
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

Chapter 1

What Does it mean to be part of a crew?

Yang thought to himself sailing on a dingy, although it looks like a shack that someone would have made within 3 minutes, it was able to hold food and water, the most essential piece for sailing. He kept pondering on the idea as he sat up, having a blue fin on his back. Yang was part of the Shark race, a powerful race that ruled the seas, but some have intermixed their genes with humanity, they've became more human while having shark traits.

 His mixed ethnicity has made him be looked down upon as Sharks that had interbred with humans have "Dishonored" their shark race. Yang sighed as he touched the seawater, feeling a slight pain from it as his hand felt a bit heavy from it. He pulled his hand out sighing, looking at his hand as he waved it off.

How long until I reach some landfall…

He thought as he fidgeted with his sail, turning it a bit as he then noticed a small port not far off. LAND!! He excitedly thought as he got up on his dinghy and began turning the wheel, spinning it to face the port and sailing over, the wind was beginning to pick up as he sailed to the port of Middle Town.

Yang got off his boat once he reached the docks, picking up a piece of rope and wrapping it around his wooden mooring and tying it to the stationary one. "Annd that's that!" He tied it tightly, so his dinghy wasn't going to float away. He stood up sighing in relief, turning over to look at the portside of Middle town, it was quite lively as larger ships were also docked.

He walked down the walkway and towards the city as it was very lively, but his attention turned to the marketplace, He walked over as he wore a gray t-shirt that had a just big enough cut on the back of his shirt to have his fin poke out. Yang saw the food there as he wasn't really that interested, what he was interested however were the swords they were selling. 

"Come here and get your swords!"

A sword dealer shouted as I walked over waving politely, "You there! Would you like to see my swords?!" The sword dealer shouted at Yang; he pointed at himself as he nodded as he looked down at the number of swords that were present. There was one by itself, another in a pair of two, and a flintlock pistol, which stood out weirdly due to it being a gun.

"How much for one?" Yang pointed at the single Katana.

"About a 1000 Beli1!"

A Thousand?!

He looked in my pouch as he only had about 350 Beli. he sighed egregiously, replying to the sword dealer, "Sorry, I don't have enough for it." Chuckling as he gave me quite a cold stare. Yang felt like he offended him as he quickly walked away from him. Man…how the hell do you get that much Beli… he then heard some commotion, a person shouted, "STOP HIM!!!" as Yang turned to look.

Yang then saw a person running as he got in the way and clotheslined them, forcing their head to jerk back as they hit the floor and the pouch of money fell to the ground. A female worker sighed in relief, saying "thank you for catching the thief!" as he didn't mind it. While he picked up some of the coins, he pocketed three of them and handed her the rest of it.

Yang waved goodbye as he had picked up three light, solid gold coins. These coins were worth about exactly 1000 Beli each. Yang walked over towards the sword dealer again as he scoffed, saying "here to cry about not being able to buy a sword?" looking at him.

Yang smirked however, saying "I would like you buy one sword please." Holding up a gold coin. The sword dealer immediately shifted his tone as he said, "pleasure doing business with you sir!" handing me a Katana.

He grabbed it as he walked off, smiling at the new katana. Yang then wrapped it around his waist as he continued down the market. At the end of the market, he reached the center of Middle Town, in the middle were more shops set up as well as a fountain and a large building sitting in front of it. That must be the governor's building… he thought to himself as he looked over towards a bar called "Krow's bar". I walked over towards the bar as I walked in, seeing Marines and civilians laughing and having a good time. My heart sank a bit seeing the Marines as I decided to keep a low profile.

I sat down at a table underneath the second floor as the waitress walked over. "May I take your order?" She asked as I looked up at her, she wore a maiden's dress as I asked, "Can I get a cup of water and uh… roasted chicken please?" I asked politely as she nodded, taking the order, and leaving to the back.

I sighed as I looked at the menu again, thinking, I wonder if any pirates are here…If marines are here then pirates must be here…Maybe I can join the crews that are looking for new recruits! His mind spiraled off a bit as he saw his cup of water. He picked it up and sipped the cup of water, setting it down on his table.

Just then the door opened as everyone suddenly turned their attention to it, seeing that there was a man with white hair, a green puffy scarf with white tips at the end, and his white jacket. He looked around as he walked over and sat down at the counter, seemingly quiet about his entrance. That guy MUST be a pirate!! There's no way he's not! The Suspicious Marines looked over as they walked over to him.

"Hey, you, mind if we talk to you for a second."

One of them asked as the marine asking was bearing the Master Chief Petty Officer Emblem on his jacket, while the other bore a Petty Officer Emblem on his jacket. The man looked over at them as his stare alone sent a cold shiver down their spines.

"What is it…?"

He asked, taking his shot cup, and drinking it. The MCPO stuttered, "A-Are you t-this man…?" he held up a bounty paper as on the paper was his face, underneath it was his title, name, and bounty, Chariot of the Seas, Mochiko Rivera. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE FOR 2.5 Million Beli.