
Chapter Twenty_Rucus.

Elena's Pov.

He stepped back and turned away from the stage after making that declaration, he had a little smirk on his face and I wanted to punch that delicately handsome face.

I released the breath I had been holding. I was shockingly not surprised that he called my name, but was it a coincidence or did he have his plans well planned out, that was the question on my mind and I was definitely going to get the answer from him, directly or indirectly.

"Oh well,  the decision has been made, the  beautiful Ms Elena is going to give us the speech, we will be expecting you on stage after the dance, for now let's warm up our bodies and make the evening lively." Mr COO  thundered with much enthusiasm.

I turned to Katie and looked at her with puppy eyes.

"What, why are you looking at me like that, you have to give the welcome speech, we practiced this didn't we" she whispered the last part so only  I could hear it.

"I'm going to address all these people, you did not prepare me for that, I don't think I could remotely do that" I looked at the people around me, most of these socialites did not look the least endearing, at a glance, one could easily sense the venom and toxicity emanating from them.

"You did not think you would come here to sit like a plank, that would only help to make you stick out like a sore thumb, so make sure you get up and about, when it's time for the dance, keep your mind prepared and don't let nerves get the better of you, you are strong and so you do no need me to guide you on what to do, I don't want to repeat this conversation again, we have had it a good number of times already, I feel like everything is in your hands now, he is watching you tonight so make it worth his while." She spoke in low tones.

I was definitely prepared, that was the final reality check that I needed, I was not going to let him down, neither will I put myself or my mom to shame.

Soft music started playing and People took their various partners and began to sway to the soft melodic beats.

"May I have this dance?" I was shocked to see the handsome man before me, but I immediately behaved myself all the while wondering where Katie had gone.

I placed my hands in his and he took it to his lips and gave it a delicate peck, I was beyond flustered and tried hard to hide the blush that was forming on my cheeks, he looked vaguely familiar but I could not quite place a finger on where I had seen him. 

"I'm Harry and you must be Elena" He said, while leading me to the dance floor.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Harry" I replied, politely might I add.

We had a very smooth dance and went for the second round, after the second bout of  swirling and Shakira, I was exhausted and I informed him that I would take a break.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked.

"No thank you" I returned, I had been seriously warned about taking a drink from the people here, no one could be trusted, Katie had told me.

"I could get one for you, a glass of champagne?" He offered again, willing to please me.

"No, enjoy your dance, I'll get a glass myself and I will bring one for you too, if you want it, that is" I offered.

"That would be great, thank you" 

I turned and wove my way through the crowd, heading straight for the table that held the drinks.

Reaching the table, I took a glass of red wine for myself and a glass of champagne for Harry.

I was about to go and deliver the glass of champagne when a figure blocked me.

It was the girl from earlier, but this time,she was not alone, she had three girls with her, one was black haired,with large doe eyes and an adorable face, but with a mean demeanor, the second looked like she was not interested In being here at all and she had somewhere better to go, the third girl however had a striking resemblance to the girl from before with the strap filled dress. They all made a circular formation around me.

"Uh, do you mind, I'm supposed to be somewhere else and you are obstructing me, please move" I said as politely as I could muster, given that I didn't have a particularly fond memory of their leader.

"You are not even beautiful" That was the first girl.

"Uhm, hello, neither are you" I replied bluntly, shocked at my own response. She looked as if I had slapped her ferociously.  

"How dare you, where do you even come from, the slums?" It was the strap girl.

"Oh, if you're talking about the one you live in then you are mistaken, I don't come from around there, now if you don't mind, please shift, I need to pass" I emphasized.

"You have a pretty loud mouth for an untalented scum" she said, not backing down.

"And YOU are the judge of talent?, Please spare me, that would be an insult to all judges" I was not going to back down either, they had certainly come for trouble, I was going to show them that I am not to be messed with.

"Well, I'm going to tell you, you are not going to succeed,this is your first venture in entertainment, meanwhile I am the renowned Amelie Banks" she said, indulging in self praise.

"Ami what?, sorry never heard if it" I replied, she was visibly fuming that she could not get under my skin, the second girl remained silent and I felt a sort of respect for her. 

"Ami whatever you are called, your insecurities will not stop me from progressing and doing what must be done, so I advice you to get a therapist, tell them your problems, you might actually find a solution for it, I am not in the mood for a squabble." I stressed, hinting that I did not want any problems.

I pushed past her to pass, but she stepped on the hem of my dress with her high stiletto heels, I was in a hurry to leave and so I did not notice, then suddenly I heard a sound, the sound of my dress tearing.

I stopped, looked down to see the culprits legs on my dress, the tear was very bad,it looked awful and my eyes drooped.

The culprit was smirking a devilish grin. 

I boldly stepped up to her and poured the contents of my first cup on her dress. Soon her dress was stained with red wine, I brought out my phone,took a picture and stuffed it away again.

The champagne glass was still in my hand, I took a sip, then placed the glass in her hand.

"Have a drink, it's our welcome party, a joyous occasion that  we are supposed to celebrate" 

I swung round, whipping her in the face with my ponytail and left, her mouth was ajar and the other two girls looked repentant, there was a smirk on the second girls lips and a smile tugged at mine.

When I was out of sight, I started looking frantically for the bathroom. I could not wear a torn dress for the speech that I was supposed to give right after this, I would be ridiculed and laughed at, I doubt if I would evenr be able to live it down.

With help from an elderly woman, I found myself in a secluded hallway with different rooms, I looked through the labels on the doors and finally found the female bathroom.

Pushing the door open I entered and closed it, tears threatened to spill but I had vowed not to ruin my makeup. I looked at the tear on the dress, it had gotten worse.

An idea popped into my mind, I could just cut that part out with a pair of scissors, but the problem was where could I find one. 

I looked at my beautiful dress and I was moved  almost to tears.

The buttons by the side were shining brightly and I was just bleak and helpless.

I thought about the embarrassment that I would face, my fingers were tweaking the buttons and it gave me comfort. Suddenly one button came off, then the next, then the next, until all the buttons came undone.

I was now wearing a short body hugging sequined dress. It was just above knee level and the part that had torn was noey on the ground, a long plain material.

It occurred to me that the dress was a kind of two in one dress and that the other part had only been attached with the help of the buttons.

I opened the bathroom door, and stepped out. If I remember correctly, I had a speech to deliver.