and polite and you don't seem to be stuck up and self centered." She said, eager to get on my good side.

"Oh well, I hope I stay that way" was the reply.

And that was the end if the conversation, the only thing I learned  from the discussion was that I really needed to stay out of Valerie's way so that I would not start of on a rocky note.


"After finishing my session, I bid farewell to Hailey (I found out that was her name) and made my way like the last time toward Jill on the fifth floor.

"Welcome, Ms Elena" she greeted, doing a slight curtsey.

"Why thank you Jill, it's so nice to see you again" I offered.

"Yes Ms Elena, it's nice to see you too" she sent back.

"Well what do you have for me today" I asked.

"The different outfits that would suit the occasion have been laid out,it is for you to take the one of your choice, Ms Elena" she explained.

I didn't need to be told twice so I made my way to the same dressing room that I had been ushered into on the first day.

The dressing room was pretty much the same, the only difference was that the clothe rack held  different kinds of dresses than the first day and the rug whish the shoes were kept also had different designs of shoes than those of the first day.

"Please take your pick and tell me if you need any help"

"Sure, I will definitely do that". I assured.

I tried on different dresses from the rack and decided against them, remembering that on the first day the dress that caught my attention happened to be the last dress on the rack, I quickly tried on the last dress but ended up being disappointed, it was definitely not going to be suitable.

I finally came upon a nice blue and silver sequined dress that was high necked but open backed and didn't need much convincing to know that it was the one for me. The cloth had a shimmying glitter and a number of stones which caught the light(as usual) when I swayed my body.

It was a long gown which reached down and covered my feet,there were six buttons by the sid s which were made of sapphire, the dress hugged my body, revealing my hourglass figure and flared out at the ends.

I paired it with a silver high heeled shoe and silver earrings and ring.

I looked at myself in the mirror and as usual was knocked breathless by my own beauty, my hair had been styled into a high ponytail which gave me snatched eyes,two loose curls were left to frame my face, the makeup too  was top notch and couldn't help but wonder at the woman staring back at me.

I left the dressing room only to hear a sharp intake of breath by none other than Katie, Jill visibly gasped and then covered her mouth.

"I am speechless" that was Katie.

"Yet you just spoke" I teased.

"You look amazing, you will basically steal the show" she complimented.

"As I'm supposed to" I added.

Katie herself was completely dressed and looked so stunning that I was sure there would be lots of competition.

"So how do you feel" she asked as we made our way out.

"I feel like I'm finally ready to attend my welcome party" I answered.

"That's a nice start, you look well put together, you just have to enjoy yourself, since it's your day today".

Yes, today was my day, apparently, LSC Entertainment throw welcome parties for their new signees ( which I just happened to be) and so now I'm off to go celebrate my welcome party with the other new signees.

"Do you think the other new signees are nervous?" I asked.

"I don't think, I know that they are nervous and so are you, you just need a little courage and everything will be okay".

With that we climbed into the limousine that was waiting for us and sped into the distance.

Author's Note:

So guyss, your daily update is here😁😁, I hope you enjoyed it, it took me a lot of time to write this.What do you think will happen at the party, share your thoughts with me on Twitter @cancerzodiac9. I'll be waiting, bye for now ❣️❣️