
BNHA / MHA : The Musketeer Hero

When a random John Doe wakes up in a popular fictional world where currently most of its population has developed superpowers called "Quirks", of which allowed the rise of heroes and villains. He finds himself reborn as someone who eventually will have the ability to mimic the quirks of others. This gives him the potential to be the most versatile hero ever in existence, due to the fact that he can have multiple powers at any point and can always copy more. Deciding to prove that the one who was once considered a joke character will have the last laugh and take his place as the joker of the deck. Getting stronger on his own, while still taking every chance he is presented. Might not be one for the path of nobleness, but he will follow it nonetheless. Mimicking our idols isn't enough. You have to aim above and go beyond PLUS ULTRA! And as the chivalrous swordsmen who fight for justice once said: UNUS PRO OMNIBUS, OMNES PRO UNO! AU. Harem. +18 just to be safe. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

The looming threat and a breath of fresh air

What started as a trap from multiple factions attempting to take the infamous hero killer out of the picture, ended up backfiring tremendously.

And the implication of that battle resulted in multiple unpredictable factors taking place earlier than expected.

"Don't tell, the hero killer managed to escape after murdering all those officers and that heroine?!" A young bystander shouted to his friend while they both made their way through the sidewalk.

"I'm telling you man! It's everywhere on the news!" The other bystander replied while avoiding bumping on another person.

"But the number two was there! How could a mere vigilante have pulled that? Especially with all those other heroes aiding him?!" The former questioned, still having a hard time believing everything his friend told him.

"It seems that the league of villains had intervened just in time." The latter stated.

"The same group that had been defeated by Monoma? You are completely crazy." The former argued back. "How did Endeavor allow that to happen?!"

"I'm not sure... from what I heard, the hero killer managed to wound him very badly before being blasted by his super attack." The latter civilian commented.

Elsewhere, a special report was being broadcasted regarding the unclassified information about the incident that has been labeled as "the red tragedy" in Jaku city. "... The hero killer stain claimed many lives. In fact, he has made more victims than any other known criminal since the time when All Might appeared."

The other anchor added. "Investigation pointed out a clear connection between him and the League of villains that attacked U.A high last month and broke in the high security prison Tartarus just last week."

As the transmission was being broadcasted, a fairly tall and pale young man of a slim build in his early twenties watched it while pondering something.

Not much after, in Neito's house, the radio's transmission caught a little kitten's attention while she was being petted by Neito himself. "We are back talking about the criminal who surely left his mark on Japan, if not the world. The hero killer stain. Why does he do the things that he does? What is he expecting to gain? Don't be shy, we are taking calls and wanna hear your thoughts."

The boy that was caressing the cat chuckled a little. "So, what do you think my dear?"

The cat walked out of his lap and morphed into the form of a cute blond girl. "I'm very impressed!" She gave him a wicked smile. "When will be my time to go out and play again?"

"How about now?" He asked and she immediately jumped on his lap again.

"Yay! Let's go!" She giggled while hugging him. "Can you do that trick again? The one with your blood! I just can't get enough of that quirk!"

"Sure." He replied while patting her head.


In a cold laboratory.

Stain had finally woken up after falling unconscious for the past two days.

He instinctively got alarmed and prepared himself to fight.

Memories of the past couple of days from the other clones began pouring into his mind and he managed to relax a little.

His armor had been taken, probably to be fixed, and his weapons were stored in a weapon rack besides an industrial fridge.

Before he had the time to reach for them, he noticed his injuries.

As a matter of fact, the lack of them.

Did he unconsciously activate regeneration while sleeping? Or did he activate the recovery girl's quirk and had the misfortune to drool over himself?

He suddenly felt a shift in the air and turned just in time to grab someone by the throat.

The thing is, that person was invisible.

"Who are you?" He asked while pretending not to know the girl he had footage helping the league during the U.S.J incident.

"Don't worry mister Stain, she's just here to help... and so am I... you see, since your injuries didn't seem to be getting any better after receiving proper treatment, I had received orders to apply a very powerful medication on you." He heard someone speaking. "Even though it had cost us our last sample of it, my boss had graciously recognized your usefulness to us."

"Your boss? And who are you?" Stain asked shortly, releasing the invisible girl who left without speaking a single word.

From the shadows, a fairly old man of short stature, completely bald and with a bushy mustache approached Stain. "Ah, yes. I've been informed of your lack of manners. But also of your cunningness." The old man wearing rather peculiar goggles smiled at him.

Immediately recognized the old man's features, Stain spoke up. "So, you are the maker of those creatures."

The doctor raised his eyebrows. "Impressive. What gave me away?"

Ignoring the man's question, Stain spoke again while looking around. "And your boss is the puppet master."

"I see that your reputation wasn't misrepresentative of the real specimen." He chuckled.

"Why have you brought me here?" Stain stared at the old man with a cold expression.

Incapable of avoiding gulping, the doctor said. "I-I had been instructed to analyze your physiology."

As soon as Stain narrowed his eyes, the doctor continued. "Please, don't misunderstand my meaning. I've been ordered to see if you had what it takes."

"What does it take for what?" Questioned the vigilante, just noticing he was wearing his mask.

"Believe me, you won't understand the minor details. I myself certainly struggle to." He cleared his throat before continuing. "Now tell me mister Stain, would you be interested in receiving a quirk?"

It was at that moment, that Stain knew what was happening, thanks to his foreknowledge.

"What type of?" He requested.

The doctor just smiled.


"Why is it taking too long?" Asked Shigaraki. "It has been days!"

"Patience." Said Kurogiri. "From what I've heard, the hero killer's wounds were worse than we had anticipated."

"Don't tell me to be patient." Shouted Shigaraki. "Just when I thought that man would have any value to me again, he had to ruin things and be the focal of attention. All everyone is speaking of is that show off! And we've been labeled as his underlings."

"Shigaraki Tomura, the other members of the league have been inspired by him. I would argue that you still have much to earn by associating with him." Kurogiri tried to reason with him. "It's only natural I would say that he's receiving a lot of traction from the media, meaning, he was after all the one that killed dozens of officers and a heroine on live Tv."

"And I was the one that lead a successful raid against the notorious high security prison... the fucking Tartarus is still repairing its damages." Shigaraki ranted. "But not even the master seemed to have cared that much."

Deciding to let the discussion fade away, Kurogiri opted for remaining silent.

That infuriated Shigaraki, but there wasn't much he could at this point.


As the investigations continued, Stain's ideology and opinions had been unintentionally spread all over the media.

His motives began being dissected from various angles.

Everyone wanted to know his motives, and in the age we live in, people around the world were now being influenced by the hero killer's extreme ideas.

That's where the league came in, their connection during the invasion of Tartarus and in the "red tragedy" has now been cemented on everyone's mind, the once regarded as a bunch of juvenile delinquents will now be recognized as a group with an ideology.

And that's exactly what the big boss had planned for. Even though it started at first as a gamble, was now a very interesting new path for his legacy to continue.


"You know, lately it's been hard to find people to make business with." A fat man with an eyepatch on his right eye commented. "My buddies are all complaining about not being able to sell stuff. It's a real pain."

While the one eyed man took a sip from his drink, another spoke up. "That's because it's a serious crime to develop or sell support items and costumes if you don't have a license." He inspected a gun he had on his hands. "On top of that, there have been rumors that legit support companies had actively been selling extra gear on the black market to people that aren't certified heroes."

"Aaah, man I miss the days before All Might." The fat one grumbled. "And I was still small time back then. Remember when villains were wild and impulsive? Everyone thought that they could take over the world. It was a real good time." He slammed his cup on the table between him and his companion. "But when All Might showed up everything changed and got so damn boring. Can't have any fun when that pillar of justice is around. And now with that golden kid showing up as his next successor, I think it's time to finally call it quits."

The other one smiled and lighted his cigarette with the gun he had just been appraising. Puffing smoke he said. "Don't be rash, listen... just between you and me... I know a way to make some real cash. Keep this a secret though, I'm only telling you this because I know you guys only sell quality goods." He showed his phone to his partner. "Have you seen this yet?"

"What's that?" Asked the fat man, not bothering to properly investigate it.

"It's a video of the hero killer! He's really hot right now!" The smoker replied as he played the video.

[The hero killer, Stain. Real name unknown. Police reports showed that he had been greatly inspired by All Might's debut. Rumors are that despite not having a quirk, he enrolled in a private hero high school but was greatly dismayed by what he viewed as an educational system skewed understanding of what it meant to be a hero. Investigators deduced that he most likely spent years perfecting his killing techniques in order to fulfill his self appointed duty. His focus is believed to be a return to the old days, he believed that quirks regulation and professionalization through hero licensing shifted society towards admiring frauds that abused their power to their own gain and stained the title of being a hero." The video went on to show footage of Stain carnage and declarations.

That obviously disturbed the fan man, as he noticed himself shaking and shivering.

"This keeps getting uploaded and is immediately taken down online. But they can't stop it." He smiles with his cigarette still on his mouth. "It's not hard to see, this guy is really stirring something in people. From villains with countless convictions, to fellows on the run, all the major players including me are watching. It's infectious... do you feel it? I don't think the heroes realize what awakening is. The evil that was once quiet and scattered has now rallied. Individual criminals seeking out to join the hero killer organization. They are all headed... to the league of villains."

"Wait, but what about that kid? Isn't he insanely popular as well? Have you forgotten the sheer power that brat has? I don't think even All Might could compete with." The one eyed man remarked.

"Heh, I'm counting on it." The man known as Giran said. "As long as both powerhouses are fighting, there will be definitely a lot to be made. And I am not the only one expecting that..." He picked a needle and a special case of bullets from his pocket.

"What did you get there?" The fat man asked while investing the material. "Hum... that's a high quality trigger, very expensive... and this is... what's this?"

"Heh, even more expensive. Let's just say, It might help level the playing field." Smiled Giran.


My return to class after the internship was a breath of fresh air.

Having dispelled so many clones had somewhat given me the same side effects that Naruto suffered after making too many shadow clones and training without rest.

But thankfully I managed to overcome it.

Though now I will definitely think again before taking responsibility for too many districts, I can't deny my plan has been a tremendous success.

My image seems to never stop growing, not to mention the countless contacts I've made through my diligent work and my classmates now officially see me as a good friend.

Safe from Bakugou and Shihai, the others now approached me much more casually.

In particular the girls. They obviously seemed to fancy my more muscular frame, all thanks to a subtle use of Muscular's quirk.

Not to mention, it also helps raise my energy when using OFA.

I would call it broken, but with the way things are escalating thanks to the butterfly effect I was producing, every boost would count.

That reminds me, I had made sure that Tsu's filler episode in canon wouldn't be drastically affected by her absence.

Me and Selkie became friends, and I got Sirius' number.

I had helped him take out the stowaway group and rescued her from Innsmouth.

You know... basic hero job.

Gotta admit, I kinda miss Bakugou being teased by Kirishima and Sero due to his hairstyle.

But having him and Todoroki more friendlier was an acceptable trade in my opinion.

"You were amazing on the radio, I loved every song you and Monoma sang!" Remarked Toru in an excited manner. "And you faced actual villains! That's totally amazing!"

"Thanks, but he did most of the work." Said Jirou a little embarrassed.

"I'm thankful too. But honestly, I just acted as support." Kindly replied Kendo.

"Ribbit, we spent the whole time basically patrolling the streets. But occasionally Ryukyu and even Neito carried us through the sky." Tsu commented and Reiko nodded in agreement.

"Okay, that's cool!" Jirou and Kendo agreed.

"Yeah, and it was super incredible. Don't forget we received some amazing fighting teachings!" Ochako pointed out while chopping the air, much like Iida usually does unintentionally.

"Mn, sadly my internship heroine wasn't on her best week to teach us." Yui confessed. "But in the end I kind ended up enjoying the experience. Very enlightening."

"I can see that." Awase replied, noticing that his classmate was speaking more than usual. "It seems we all experienced a lot, but Bakugou and Todoroki seemed to have changed the most."

Tokoyami nodded. "Agreed, they were once a hot head delinquent and a cold calculist loner. It seems that a week working for the number two hero had somewhat opened their eyes for new possibilities and horizons."

Ignoring Bakugou's usual angry response and Todoroki's deadpan expression, Inasa spoke up. "Man, even though Hawks was so incredible, his lack of passion was a little too disappointing."

"Agreed, his attention indeed seemed to be elsewhere. But unfortunately, such is the burden of those who reach the top rank position as heroes." Tokoyami remarked.

"Did you guys hear about that hero killer?" Kinoko was the one to change the subject and get Shouji's attention. "I've heard he has connections with that group that attacked us during our trip to the U.S.J."

"Hard not to hear about him, that man had been everywhere on the news." Grumbled Shihai. "My internship hero had too much work to do. Tracking that man isn't an easy task."

"Speaking of that..." Momo turned towards Todoroki and asked worriedly. "How's your dad? Is he okay?"

He pondered for a while about what to say, but eventually gave his response. "He's fine, just recovering from a scratch."

"A scratch, rumors say that he had lost an... ugh." Shihai began speaking but was elbowed by Jirou.

"He's fine." Todoroki insisted, momentarily evolving back to his usual cold expression.

"Oh, dude... I'm..." Shihai sighed before attempting to apologize.

"It's ok, I'm also fine." Was Todoroki's response.

An awkward silence took over the discussion.

"Geez, c'mon guys. I know it has been a rough week for everyone, but let's not forget why we are here." I finally spoke up. "No one said this line of work wouldn't offer its risks and dangers, but for the sake of others we will continue."

"Perfectly put class rep." Said Ibara. "Villainy will only take root if the champions for justice don't keep fighting the righteous fight."

"I couldn't agree more." Said Iida while Bakugou grumbled something about me being a boy scout to himself.

After that, the rest of the class joined in and agreed with my message and not long after, we were informed that All Might was expecting us outside on the training grounds.

'Way to go All Might.' I thought before making a portal to all of my classmates.


"I am here! Hope you are ready to return to our lessons!" Announced All Might, wearing his modern hero costume. "Today is basic hero training! It feels like I haven't seen you in a while! Welcome back!"

All Might went on to explain what we were going to do in this class. A simple race to simulate rescue training.

Iida questioned why we didn't use the U.S.J for that purpose, but All Might replied that it's purpose was specifically for disaster scenarios.

Field Gamma was an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth.

Instead of competing in groups of five, like how it happened in canon, we all were placed in different locations on the outskirts of the model city to compete against one another.

We will have to rescue him from danger, guiding our way by the distress signal he was sending us before the time was up, but he also warned us that we must avoid at all cost property damage and stay alert.

That earned another grumble from Bakugou.

Man, he's just repeating himself at this moment.

Anyways, as we were sent to our places, All Might told me that I wasn't competing.

Instead, I was expected to take a different role.

My task was to be the "hero" that kept a civilian safe from hordes of villains.

It was a little out of character for All Might to do that in my opinion.

But seeing how bad he took the Tartarus and Stain incident, I guess he was focused on getting me a license as soon as possible.

Not to mention that by making both teams "heroic", we both were expected to keep the destruction to a bare minimum.

All Might is learning, the teacher job has finally clicked for him.


I followed All Might to the center of the maze and when we arrived, I got ready and he shouted. "Is everyone ready? Begiiiin!"


I will try to spare you the minor and insignificant details.


At the end, I reigned supreme. Of course.

But I wouldn't go as far as to say that my classmates had disappointed me in any way.

It seems that someone had noticed that All Might had called me to talk about how my role would be different from the others and informed the others.

They banded together in synchronization, as Momo made communication devices and the heavy hitters agreed to work in tandem with the rest.

Even Bakugou showed some growth and acted both as supportive with his impressive mobility and offensive without ruining the scenery.

From the center of the maze, I made preparations like traps and obstacles with my control over fibers and some solid air barriers.

I softened a large area around All Might and released Midnight's pheromones.

Like I said, I obviously won the overall strategic battle and the metaphorical arm wrestling dispute, but the class had greatly improved and surpassed my expectations.

And that's coming from someone that had basically spent an entire week with each one of them.

The quirks they already knew I had were countered adequately, thought not to the point of preventing me from using them.

And their improved hero costumes helped to reflect that.

Ok, I decided to not use my clones, otherwise things might've ended earlier than anyone would've wanted to.

But in my defense I was still recovering mentally from all that stress due to the massive influx of information all at the same time.

I had my mental stress quota already filled with OFA glitching voices in my head from time to time.

At the end, a loud siren signaled that the time was up and soon All Might called for all of us to reunite.

I haven't gone easier on them because I wanted to better prepare them for the tests they will be having against the teachers, and to fend off the league, that funnily enough was being trained by me as well, during our forest training camp.

"Young Monoma might've won the test I've organized, but compared to the rest of the year, you all showed some incredible improvements!" All Might announced. "Keep working and preparing for your final exams!"

"Yes sir!" Everyone saluted.


At the girls locker room...

"Ah, that was some intense training girls." Sighed Toru. "Our class rep seems to be such a kind and charming prince, but in combat he's a real nightmare."

"Yeah, he's kinda running a marathon at full sprint. Not even with everyone banding together was enough to defeat him." Pointed Kendo. "But gotta admire his challenging spirit, even though he never loses, I never saw him underestimating or insulting others."

"Ribbit... yeah, sorry everyone! I didn't jump high enough to avoid his traps." Commented Tsuyu apologetically. "I still have to work on my jumps, my legs aren't strong enough. Ribbit."

"Mn, I don't think that's the case Tsu. You've gone far higher than we were expecting you would need to. It's just that sometimes it feels overwhelming having to compete with someone like Monoma." Yui pointed. "He's as unconventional as an opponent can be. And we thought we had him with smoke."

"I almost caught him with my mushrooms, but his fire was just too strong. Every countermeasure we had to come up to stop him failed in not taking into consideration that he can now use more than one quirk at a time." Kinoko said while pouting a little.

"What are you doing Jirou?" Asked Reiko as she took her mask off.

Everyone's attention was drawn to Jirou, as she had one of her earphone plugs stuck on the wall and was looking through a hole on the wall.

"I-is she peaking at the boys?" Asked Uraraka a little embarrassed.

"Kyouka, this isn't the proper behavior that a lady should have." Momo criticized as she approached her classmate.

"Shameful, she has fallen prey to the sins of the flesh." Ibara added.

"Shhh! They are talking about us!" Was Jirou's reply.

"What?!" Everyone else shouted.

"Shhh!" Jirou insisted. "They just asked Monoma which one of us he thinks is prettier."

"What? That's... that's their privacy, we should respect it." Commented Kendo, a little unsure of her own answer.

"But it's about us that they are talking about. I can see his abs... wow, he's ripped!" Kyouka said.

"What? Let me see!" Momo quickly said as she disputed the ownership of the hole on the wall.

Some of the other girls joined in. Reiko, Yui, Uraraka and even Tsuyu.

"Wait let me... aaaaaah!" Shouted Jirou as if someone had shouted in her ear.

"What happened?" Asked Toru as she took the opportunity to look through the hole on the wall.

"Wait, it has been filled!" Stated Kinoko as she saw through Toru's head.

"Aaah... Monoma must've noticed us peaking. I heard a very loud sound with low frequency. Probably Present Mic's quirk." The rockstar girl muttered while holding her ears. "But it was so subtle..."

"Noticed us? It was your idea! I told you to stop!" Momo blamed her, her face now almost as red as a tomato.

As the girls' discussion about who was to blame continued, some of the boys went on and on talking about the girls.

But that's just juvenile stuff, I'm sure no one cares about it that much.

Though for now, I welcomed it.

Soon the final exams will arrive and even more drama will come as a result.


Back at the villainous bar.

Mister bad touch was contemplating a picture he had from the possible successor of All Might.

"Are you curious, Shigaraki Tomura?" Asked Kurogiri to the person he had been ordered to serve. "About this boy, Neito Monoma?"

It was then that the front door was opened and someone called. "Shigaraki, your league of villains had been the talk of the town for the last several days. Word on the street is that you are about to start something big!"

Decaying the picture he had been inspecting for the last hours, Shigaraki turned to his favorite broker. " And... who did you bring?"

The older man smiled while still having the cigarette on his mouth, he signaled to the door behind him and new faces arrived.

"So it's really you, huh. I've seen your pictures, but I gotta say... you are way grosser in person." Pointed out a young man with burn marks spread all over his body.

Beside him, came a young man with a reptile-like appearance, his bright green scales for skin and face shaped like that of a lizard were obviously due to his mutant type quirk.

But interestingly, the thing that drew more attention to the second individual, was his clothes. They were clearly mimicking Stain's armor. "Where's Stain? I've come to join his force to purge all the fakes that dare call themselves heroes!"

That made Shigaraki stay silent for a while. "Kurogiri..." He said while turning his head slowly. "get rid of these two! I can already tell they're the kind of trash I hate. A copycat, and a guy with no manners."

"Now now, Shigaraki Tomura. They came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out." Kurogira reasoned, trying his best to hide his annoyance with the one he was supposed to serve. "Give them a chance. Besides, this broker is respected in the underworld. They are bound to be valuable assets."

Giran puffed his cigarette and remarked. "Like them or not, you still owe me a finder's fee... in cash." Seeing Shigaraki's uncooperative posture he insisted. "I suppose I could introduce the two of them before I go... this one look like an amateur, but he's actually already listed a villain who hospitalized half a dozen heroes since he saw Stain on TV."

"Call me Spinner. I'm only following Stain's steps in order to complete the mission." The reptile guy wearing a version of Stain's attire stated.

"You gotta be kidding me... another one?" Shigaraki stated.

"I guarantee he can hold himself in a fight. I'm sure you must be having a hard time training those amateurs you've rescued." Giran pointed. "And this guy..."He turned to the one covered in burned marks. "Hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he's also taken Stain's ideology to heart."

"I also wanna know where is him. Where's Stain?" He asked.

"Grow up you two! You've come to ask to join my league and don't show proper respect?" Shigaraki said angrily. "Stain isn't the one leading the league of villains!" He stopped for a moment. "At least tell me your names."

"Right now, I'm going by Dabi." He replied. "My new purpose is to carry out the hero killer's will."

Seeing that neither of the two wanted to reveal their real names, Shigaraki has had enough. "That's it, why do I have to deal with this crap? I only hear about stain and his stupid "mission"." He gave them a death stare. "You two are done!"

At that moment, the three of them moved to attack one another. At least, they would've if not for Kurogiri's intervention by warping each attack to a different direction. "Please calm yourself Shigaraki Tomura. If your desire is to be realized, then we can't afford turning potential allies down. Especially now that we are on the spotlight."

It was then that a phone began ringing.

It was Kurogiri's phone.

"Yes doctor?" He answered it already knowing who's calling him as Shigaraki the other two retrieved their hands from his warp gates. "As you wish."

He then proceeded to warp a larger gate between everyone else, and through it came the hero killer himself.

"S-stain?!" Muttered Spinner as he proceeded to kneel in a gesture of deep respect. "It's an honor."

"Now there you are." Commented Dabi with similar respect, but without going as far as to bow like a spinner.

"What's the meaning of this?" Asked Stain, looking towards the new recruits as if he didn't already know who they were.

"We are here to join your crusade against the false heroes." Replied Dabi and Spinner together.

"Tch. Do whatever you want then." Muttered Shigaraki as he moved past everyone and left the room. "I'm out of here."

Giran scratched his head. "I try to make it a point not to complain about the client... but he's too young and far too immature." But he then turned to Stain. "Now you... you are the kind of client I might want to make business with."

"We shall see." Stain said. "Kurogiri."

"Yes, hero killer?" He replied.

"Thanks for the transportation, but would you mind sending me back to our forces? I need to test these two." Stain said while showing some level of respect to Kurogiri.

"Not at all." He replied before opening another gate. "Would you mind telling me, if the procedure has been a success?"

Stain raised his hands, each finger turned black and red patterns began forming around them.

Kurogiri nodded in satisfaction and the three began moving towards the portal.

"Ah, mister stain! Wait a minute please." Giran asked while picking something from his pocket and giving it to him.

"Hum? A box?" Stain said as he moved to open it.

Inside he found something that he had to take a hold of all of his emotions to not show genuine surprise. "Bullets? With needles?"

"It's a gift from the Shie Hassaikai's boss!" Giran explained. "They are special bullets that can make a target's quirk disappear for an hour. They are selling this like if they were made of diamonds, but the boss of the group paid me to give you this sample. I'm sure you will find a proper use for them."

Stain nodded and stored the box, leaving through Kurogiri's portal he couldn't stop wondering how that little girl was faring.


"Hum... you seem particularly irritated. Aren't you happy that the league of villains' roster continues to grow stronger?" The doctor said while inspecting one of his creations with multiple arms.

"That's a favorable outcome, but my humor unfortunately can't be improved by it doctor." The big boss said. "My recent recovery and now Tomura's lack of improvement has shifted the plans I've been preparing for years now. I was preparing for him to become the next me... but now..."

"A better candidate has arrived. And his physiology has proven exceptionally tolerant to quirk alteration." The doctor pointed. "But the way I see, there isn't really a need to pass your mantle to another. Given your stellar and unexpected recuperation, it's only natural that you've found yourself doubting which path to take. I'm afraid that years of planning can't be replaced that easily."

"Perceptive as always doctor." The boss remarked as he stared at him eye to eye. "But you have no idea how complicated things are. I've got unfinished business from a time even before All Might to deal with." He turned back to the monitor he had been staring for a while.

There he watched footage of the blond kid that has taken the world by storm. "Neito."



*Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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